Ten Years - Part 2

717 Words
When Jessica was bathed and changed, she made her way to Aegon's chambers. He had asked to come to his chambers once she had refreshed. Jessica walked in. "Aegon what did -" He was standing on the window, naked, pleasuring himself. "I will come back when you...uh finished up..." Jessica turned to take her leave. "No stay." Aegon managed to stutter out. "You were supposed to be here when the fun started. I had to improvise until then." "You know this will not end how you've imagined it." Aegon huffed in frustration, his seed running down his leg. He turned and hopped down from the window and faced Jessica fully. Jessica tried to keep her eyes on his face. He sauntered over to her and took her hands in his. He gave a sweet smile. "Hm." He took one of her hands and wrapped it around his c**k. "Aegon." Jessica gritted her teeth. "This is enough." He thrusted against her hand. "Then let me bed you. This will be much more enjoyable for the the both of us." He nuzzled his face in her neck." "Let me bed you and Father will have no choice but to wed us. We'll be together." "No we wont." There was a droll in her voice. "You want to know what will happen? You bed me and it maybe will take a day to reach Alicent's and Father's ears. And late in the night I'll be disturbed by the Maesters and they will bring me Moon Tea to drink. Then the entire incident will be swept under the rug and pray that my marriage prospects don't catch wind of this rumor. Don't you get it Aegon! This will not end how you want this too." If he heard her, he chose to ignore her. Jessica tilted Aegon's chin so that he was looking at her and switched topics. "The pig. Was it your idea?" "Seven Hells!" He thrusted again harder. "We're still on about that? I told you it was all in good fun." "Aemond is our brother." He rolled his eyes. "Well he's a t**t. A t**t you incessantly coddle." Jessica tried to remove her hand but Aegon had a firm grip. "We're family. And you may cuff and jest at home, but out in the world. We defend our own." Aemond sighed. "I didn't think you'd be down in the pits...since Starfyre was with her clutch and tempermental." Jessica rolled her eyes. "And dragging Jace and Luke in on this. They're children and won't be your playthings forever." Aegon let out a grunt and he continued to pleasure himself. "Then convince father to wed us." "That won't change anything. Rhaenyra will still be in line for the throne." Aegon's breathing hitched. "Then we won't challenge simple as that." "The realm won't see it as such. No matter what they still see you as the first born son. That means you are the challenge jut by living and breathing." Aegon's lips fell on hers. "Alright alight. Shhh princess. You're getting worked up over nothing. Let me help you relax." Aegon went to maneuver her towards the bed. It gave Jessica stepped away. "Jessica, please." Jessica turned away. "Get dressed for supper." Daemon was pouring over ancient texts another late and sleepless night. Laena touched his shoulders. "Up again?" "Sleep eludes me as I'm so often reminded." Leana kissed his temple. "You should go see the girls. They would be happy for the company." "The hours late, I wouldn't want to disturb them." Laena pursed her lips. "If it was Jesscareya -" Daemon cut her off. "You promised not to speak of her." "I promised no such thing." Laena straightened up. "You act as if you lost the love of your life whenever someone dares whisper her name." Daemon stared straight ahead. "She is my niece. Is it such a crime to miss her?" "It is when you neglect your duty as a father to Baela and Rhaena." Daemon slammed the book shut. "I promise I do no such thing." Laena turned and walked to the door. "Believe what you want. Accept Reggio's offer for all I can. But I promise you this. Accept and I can guarantee that you'll never see Jesscareya Targaryen again. Reggio will make sure of that."
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