The Blacks and The Greens

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Viserys was eerily calm. Jessica knew he was pissed off beyond measure. "How could you allow such a thing to happen?" He was pacing back and forth. Alicent was seated close to the fire, next to Aemond. The Maesters were patching his eye up. Jessica was sitting in the chair with Aemond, his head in her chest while he was getting his final stitches. He had refused to let her out of his sight, and hadn't let the masters touch him until she was there. His hand had been intertwined with hers since the Maesters began their work. Ser Harrold bowed his head. "The princes were supposed to be abed, my king." Viserys shook his head, clearly unsatisfied with that answer. "Who had the watch?" He turned to Jessica. She gave him a knowing look. She opened her mouth, but Criston Cole had begun talking. "The young prince was attacked by his own cousins, Your Grace. I apologize Your Grace but the Kingsguard never had to defend princes from princes." Alicent sighed. "It will heal, will it not Maester?" The Maester looked up to Jessica and then to Alicent. "The flesh will heal, Your Grace. But I'm afraid the eye is lost." Alicent stood and went to Aegon. He had been hovering close to Jessica, a hand resting on her shoulder. "And where were you?" "Me?" Aegon questioned. Alicent slapped him. "Ow! Wh at was that for?" Alicent sneered. "That was nothing compared to the abuse your brother suffered while you were drowning in your cups, you fool. Your sister was left to defend him alone." At this time the doors flew opened. Corlys lead the way, Rhaenys behind him. Rhaenyra followed close behind and Daemon leaned against the door frame. Rhaena and Baela ran to Rhaenys as soon as she stepped into the room. Jace and Luke went to Rhaenyra. "What happed?" Rhaenyra asked. All four kids began talking at once. "He attacked me! He broke Lukes nose! He stole my mother's dragon!" "A dragon is not a slave." Jessica rose from the chair and crossed to the middle of the room. Baela stepped forward. "He had no right Jessie!" Jessica sighed and gently brushed her cheek. "Vhagar has every right to chose who rides her." Baela was shaking her head no. Jessica sighed and pulled her into a hug. "I know this doesn't seem fair, Baela. And I know how much you desire to have a dragon. And you will have one, Sweet Girl, when the time allows." Jessica looked past Baela to Rhaenys who mouthed a silent, thank you. She let Baela go and she returned to Rhaenys' side. "He was going to kill Jace!" Luke tugged at Rhaenyra's dress. Jessica shrank back against Viserys. He put an arm around her and kissed her temple. Luke looked up at his mother. "He called us bastards." Viserys' eyes widened. "Aemond..." Aemond simply reached out his hand to Jessica, who returned to his side. "I will have the truth." Viserys repeated once again. Alicent blinked, her mouth opening then closing settling on the words. "Your son has been maimed. Her son," Alicent pointed towards Luke and Jace, "is responsible." Jessica turned her back toward the crowd and turned her gaze to the fire. It was late, she was blood covered and just wanted this nonsense to be put to rest. Rhaenyra kept her gaze on Jessica. "Prince Aemond much be sharply questioned so we might learned such slander." Viserys looked to Aemond. "You tell me boy, where did you hear this lie." Aemond remained silent. "Aemond." No response. Viserys huffed. "Aemond look at me. Your king demands an answer." Aemond stood and crossed to Jessica. She kept her arms crossed, her gaze hard and set. Aemond tugged at her arm, pulling until her arms dropped to her side. Aemond grabbed her hand. "Jessica please." Tears pricked Aemond's eyes. It was the first time she'd seen him close to crying. "Don't be mad at me. Not you." Aemond pointed to Alicent and Viserys. "I can have them mad at me. I can have Aegon mad." Aemond gestured to Rhaenyra and her lot. "The whole lot of them. It doesn't matter. But you, I can't bare it." Jessica turned. She leaned down and pressed her forehead to his. An intimacy that was usually reserved for Daemon alone. "Alright Aemond, shhhh." Aemond reached up and gently laid a hand on her cheek. "It was Aegon." Aemond answered quietly. "And you boy?" Viserys barked getting dangerously close to Aegon's face. "What of you!?" Aegon kept looking foward. "We all see it..." Jessica glanced up to see Aegon stiffen. When Viserys crossed to the center of the room, Jessica pulled away from Aemond. She kissed his forehead and then went to Aegon. As soon as Jessica was in his peripheral, Aegon opened his arms and crushed her to his chest. His chin rested on top of her head, his thumb gently brushing her cheek. "All of this fighting has got to stop! I am you Father, your Grandsire, YOUR KING! We are family and I will not hear more of this." This hardly seemed like retribution enough for Alicent. She grabbed the dagger and headed towards the boys. "Don't Jessica." Aegon felt Jessica begin to squirm. "For me, please." "Aeg -" "I love you." Jessica sighed looking up at him. She reached up and pressed her lips to his. And then she went to intercede Alicent. "Step aside, Jesscareya. I'll will only ask once." "They're children, Ali -" Alicent raised her hand, striking Jessica across the cheek. As long as Jessica had been alive, no one had dared raised a hand to hit her. Not Viserys, not Rhaenyra, no one. The entire hall fell silent. Jessica stared at Alicent, mouth agape. The sound was still reverberating through the room when Daemon moved. Tears were falling down her cheeks. "Shhhh My love, I'm right here." Daemon knelt down, and Jessica buried her face in his neck. Daemon clung to his niece tightly. "Daemon I - let me." Alicent reached out towards Jessica, regret and sorrow on her face. "You know, Alicent, you are incredibly lucky to be the Queen right at this moment." But that one action right there seemed to make Rhaenyra snap. She stepped around and lunged at Alicent. It took both Ser Harrold and Ser Criston Cole to pull the two women apart. Rhaenyra glared at Alicent, blood running down her arm stood protecting her sister. "And now they see you for what you truly are." Aemond went over and wrapped his arms around his mother. However, his focus was on or rather past Rhaenyra, trying to keep an eye on Jessica. "Do not mourn me mother. It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye but I gained a dragon." Viserys was at his absolute whits end "Jessica get on the boat." "I told, I'm flying home." "And as the king, I command you to get on this boat, it's almost first light, we all want to get home." Viserys and Jessica were the only two left on shore. He wouldn't allow her to say goodbye to Daemon or to Rhaenyra. And she had been up all night fussing over Aemond wrappings. "Then lock me up for treason." Viserys threw his hands up. "You want to catch your death of a cold, so be it. And to King's Landing, young lady, not to Dragonstone. I will know." Jessica had absolutely no intention to return to the Red Keep until... "If Jessica is flying so am I." Aegon raced past Viserys to Sunfyre. "I'm flying with Jessica too." Aemond headed to Vhagar. Jessica huffed, so much for a plan. "Come on Helaena..." Jessica nodded toward the dragons and turned heading towards Starfyre.
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