Funeral Rights

1520 Words
Jessica groaned when she felt the side of her bed dip. "Aegon its too early for your shit." "Something you need to tell me?" Rhaenyra tilted her head to the side as she ran her fingers through Jessica's hair. "Mmm. No." Jessica opened her eyes and leaned up. "You sure? The other side of your bed is disturbed." Jessica looked over. Rhaenyra was right. The blankets were in dissaray and as much as an uneasy sleeper she was, it would take more than just her to accomplish that. Jessica sighed. "Aemond must have joined me at some point last night. He normally ends up in my bed at some point. Though he usually wakes me up." The girls held each others gaze, and Jessica wondered if she would believe her. Rhaenyra sighed. "He's getting to old to coddle like that Jessica. He'll start to grow into a man in a year or two." "I know. But let him be little for as long as he can be." Jessica rose from the bed throwing on her robe. "Are you feeling better? Father said you took ill last night." Jessica nodded, her stomach had mostly settled. "Yes. I just didn't fare well traveling by boat." Rhaenyra pulled her into a hug. Jessica wrapped her arms around her sister, holding her tightly. "Come on. Let's get you ready." Rhaenyra helped Jessica dress. It was a long sleeved gown, black velvet at the top that tapered down into green. Rhaenyra sighed. "Alicent has been having her fun." Jessica's lips thinned as she stared in the mirror bur said nothing as they broke their fast and headed out to the funeral. It was a cool sea breeze as everyone gathered. Vaemond Velaryon had no problem diving into a eulogy. Jessica tuned out most of it, she was weaving a prayer wheel out of old driftwood and rope for Rhaenys. Her weaving slowed as she heard Daemon snicker. Slowly she raised her head, and the tension was now palpable. She sighed, and began to sing an old sailor's hymn. Speed bonnie boat like a bird on the wing. Onward! The sailor cry; Carry the lad who was born to be King. Over the sea to Skye. Loud the winds howl, loud the waves roar, Thunderclaps rend the air; Baffled our foes stand by the shore, Follow they will not dare. Speed bonnie boat like a bird on the wing. Onward! The sailor cry; Carry the lad who was born to be King. Over the sea to Skye. Though the waves leap, soft shall ye sleep. Ocean's a royal bed. Rocked in the deep, flora will keep. Watched by your weary head. Speed bonnie boat like a bird on the wing. Onward! The sailor cry; Carry the lad who was born to be King. Over the sea to Skye. Burned in their homes; exile and death. Scatter the loyal men; Yet ere the sword cool in the sheath, Fire will come again. Speed bonnie boat like a bird on the wing. Onward! The sailor cry; Carry the lad who was born to be King. Over the sea to Skye. All eyes were on her as she wove and sung. But it seemed to have defused the tension around her. Daemon caught her eye. There was a smirk and a wink before he bowed his head. Everyone has gathered round the balcony once the funeral had concluded. Helaena was sitting close to Jessica a spider in her hand. She kept muttering over again. "Hands turn loom; spools of black; dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread." Jessica let her mumble. She knew trying to pry into a deeper meaning would only upset her. She kept on weaving. She glanced as Aegon and Aemond were in conversation. Aegon sneered. "We have nothing in common." Aemond sighed. "She's our sister." "You marry her then. That will leave me free to take Jessica to wife." Aemond glanced from Aegon to Jessica. "If father hasn't declared that union now, it won't happen." "Well what do you propose? Wed her to you." Aemond remained quiet. Aegon laughed. "Seven Hells Aemond. If Father won't wed Jesscareya to me then he absolutely won't wed her to you." Aemond scoffed and turned. "Helaena is our sister, your future Queen. You will do well to remember that." Across the way Daemon had settled beside Viserys. "Your girls are the very image of their mother." Viserys began. "A comfort and an anguish, as I well remember. The Gods can be cruel." Daemon side eyed his brother. "It seems they have been especially cruel to you." Viserys chuckled. "Yes." They both looked out on the water. "You should return to King's Landing. I hate to admit it. She's misses you greatly. I've often caught her staring out the window in the direction of Pentos. She probably would have flown off to see you if I wasn't so insistent she remained home." Both of them looked over at Jessica. Daemon sighed. "Pentos is my home, and that of my children." Viserys frowed. "If you return to Pentos, I'm not sure I can stop her from following you. Can I not sway you to reconsider?" Daemon kept his eye on Jessica. "If I were to return. I'd be expected to take a new wife." Viserys narrowed his eyes. "Yes, when the time allows." "And would you let me chose my own? Or would I be made to marry politically as you have done to Rhaenyra." Viserys turned to Daemon. "What is that you want?" Daemon eyes narrowed. "If you want me to stay in King's Landing, then I want Jesscareya to wife." Viserys blinked. "We've been over this." "She's no longer a child." Daemon finally looked at his brother. "And I'm sure Dorne would not be kind to her." Viserys bowed his head. "She told you." "Of course she did. Jessica and I don't keep secrets from each other. We never have." "One." Viserys corrected. "You've obviously kept one from her." Daemon scowled. "That's different. You've obviously kept it too." "I'm protecting my daughter." Viserys turned away. "Come to court if there is something that you should need." Daemon scoffed. "I need...nothing." Jessica had continued on the prayer wheel when she heard crying. "Luke...what ever is the matter?" She scooped him up and sat him on the balcony with her. "Corlys said I would be the Lord of Driftmark. I do not want it." Jessica pulled him close. "Why not, Sweet Boy?" "Because if I'm Lord, everyone will be dead." Jessica took his face in her hands, placing a gentle kiss upon his forehead. "That won't happen for a long long long time. And by then, you'll have a wife and children, you will be surrounded by love and family. No is going anywhere." Lucerys sniffled. "Promise?" Jessica smiled. "Cross my heart." There was a hard flapping of wings. The dragons were becoming restless. Everyone looked up. A large gray dragon was in a descending pattern. "The Cannibal." Jessica muttered. The Cannibal swooped low and everyone ducked. The wind was powerful enough not everyone kept balance. Lucerys began to go over the balcony. Jessica managed to shift him enough he fell over the stone. But the result caused Jessica to go over. She didn't have time to scream before she was submerged in water. She had just enough time to pop up and catch her breath before another wave pushed her under. The velvet dress became heavier and Jessica found it hard to keept afloat. Suddenly two hands were under her arms and pulled her up to the surface. Jessica coughed. "Easy...easy." The familiar voice soothed. Jessica turned. "Aegon." There was a small smile. "The Cannibal caught everyone off guard." Aegon did his best to keep Jessica's head above water. But it was a slow process. Aegon huffed. "It would be easier if you took off your dress." "And disgrace myself in front of everyone. Pass." "The dress keeps pulling you down. Better disgrace than death." Jessica huffed but another wave pulled them both under and Aegon lost his grip. "Jessica!" He was frantic when. He popped up. "Don't fight. It'll be worse." Ser Qarl reached Aegon. "She's -" Aegon was protesting. "Laenor dove down." Qarl nodded over. Not two meters away Leanor popped up with Jessica in tow. "JESSICA!" Rhaenyra raced down once the four of them had reached the alcove. Jessica went to open her mouth when Rhaenyra caught her in her arms. "We all thought you were lost to the sea." Jessica clung to Rhaenyra. She looked past her. Daemon was staring at her, eyes wider than normal mouth slightly opened. Fear was written all over his face. And Jessica knew that was not an emotion Daemon outwardly expressed. The walked up to Viserys who pulled Jessica too him. "Oh my sweet girl." Jessica closed her eyes and rested her head on her Father's shoulder. "...I'm cold..." He pulled her back to look at her and gently cupped her cheek. "Of course go inside and warm up. Rest for now. We'll see you at the memorial feast tonight."
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