Across the Sea

848 Words
The rocking was worse the farther out they sailed. The sky was gray and no indications of a storm. And though the waters were calm, they were not calm enough. Jessica rested her head against the side of the boat and closed her eye, hoping to settle her ever queasy stomach. "You look awful." Aegon sat next to her. "That's rude brother." Aemond leaned over. He had hovered close to Jessica since they left port at first light. He was currently sitting next to her, rubbing her back in hopes to ease her ailments. "Shove off." Aegon pushed his younger brother away. "Aegon." Jessica groaned. Aemond went to retaliate when Jessica caught his hand. "Neither of you are helping." Aegon rolled his eyes and sat on her other side. "Come here." Aegon reached over and placed both hands under her arms and pulled her down so that her head was resting on his lap. He leaned back and got himself comfortable before gently running his fingers through her hair. Aegon could be sweet when he wanted to be. Aegon glanced over at Aemond. "Like I said you're free to go." "I'm fine where I'm at." Aegon rolled his eyes. "This whole thing is ridiculous. Half of us could fly over quicker than using a boat." Aemond sighed. "Its our cousins funeral. Nothing wrong with traveling as a family." Aegon snorted. "More like boring." Jessica leaned up. "For once, I agree with Aegon." Aegon glanced down. "I told you to go to sleep." Jessica glared at him. "Hey if you don't want to do it this way. There's other ways to tire you out." "Shut. Up." Jessica closed her eyes. Aegon chuckled. "That's what I thought Princess." Jessica was glad that she managed to get some sleep. Though it did little to ease her sea sickness. It was dark when they docked at Driftmark, and Jessica was ready to collapse into her bed. It was all Jessica could do not to collapse once she was on solid ground and not much enjoyment could be drawn out of the carriage ride to Hide Tide. "You're Grace." Corlys Velaryon greeted them. Viserys gave a nod. They were going to do things the long way. Jessica closed her eyes, hovering between Aegon and Otto. Aemond kept his arms around her waist, his head on her chest. "Husband, the Princess needs to be seen to bed." Rhaenys came up behind him. She could always count on her aunt to rescue her. "And as soon as she's settled have the Maesters send up hot ginger tea. Hopefully that should settle her stomach." Jessica couldn't have been more grateful to Rhaenys. It didn't take long for Jessica to be lead upstairs, changed and tucked into bed. Jessica was just on the verge of sleep when there came a knock at the door. Gods she wasn't in any mood to deal with Aegon. Jessica threw the covers off and rose from the bed."If you're honestly going to pull something least be drunk..." Daemon was leaning against the doorframe. "The Maesters said you had taken ill." Jessica swallowed hard, giving herself time to gain composure. A similar dizziness hit. "Simply sea travel. Unfortunately it tends not to agree with me as of late." "Hm." Daemon reached up gently placing the back of his fingers on her forehead. The hint of a smile played on her lips. But then she took a step back. "Its late Uncle." There was a smirk. "Not entirely so. Most of the family is still conversing around the fire. My absence won't be noticed." Jessica sighed she turned and grabbed her robe, realizing she wasn't going to be sleeping soon. Daemon took it as an invitation inside, and closed the door behind him. Daemon folded his arms, drinking her in fully. "Jessica." "You know why we can't." Jessica sighed. "Can't what? Enlighten me." Jessica rolled her eyes. "This Daemon." She held both her hands out wide. "I'm no longer a child. I am almost a woman grown. Any time spent together like this will lead to nothing but allegations and speculations." Daemon huffed. "Since when did you care about such things?" "Since Father received marriage proposals." Daemon's eyes darkened. "From who?" "I don't see why it's -" "Humor me." Jessica sighed. "Baratheon. Lannister. Stark. Tyrell....and Martell." "Dorne? Viserys is going to entertain that farce?" "It could broker peace. Bring Dorne into the realm. A united realm." "You'll be sent to the Water Gardens you realize. Out of King's Landing. And that's to say Qoren Martell will even cooperate." Jessica shook her head and paced. "It would be -" "There's still an option. One close to home. One I don't think my brother has realized." Jessica stopped and looked at her Uncle. "Aegon and Helaena are already betrothed." "Please I wouldn't want you to have to deal with that the rest of your life either." Daemon crossed the room taking her face in his hands. He leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers. "Don't worry my love. I'll take care of everything."
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