5: Scandalous Act

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Raavi, along with Flavia, went to the three maidens in the middle and urged them to follow. Keeping herself as composed as possible, she stared at the Prince whose attention was finally taken by them, his eyes moving away from Yara when the woman whispered and pointed in their direction. She may only think foolish, but it seemed like he was staring straight at her and his gaze was smoldering, expected from a Dragon who is at his prime, hot-blooded and with obvious intent for the night. Upon getting close, she was certain that it was really her he’s looking at. His face shifted when she moved to let the three maidens step in, presenting themselves to him. But then, the Prince’s attention was not on them. “Your Royal Highness, may I present the Untouched,” Flavia said, head slightly bowed. The Prince may not know but she’s looking at him as well. Her veil kept her expressions hidden while his was very much apparent. However, there’s no denying the charged atmosphere. Despite the music playing, there was a stillness as everyone anticipated what would come next. It is as if an invisible current of desire pulses through the room between the Prince and her. Their connection was unmistakable. In that evening of sensuality and anticipation, where boundaries would certainly be blurred and inhibitions shed, Raavi was stunned to be feeling in such a way, especially when she knew nothing would have come of it since she is not among the choices. It is no secret that she desired to be with the Dragons, to finally serve. Though she could control herself before, she could remain low and let everything transpire in front of her without feeling sick to her stomach. But now, there’s a chill on her spine and her toes curled inside her shoes as she basks in the attention she is getting. Ianth stood up from his seat, staggering a little, but Yara was fast to help in keeping him steady. Other servers were about to give aid as well, though he raised his hand, a silent order to leave him alone, which they heeded. Yara took a step back and looked at her knowingly, having to witness how the Prince was staring at Raavi and the obvious interest he has. “I’m the first to choose?” the Prince asked, his words slurred but his deep voice was enough to command attention. “Yes, Your Highness,” Flavia said, then glanced at her before continuing. “After you choose, we shall prepare the rite and have you sober up for the Untouched safety.” The man nodded, slowly taking a step, unexpectedly passing the three Untouched in front of him and approached her. What he did next was so sudden that Raavi wasn’t able to react immediately, their onlookers not understanding what to do as well. The Prince grabbed her by the waist, pulling her close and making her feel even more heated, charged with desire that she could not keep at bay when the man was holding her in such a way. His intense gaze kept her frozen, making her mind muddled that she couldn’t decide what to do next. While her veil keeps her face safe from eager eyes, there’s no assurance that her body bears the same fate. With the Prince’s hold, her white gown would have clung to her outline—something that they are trying to avoid happening in the Untouched because it would look less modest, far from the image they are trying to uphold. He looked down at her like he craves to see her face, his eyes searching but then, settled on the shape of her parted lips. “I choose you,” he whispered and leaned down, his lips briefly passing her covered ones before he buried his face on her neck, inhaling her scent greedily as he pulled her closer to his body. Even with her veil and modest clothing, she could feel his skin and breath, more so with his arousal pressed on her stomach. She shivered from the knowledge that she has been kissed and that the Prince, the future King of Luminae has expressed his desire for her. It was undeniably addicting, especially when it was something she has wanted most of her life—to be with a Dragon. “Your Highness, that’s Lady Raavi,” Flavia unfortunately intervened, mayhap could no longer fathom the sight of her Second being so pliant with a Dragon. As if Flavia’s words were enough, she felt the man holding her froze before he snapped and backed away like he was burned—which was an irony since they are Dragons. “By the One God, I apologize, Lady Raavi. I don’t mean any disrespect,” Prince Ianth said, his voice laced with disbelief. She was still catching her breath after the encounter and, as a result, decided not to respond. She doesn’t know how to answer him as well, therefore, silence is the best way to do it. Taking a step back, she stayed close to Flavia, knowing the woman would continue to keep them in check. Observing the Prince, it was evident he felt conflicted as he returned to his chair—the effect of the wine and the scandalous encounter are enough to cause him pain. However, there’s still a good thing that came out of it. He has sobered up a little, which means Annikka would suffer less from his hands later. With closed eyes, the prince gently massaged his temple. Some had offered to help, but he rejected it with a wave of his hand. Everyone knew the implications of the bold action that he had done. It is one thing to enjoy the Selection—drink their fill, indulge with the servers, and engage with an Untouched of their choosing but it takes on a different tone if ever a Dragon disrupts the household’s authority. House Taaffeite is invaluable. Without them, the Dragons would have found it difficult to control themselves from their ancient curses that had spread throughout their family history. Therefore, authorities of the House held in such great respect. But what the prince had done to her was an insult. She is the Second of House Taaffeite, also considering the fact that she is an Untouched, Ianth certainly would have to suffer the consequences once this issue reaches the King. “Her,” the Prince suddenly said, pointing randomly at the three in front of him. “Take her to the chamber and wait for me there.” Yara stood up and assisted Annikka towards where the Prince would stay for the night. Ianth did not follow immediately. He remained on his seat, but he did not grab another drink—which was a good thing. “Let the servers entertain you for a while, Your Highness,” Flavia said, and called for some dancers. With the prince taken care of by the servers, Flavia headed to the nobles, and she had no choice but to follow. Despite having distanced herself from Ianth, she could still sense his gaze upon her. Resisting the urge to look back, she summoned all her willpower, as she didn’t want him to misinterpret her actions as a sign of interest. Rocco and Arrantha stood from their seats. Both had reached for her hand, then pressed a kiss on her palms. The woman did not let go of her, clearly wanting to say something. “Please understand, Lady Raavi, the Prince has been dealing with a lot of things lately that he has forgotten his manners. I hope you wouldn’t hold a grudge against him.” She swallowed hard before she spoke. “I’m not harmed, there is nothing to worry about.” Flavia moved to the next table where Nevaeh, Ruby and Jasmine were. She excused herself on the mated Dragons, following her Master who was standing with the waiting Ladies. The three kissed her hand graciously, not speaking their minds, but the hint of mischief in their eyes show that they have enjoyed the scandalous scene a while ago. Not wanting to be the center of attention, she smiled and asked something no one would wish to avoid. “With the Crown Prince’s engagement soon to be announced, I am certain that the King would definitely prepare for a feast.” Nevaeh smiled, already knowing her intention from starting such a conversation. “Would you like to secure an invitation, Lady Raavi?” “I’m certain the King would give us that,” she said, smiling behind her veil. “After all, we are House Taaffeite.” The woman laughed, her arms set on her server Gaia who’s smiling as well. “Indeed, indeed.” If they secure an invitation to the engagement party, Flavia can have the chance to talk to the King personally about the implications of his demands for more Untouched in the Selection. It is a pressing matter and yet they are merely discussing it through missives. How could the Court and the House Taaffeite reach an agreement if they are not taking action in meeting up? “They’ve already met,” Jasmine whispered. “He didn’t like her at all.” She does not know why the Lady is telling her this. It is a private matter—one she doesn’t have to get involved with but is curious, nonetheless. “You, on the other hand,” the Lady continued before glancing at the Prince’s way, then back to her. “He liked you for a very long time.”
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