2: The Date has been Set

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Raavi walked to a pile of books and pushed it in their direction. “You all still have so much to learn. We do not tolerate illiteracy in the House Taaffeite and if you want to serve, you ought to study. The Dragons do not appreciate it when their Servers are ignorant.” “Have you seen one, Lady? Have you seen them in their dragon forms?” The question was innocent but the impact on her gave a terrible pang on her chest. Just because she is secluded in the House, doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what’s happening outside. They are well-informed with the matters at Court and in the streets. Unexpectedly, their House knows so many secrets that it is dangerous. The Dragons tend to share their inner thoughts and troubles, relying on their server which most of the time, they report to her or Lady Flavia. “Of course,” she replied, keeping herself collected. “Just because I still wear my veil, doesn’t mean I am not familiar with them.” “The royal family was told to shift rarely on their dragon forms as well as the other Houses,” Sylvia stated that starts to creep in on her, the irritation spreading to her core. Gossips are toxic and they do not condone it in the House but she did not stop the three from talking since that is how she’ll get to know what their traits are. “They do not shift as easily as the Firsts, especially if they haven’t been with their mate,” she answered. “That’s what confuses me, Lady. If ever a Dragon found their mate, would the Servers they claimed be cast aside and pave way? What of the learnings we have accumulated in order to serve them? If they all found their mates, what would become of us?” Sylvia asked more. “You are already bothered about it when you have not even been chosen.” “It’s just a thought that bothers me ever since I got here, Lady.” She started fixing her things. “The Servers go back to House Taaffeite and wait to be claimed again. Besides, there are plenty who have the blood of the Dragon. We are not limited to serve just the nobles.” “Can we ever decide to live differently?” Orriella asked. She nodded. “If the Dragons free you of your duties.” “Then, our life entirely depends on them,” Annikka stated with distaste. “Why? Do you think it's unfair?” she asked, her irritation started to creep in. “Remember that the First Dragons are the ones who saved us from the mages. Without them, the powerful would have only remained and there would be no freedom or prosperity within the lands. Mind your tongue, girl.” The woman bowed her head. “I apologize, Lady.” Feeling drained already for the day, she dismissed the class. “Through flames, we rise.” “Through flames, we rise,” they all repeated. Raavi went to Flavia after she finished cleaning up her classroom. Her Master’s office is at the end of the hall where she has the most serene view and a quiet working space, therefore, Raavi frequents on visiting her. Other than that, it had become a routine. She had been under Flavia’s guidance since she was young. The woman taught her everything she knows now and molded her as a respectable Lady of House Taaffeite, her Second. Sometimes, she thinks that the reason Flavia kept her was because she would be needing to occupy that position. But then, before she was bestowed such duty, a man had been doing such duty. His name was Pranav and he was claimed by a Dragon. She hasn't seen him in a long time, not in the Selections or gatherings at the Court. “Is there news?” she asked and from the letter she was reading, Flavia looked up at her. “A missive from Court.” “Are they demanding more boys or girls?” she asked, pouring tea before handing the cup. Flavia looked conflicted, her gaze turning at their view of the river. “They want more. They could not settle for three a month.” “But it is what’s custom,” she said, frowning. “And why would they even demand for something they know is impossible? We cannot just force people to serve.” Flavia darted a look at her. “We will not force anyone.” It is rare to see her Master mad, the woman had always been calm and that is what Raavi is striving to be. But then, when Flavia gets mad, she needs to be careful. “What will you do then?” Leaning on the chair, her Master breathed deep, her inked hands combed her hair back out of frustration. Raavi watched the woman closely, appreciating her beauty despite the test of time getting apparent on her appearance. Raavi could still remember Flavia before, demanded by the nobles even when she’s already a Master of the House. There is no rule that restricts it, therefore, she still served. Now, if any of the Dragons requested her, she’s certain Flavia would still indulge them. “I set the Selection earlier so they would stop demanding.” She shook her head, already disapproving it when the woman hadn't even finished talking. “The girls are not ready. They barely even knew the history of the lands.” “They would have to study about it later on. They need to perform their duties, Raavi. I cannot think of any other way. Besides, some of the Dragons have already confirmed their attendance. We cannot offend them by canceling. They are eager to claim the untouched, you know how it goes.” Hot blooded as the Dragons are, they needed the connection to release it. While the Servers could perform that and ease them of their pain, it was the untouched that were the ones who could help them to shift continuously. It is the only way if they haven’t found their mate yet. The first of the Dragons didn’t need such rite before, they could shifty whenever they want. But then came the war and the mages cursed the Dragons just like what they have always done to spoil the lands. “Who’s turn it is to claim?” she asked so she could make more preparations for the three until the day arrives. “Lord Franceen from House Ozdemir and Lord Abrielle from House Kostas.” Ozdemir is the ruling house of Kazakhi while Kostas is with Novaria. They would come a long way and indeed, they couldn’t offend them because it would reflect badly on the reputation of their House. “The other one?” “Ianth Vlachos,” Flavia answered and there was a tremble in her voice that she wasn’t able to hide. “The Crown Prince.”
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