
924 Words
Aegon was throwing everything around his chambers. Pacing, clearing the tables, grabbing at his hair and cursing the Gods above. Jessica sighed. She sat in his chambers by the window, trying to concentrate on her reading. In hindsight, she shouldn't have told him. Shouldn't have told him the conversation she and Alicent had. How she had asked to be wed to Aegon, and be spared being shipped to Dorne. She shouldn't have gotten his hopes up, just for them to be shattered. Eventually, the pacing ceased. He collapsed in front of Jessica, his head falling into her lap. Jessica sighed, and sat her book aside. She began running her fingers through his hair. Aegon smiled, and murmured against her dress. "We could board a ship. Sail away to Pentos, or Bravos anywhere in Essos really. The place matters little. We could be together, neither of us having to marry whom we don't want." Jessica sighed, taking his face gently in her hands, making Aegon look up at her, her thumb rubbing against his cheek. "Now you and I both know that we cannot functionally live outside this castle. All you and I have ever known is servants and lavish goods. And you have a far to robust relationship with wine. We'd both be dead in a year...or less." Aegon leaned into her touch, a smile playing on his lips. "I could lessen it. I would do it...for you." Jessica gave him a sad smile. "I know..." Aegon cursed under his breath and rose, pulling Jessica up with him. His lips brushed her jawline and trailed up until they met hers. Her arms wrapped around his neck. His kisses had been softer and gentler since their return from Driftmark. And she probably would have given into him, had there not been a knock at the door. His servant, Malea, walking in. "Apologies my prince. Princess." "What is it Malea?" Aegon droned, settling Jessica's head on his chest. He was clearly annoyed. He kept placing kisses on her forehead and temple. "My prince, your mother, the queen is requesting the princess to join her for tea." Jessica groaned and buried her face in his chest. "Its your mother, we can ignore her." Jessica went to pull Aegon down to find his lips again. Three seconds later, her own handmaid, Jeyne, walked into Aegon's chambers. "My Princess. My Prince. Apologies, your father requests your presence, Princess." Jessica sighed and pulled away, though she still keept her arms around his neck. "That I can't ignore." Aegon huffed, nuzzling her cheek. "Then stay with me tonight." "It'll depend on how Aemond is feeling." Aegon pulled back and looked at her clearly offended. "Seven Hells. It's been weeks Jess." "If he's not well then I should be there to comfort him." Aegon rolled his eyes. "The t***s better, believe me. He's know you'll give into his every whim as long as he looks hurt. He will milk his injury for the next month if that means you'll be at his beck and call." Jessica bit her lip, and went to pull away. Aegon held onto her tighter. "Stay with me tonight. Don't make me beg." Jessica sighed and pulled away. "I will see you at supper." She turned and walked out of the door towards her Father's chambers. Viserys was sitting at his model of Old Valyria, attempting to work on. Ser Harrold announced her arrival. "The Princess Jesscareya, Your Grace." Viserys glanced up. "That will be all good ser, you can leave us." Ser Harrold bowed and took his leave. Jessica walked over to her normal spot of observing her Father's model. She smiled to herself, remembering when she needed a step to view its entirety. She glanced at Viserys to find him staring back at her. He took a breath and finally spoke. "Are you feeling well?" "Your Grace?" Jessica c****d her head to the side. "No Jesscareya. Don't start that. You are not a sullen child. You never have been a sullen child." Jessica sighed, "Father -" Viserys wasn't done with his tangent. "These last few weeks you have avoided both myself and Alicent. You've taken meals alone in your chambers, you've neglected to come to court. I shouldn't have to request an audience to see you!" Jessica physically flinched back. Viserys sighed and held out his arms to her. "Come here." Jessica walked over and took a seat next to Viserys. She curled into him and laid her head on his chest. Viserys leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "You know Alicent didn't mean anything by it. It was a stressful night for us all." Jessica nodded, "That is was." Viserys turned his gaze toward the window. "I haven't received anymore news about Dorne." Jessica couldn't help but smile. Viserys sighed and gently lifted her chin so she met his gaze. "Do you know why I reached out to Dorne?" "I'm assuming not to make me hate my life." Viserys chuckled. "No Sweet Girl. I wanted to unite the realm. To broker peace with Dorne. And I needed someone very special to do the job." He gently rubbed her cheek with his thumb. "You have the uncanny ability to love anybody you meet. And like me, you want there to be peace. And if we want a united realm, I need someone to be that peace." Jessica nodded, lowering her gaze. "Aegon's wedding will go on as planned." Viserys rose as Otto entered his chambers. "Please don't be a stranger around here Jesscareya."
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