The Union of Helaena and Aegon

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The week of Aegon's and Helaena's wedding was already upon them. Guests were arriving from across the six kingdoms. There had been an extention to Dorne as well, without any response. First light was just upon them when Jessica awoke. Sleep had been eluding her most of the night. She had written to Rhaenyra on Dragonstone more or less begging her sister to come for the festivities. She sighed and gently detached Aemond, who was soundly sleeping against her and rose. She didn't bother with putting on a robe and crossed the hall to Aegon's chambers. Of course he was snoring loudly. She smirked and gently shook him. "Hmmm." Aegon leaned up. He looked towards the window. "It's barely first light I-" Aegon finally woke enough to see it was Jessica. He moved over to make room for her and lifted the covers. Jessica slid in next to Aegon. Aegon pulled her as close as possible covering them both. His lips brushed her forehead. Jessica hummed contently, her fingers making small hypnotic circles on his chest. "You honestly expect me to go back to sleep." He murmured softly. Jessica smiled against his chest. "You're the one complaining about it being first light. I can leave if that's what you wish." Aegon glanced down at her. "I didn't say that. But I am curious as to why you are here." "....Aemond took up most of the bed...." Aegon shook his head. "I did tell you he'd be milking it a month later." Jessica rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up." In one quick movement, Aegon flipped Jessica onto her back, pinning her under him. Aegon smirked. "Make me, Princess." "Aeg..." Jessica breathed, her face flushed. "Ah ah ah. You came to me, remember." His hands let go of her hands, trailing down the sides, and pushing up the hem of her nightgown. She caught his wrist when they were at her hips. Aegon looked up, "Jess...please. I'll be married off at the end of this week. I want my last experience of freedom before I'm expected to bed her." Jessica shook her head. "Helaena will be your queen." "It won't be the same. It'll be loveless, not how this moment is now." Slowly, Jessica let go of his wrist. Aegon leaned down, and kissed her. "I meant what I said on Driftmark. I love you." Jessica had the choice. She was in a position where she could get up out of bed and return to her chambers, and Aegon would let her, or she could reach up and let Aegon have what he's desperately wanted. "What do you say, Princess?" Jessica took a breath and let Aegon have his way. Jessica was slowly making her way down the stairs. Aegon would have been contented to keep her locked away, however, responsibilities came to call. Aegon was in a fantastic mood when guests arrived. Alert and smiling, even talking to the Lords and Ladies. Jessica was slow coming down the stairs. She was sore, but sore in a good way. She had to rethink her dress choices, as Aegon had left several marks on her. The most prominent was the bite mark on her neck. However, a familiar voice made her quicken her pace. And she couldn't help but beam as she rounded the corner. "DAEMON!" Jessica raced down the steps, practically jumping off the last two into his opened arms. He crushed her to his chest, pressing his forehead to hers. "Oh My Love." He gently set her down, taking her face in his hands. Both of them beaming at each other. However, the smile didn't last long. He focused on the collar of her dress, a finger gliding over the bite mark. Daemon furrowed his brows and pushed the neckline down. "Who did this." It wasn't a question. It was statement and a lethal one at that. "This isn't a conversation we need to discuss here." Jessica sighed going to step away, when his hands grabbed her waist. "Who. Did. This." "Uncle. So glad you could make it." Aegon had sauntered over to the pair. Daemon tucked Jessica securely under his arm, his hand rested on her back. "Yes, well you are family. Of course we wouldn't miss this joyous occasion." Aegon nodded, then offered his hand out to Jessica. "If you don't mind, Jessica there's something I would like your help-" Daemon cut him off. "I'll be keeping the Princess as my companion for the rest of my stay. I'm sure your fiancé could use your attending to." Daemon gave a nod. "Congratulations once again, nephew." Jessica didn't argue against Daemon. Daemon lead Jessica into a private room, closing the door behind him. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. "You let that cunt of a prince bed you." Jessica straightened up. "And what of it, Uncle." "You shouldn't be so reckless. You want to explore, and fool around. f**k marriage prospects over, fine. But you come to me with that." He walked over to her, lifting her chin to meet his gaze. His thumb brushed her lips. Daemon's own lips fell onto hers hard and fast. Rage mixed with passion, lust mixed with anger. She was lifted up into arms, and Jessica melted into Daemon. By the time Daemon pulled away they were both out of breath. "It won't be Aegon Targaryen bedding you next time around My Love." "Yes hello, I'm so glad my sweet sister wrote to me, begging me to attend this wedding and went straightaway to find my husband first." Rhaenyra pulled Jessica into a crushing hug. She took her face in her hands and kissed Jessica's temple several times. "I love you too, Nyra." Jessica smiled into her sister. "I'm afraid we're just staying for the wedding, Sweet Girl. We left the children home on Dragonstone." Jessica didn't care, she had her two favorite people for a short time. Jessica could have blinked and missed the whole thing, just a moment in time. Like Daemon had promised, Jessica stayed by his side for their stay. The wedding was beautiful. Aegon had glanced at her while he was at the altar. Though Jessica would guess he wasn't exactly a fan of the view. Daemon and Jessica were seated front and center, Daemon's arm draped over Jessica's shoulders. As promised Rhaenyra and Daemon only stayed for the wedding, leaving in the middle of the night to Dragonstone. Rhaenyra had just climbed into bed thankful to be back home by first light. It was a rough night at sea and she was praying for any sleep. Rhaenyra leaned over and gave Daemon a kiss. "Goodnight my love." Then leaned down and kissed Jessica's cheek. "Goodnight Sweet Girl." Rhaenyra just laid down and closed her eyes when she sprang back up, tossing the covers off. Daemon smirked and continued to rub Jessica's back. "I have...several questions. Does my Father know she's here?" "....No....." "Does she know she's here?" "....No....." "We kidnapped her Daemon." "No. We are taking her to ward." "Why in our bed?" "She gets sea sick." Rhaenyra got up and paced. "We have to turn this ship around. We can't just take her home. Jessica isn't a pet." "I have every right as Viserys does when it come to her well-being." Rhaenyra stopped and looked at Daemon. "What do you mean?" Daemon sighed. "Its a long story, Rhaenyra." "We've got time." Daemon sat up, and looked down at Jessica, who was still peacefully asleep against him. He ran his fingers through her hair. "Your mother Aemma. It was during her name day celebration. Viserys held this massive celebration. Jousting, dancing, feasts. More wine than a whole army could drink. We all had our fun. We all drank to much wine. It was on the last night of the festivities. Aemma had spent the night dancing. And in between each dance, an entire glass of wine. The three of us. Anyway it was nearly first light when Aemma decided to retire. I followed up shortly after. We were all drunk Rhaenyra. I made my way into your mother's apartments. We drank more, and I kissed her and kissed her. And then bedded her. I left once things were done, promised we'd never speak of this, especially to Viserys. I soon realized that Viserys had also bedded her sometime after I left. And nearly eight months later. Jesscareya came along." Rhaenyra looked at him horrified. "Are you saying she's yours then?" Daemon placed Jessica on his chest. "I'm saying that she could just as likely be Viserys' as she could be mine." Rhaenyra came over and sat on the edge of the bed. "When Jessica was born, I promised Viserys that I would step aside, allow him and Aemma to raise her how they saw fit. She would be a princess and want for nothing. So I stayed to the side and let her grow up." Daemon looked over at Rhaenyra. "I did my waiting, but after that cunt of a prince decided to bed her...She's coming to stay on Dragonstone until I see fit."
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