6: The Night is Young

1812 Words

It was all but a mere jest. The Prince’s circle of friends has a reputation of doing horrendous things for the sake of fun and Raavi is no fool as to partake in it. She has been serving under the House Taaffeite ever since she was young, met most of the Dragons and managed to learn their ways, observant that she is. While she has developed an attachment for them, she is not blind to their flaws and unfortunately, there are plenty of it. She did not take what Jasmine has said to heart, merely stayed silent as to not feed her amusement or disappointment. Besides, Ruby and Neveah grinned widely, which only gives her proof that they are merely playing around, and if she was not wise, they would have taken advantage of her ignorance. After that small talk, Flavia and she went to Lord Franceen

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