
Serving the Dragons


“Your pleasures are our deepest concern and we are here to satisfy your needs the best we could,” she said plainly.

His eyes darkened, meeting hers with such intensity that made her skin prickle and her heart quicken. At that point, the man finally understood why she was there.

Freely looking at him now, she’s still puzzled on which House he came from. He did not come from the royal family—that she is certain since she met all of them at gatherings and in bed already. With the other Houses, she would have known him if he held a high ranking position.

“What are you waiting for then?” he asked, straightening on his seat. “Come here and serve.”


In a world where Dragons reign and require a maiden to shift, it is up to the servers to perform such duties. It was a dangerous undertaking—some have been scorched, some endured excruciating pain, but the most shocking of all is the possibility of death itself.

Raavi has vague memories of her childhood, what she does know is that she grew up in House Taaffeite—an order in which men and women alike are trained for the pleasures of the Dragon. They are the elite in the field, valued for their purity at first and their skill the following. Her life was already written and that is to serve the most powerful beings in the land.

But when conflict started to stir within the realm, she was caught in the middle of it all, tangled with the Dragons’ affairs but mostly one in particular—-Xyron, the Dragon Warrior.


Plagiarism is a crime punishable by law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, some places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

This story contains explicit mature themes. Reader discretion is advised.

STARTED: July 3, 2023

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“He’s waiting for you in the farthest room to the right of this floor.” Raavi, despite her experience in serving the Dragons countless times, still finds herself plagued by nerves. It didn’t even help that she had already drunk plenty of wine to haze her thoughts and surrender her body to their desires. It’s not what she usually does whenever a Dragon requests for her since she wants to be on her senses whenever the deed is done. Other than being present so that they would not be disappointed by her service, she intends to be listening whenever they say something of import. She does not just do this line of duty out of her oath, she is more than just a server. She found her value long ago and she would not allow it to be undermined. The corridor was quiet as she passed and it is understandable since most of the people in the castle went out to further celebrate the festivity for the Founding Anniversary of their mainland. There is still music but it is muffled from where she is. She dislikes that she is far from the fun, stuck inside, ordered by Lady Wendallyn to perform her duties. It was a maneuver of the King’s sister to keep her away from her son. The woman must have known how frequent the Prince requests for her presence and it is disturbing since the man is to wed Lady Yadirah a few weeks from now. She already dreads the time when the two are married. As Raavi took a deep breath, her attention shifted to the night sky adorned with glittering stars. It was a familiar sight during the anniversary celebrations, as if the weather itself favored their gathering. She interpreted this as a sign of the One God's blessing upon the Dragons that had discovered their lands. “May the First be at peace wherever they lay,” she prayed. There was a chill in the air as it blew in her direction, causing the flames from the torches to flicker and dance, as if on the verge of being extinguished. She hurried on with her steps, the trail of her sheer gown rustling behind on the floor but her steps faltered when she heard a roar outside, making her look once again. She froze when she saw a winged creature flying around, its mighty wings flapping and it was a sight to behold because it has been a long time since they have seen their kind fly. Even from a distance, his size was enormous and imposing. Its scales shimmered in hues of vibrant red, catching the moonlight and reflecting it with a fiery brilliance. The crimson scales seemed to flicker like embers, hinting at the inner inferno that lay within the creature. She had no idea who it could be since every Dragon was present at the festivities, therefore, it could be anyone. By the time the creature was out of her sight, she snapped out of her reverie and continued on with her walk to the bedchamber Lady Wendallyn had ordered her to go. As expected, there were no servants present but the room was already prepared with the sheets pressed, fragrance of flower essences permeating the air, adding a delicate and inviting scent to the room. The soft glow of lit candles cast a warm and intimate ambiance, enhancing the overall mood. Furthermore, there was food by a table in case she or the Dragon would need any fill. Having experienced similar arrangements in the past, Raavi roamed around the room, checking for further additions that the Dragon would have preferred in their meeting—whip, chains, and the likes. Her steps faltered when she heard the flapping of wings nearing her and immediately she knew that it was actually going to where she was. Mouth parting, she watched as the Dragon flying around a while ago landed on the balcony of the room and swiftly transformed back to his human form. She snapped out from her shock and landed on her knees, her head bowed as she listened him walk in. Having been under speculation most of her life, she knows when one is looking her way and the Dragon is currently doing so but he remains silent, walking towards the table where the food is since she heard liquid pouring. As seconds turned into minutes, Raavi remained in her position, unmoving and waiting for the Dragon to initiate as per custom. However, the absence of any action from him began to weigh heavily on her. Doubts started to creep into her mind, questioning whether she had done something wrong or failed to meet his expectations. Her hair is unbound for that night, making it cascade down her shoulders with hair rings adorning it. Her clothes are mostly of sheer material with only her intimates being covered, therefore, she was showing a great amount of skin, her inks undoubtedly seen. In every bit, she looked alluring and it was proven with her interactions a while ago. However, the Dragon she is with seems to have an opposite view. The prolonged silence tested her training and discipline, pushing her to her limits until she could no longer bear it and allowed her gaze to drift, catching sight of the man sitting across her. The moment her eyes landed on him, she involuntarily caught her breath. There was something captivating about him, something that made it impossible for her to tear her gaze away. Perhaps it was his commanding presence, his aura of power and authority that emanated from every fiber of his being. Or perhaps it was the intensity in his eyes, a gaze that seemed to hold secrets and untold depths. Raavi’s eyes unabashedly wandered over his form. His hair, a stark black cascading in soft waves, framed his face and fell effortlessly to his shoulders. His tanned skin glowing under the warm illumination of the candlelight. Every contour of his body was defined, revealing a physique that spoke of strength and power. And his face. She questioned why their kind would be so blessed with the power to shift and even possess such beauty. His eyes were deep pools of darkness with a hint of golden hues like the color of every Dragon in the mainland. His features were chiseled, defining his face with sharp angles and strong jawline. However, it was the scar that commanded her attention the most. Stretching from his left brow down to his cheek, it was a prominent and striking mark, a visible reminder of battles fought and challenges overcome. “Who are you?” Even his voice was striking—deep and commanding. “I am Raavi, my lord, from House Taaffeite.” He poured himself another drink. “I haven’t heard of that House before.” “Our House is tasked to serve the Dragons, my lord.” House Taaffeite is renowned in every part of the mainland, their reputation is something that young men and women aspired and feared because even if they want to serve the Dragons, there is uncertainty as to what extent they would demand for their pleasure. Therefore, they are not demeaned because what they’re doing is no easy task especially when Dragons have always been hot blooded. “I believe there are already plenty of servants in the castle.” She does not know if he’s merely testing her or he’s just plainly ignorant of the ways in Drakku. “We serve in a different kind of way, my lord.” He rested his elbow on the table and propped his chin. “How so?” Unknowingly, she hasn’t looked away from him yet and it was a bold thing to do, considering that he hasn’t acknowledged her to serve him. It is customary that they remain their head down until the Dragon accepts the service but then, it was late for her to do that now when he has already seen her face. “Your pleasures are our deepest concern and we are here to satisfy your needs the best we could,” she said plainly. His eyes darkened, meeting hers with such intensity that made her skin prickle and her heart quicken. At that point, the man finally understood why she was there. Freely looking at him now, she’s still puzzled on which House he came from. He did not come from the royal family—that she is certain since she met all of them at gatherings and in bed already. With the other Houses, she would have known him if he held a high ranking position. “What are you waiting for then?” he asked, straightening on his seat. “Come here and serve.”

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