4: Wine and Music

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Raavi wears the same attire as the three Untouched—white gown and veils: simple and a sign of purity. There is certainty that she’ll be mistaken as among the choices in the Selection. It has occurred many times but the Dragons immediately back down when they realize she is the Second of House Taaffeite—the forbidden Untouched, the purest of the pure, the Maiden. It was the name they have given to her and she came to be into terms with it since it’s really the truth. “Lady Flavia has called for you now, Lady,” a server informed. She turned to the others, feeling their anxiety building by the second. She grabbed Sylvia’s and Annikka’s hand while they grabbed Orrellia’s. Together they formed a circle. They all bowed their heads and prayed to the One God for a successful Selection. After that, they walked out in a line, passing through the sheer curtains and getting inside the hall where everyone is. The first thing she saw were the candles, its scent and smoke lingering in the air, soothing her nerves. But the moment she saw the Dragons, she was back to being a mess. There was a whole other feeling that succumbed to her system—her nose flaring as she took in deep breaths, her skin tingling to be touched, and everything in her body was very much aware of their presence... and their stares. It has always been their effect on her and she relishes the attention she is getting but also craves for more. It is expected that the Prince would be along with his friends though it was greater than what they anticipated. Lord Franceen and Lord Abrielle are on their corners, sipping on their cups while servers attend to them—scantily clothed, deliberately alluring since they are all eager to be claimed by any of the Dragons in attendance. Among the crowd, she spotted the twins of House Ozdemir—Lady Jasmine and Lady Ruby, the cousins of Lord Franceen. It’s hard to differentiate the two if one is to see them for the first time. They have the same blonde hair, doe eyes, and welcoming smile. Though from the years of serving them, Raavi could distinguish the two. Jasmine has a small mole under her right eye which sets her apart from her twin Ruby whose face is with no marks. There’s also Lady Nevaeh la Periggua from Vrodantis and she brought along the server she claimed from her last visit—Gaia. The lady had not been visiting for a while, therefore; it was unexpected that she’ll be there. Still beautiful and youthful with her curly crimson hair, pale complexion, and sharp features. Also in attendance are two of the King’s Knights—Sir Marcellus Arnault and Sir Quintus Carvallo. Seated close to Lord Abrielle, they have taken off their armors, and they are left with their white shirts and breeches—something did less to hide their toned bodies and undeniable masculine presence. The mated Rocco and Arrantha Shahidi were present as well, fancying some fun and not letting their status affect their enjoyment. Admittedly, there are Dragons who visit House Taaffeite even when they are already mated. It was not something their House forbids, after all they’re subject to serve them. Not everyone who’s mated is in love with their partners. Being mated was a necessary bond to transform in their fullest potential but a deep affection such as love needed some time for it to prosper. Therefore, Raavi is not surprised to see the two again that night. With her hands clasped, she was unaware that she was already digging her nails on her flesh, trying to stay as composed as possible despite the eyes that were on them. She only realized what she’s doing to herself when they finally stopped and the three Untouched moved to her front to present themselves. She took a step back, giving them their exposure, while Flavia grabbed her hands and looked at what she had done. “They would smell your blood,” her Master hissed. “What do you think you’re doing, Raavi?” She brought her hands to her lips and licked the forming blood from the crescent marks she unconsciously made on her skin. Good thing that no one else had noticed it, occupied with looking at the three Untouched in the middle. The hall smelled of food and wine, smoke and scents. A soft music was playing in the background, performed by their artistic servers. Gifts brought by their guests were on the corner, abundant and expensive, ranging from jewels and clothes to fancy furniture. Outside, the moon cast its radiant glow, illuminating the world with a gentle, ethereal light. Its presence felt like a silent blessing, a celestial witness to the unfolding events within the chamber. Soft breezes rustled the sheer curtains, their delicate fabric dancing in the air, creating a serene ambiance. The interplay of moonlight and gentle winds lent an air of enchantment, making her believe that all would be well and she doesn’t have to think much about it. Her view changed when she saw the Prince though, laughing with such merriment as he finished his wine and asking for another. His cheeks were red and his shirt was already unbuttoned, letting them see a full view of his chest and stomach. The night hasn’t even gotten late, and he’s wasted. Meanwhile, Yara, their current best server that is not yet claimed, is keeping him entertained. Just like the Prince, the woman has her shirt open, her chest a full display with everyone around. “The Prince has already finished two bottles of wine,” Flavia informed and she looked at the woman in disbelief. “You did not stop him?” “I wouldn’t dare.” “He could hurt the one he’ll choose tonight more because of the alcohol in his system.” “The more feral he will be, the more the Dragon would come out,” her Master pointed out and she could not believe she was hearing those words from her. Though there is truth from it, she could not fathom to stomach it, therefore, she’s conflicted on her stance, watching the Prince finish another glass. “Let’s greet him,” she urged—something that Flavia did not disagree with, understanding the urgency about it.
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