Allegations and Speculations

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"There you are!" Viserys breathed a sigh of relief. Daemon sat Jessica down and she went to Viserys. He dropped to his knees and drew her in close. "Don't you every scare me like that again." "I'm sorry Father." Jessica bowed her head and nestled against him. "You're safe that's all that matters." Viserys kissed her forehead and stood. Jessica bounded back over and Daemon immediately scooped her up into his arms. Viserys sighed. "She's a growing girl Daemon." Daemon looked at Viserys poignantly. "She is. And one day I'll set her down and it'll be the last day I'll every hold her like this. Today will not that day Brother." Daemon turned and walked off, Jessica still clutched tightly to him. It didn't take long before Jessica realized where they were going. "The dragon pits." Jessica leaned up. Daemon smiled down at her. "Didn't I promise you that when Starfyre was large enough we'd go riding." As soon as Daemon sat her down she went to get Starfyre ready as he readied Caraxes. It wasn't long until they were both up in the air. Jessica was in absolute bliss. Caraxes and Starfyre circled each other. Starfyre was always a showoff in her own right. She loved to demonstrate what she was capable of. Jessica's grin reached ear to ear and gave the command. "Dracarys." Starfyre took in a deep breath before unleashing her fire. She created 3 perfect rings that she weaved and dove through, Caraxes follow after. Jessica wasn't sure how long that she and Daemon were circling each other around King's Landing, but it mattered little. He was home. He was home with her. When night fell Daemon tucked her into bed, read her some Valyrian poetry and made sure she was settled. He kissed her forehead and rose. "Promise me to stay in your room tonight, okay?" "Where are you going." Jessica pushed herself up, but Daemon gently grabbed her shoulder and laid her back down. "I will come wake you in the morning my love, but its imperative that you remain here tonight. Get some sleep." One more kiss to her temple and Daemon was out of the room. Sleep did not find Jesscareya easily. She tossed and she turned. Finally she tossed off her covers and rose. She walked over to her window seat and looked down upon King's Landing. She could see the lights of the night life down below. Jessica pressed her forehead against the glass, longing to be there. Jessica was just dozing off against the window when her door opened. Daemon walked in, sighed and threw his cloak over the chair. He leaned against it studying her. "I did tell you to stay in bed." "You said room not bed." Jessica turned to him. She looked her uncle up and down. He wore that smug smile, clad in simple black trousers and a white tunic undone at the top. Jessica sighed. "You're drunk." "Mm. And one day you'll get to experience the pleasures of wine. Come on. The hours late and you need sleep." Jessica sighed but didn't move. That didn't stop Daemon from crossing the room to her. He scooped her up and crushed her to his chest. He placed little kisses on her shoulder and neck and Jessica couldn't help but to melt into him. He sat her on her bed long enough to removed his shoes and shirt before joining her. Daemon pulled her to his chest and Jessica snuggled closed. One arm securely held her, the other ran fingers through her hair and sleep came easily for the both of them. Daemon was not next to her when Jessica woke the next morning. Jessica sighed and saw herself up and bathed. She was just drying off when one of her ladies came in. "The Queen wants a word with you Princess." Jessica was fidgeting while drying and getting dress. Her hair was still damp when she apared in the Godswood only to find Rhaenyra there. When Alicent emerged, anger was plastered on her face. "What happened last night?" Both Jessica and Rhaenyra began talking at the same time. Alicent held up her hand to silence them both. She looked to Rhaenyra. She sighed. "He took me into the city." She gave a shrug. "We went out after dark. I drank wine." "You f****d him in a pleasure house." Alicent stated bluntly. The silence was palpable. Anger quickly rose in Rhaenyra. "That is a vile accusation." "And then." Alicent turned on Jessica. "Daemon went to your chambers. Servants saw him leaving early this morning." Jessica drew herself up. "He did not touch me." "He could have! Daemon easily could have done the same to you as he did your sister. You are not a child any longer Jesscareya! That is why you don't come into my chambers or your father's! And who's to say that he didn't. And because of your devotion to Daemon Targaryen you won't talk." Jessica took a step back. There were silent tears on her cheeks. "We are the Princesses." Rhaenyra now stood between Jessica and Alicent. "To question our virtue is to commit treason itself." Rhaenyra turned and knelt down to Jessica and wrapped her in her arms. "Come. I think some drinking chocolate would do you some good." Alicent looked befuddled. "Now you're rewarding her!" "No I'm not." Rhaenyra turned to her. "I'm comforting my sister." "My daughters." Viserys stated as Daemon entered the throne room. "I need to understand the charges before I make an attempt to discredit them." "YOU DEFILED THEM!" Viserys rose from the throne. Daemon stopped in his tracks. "Rhaenyra is a woman grown. And to even suggest I'd do something so heinous to could you believe such slander?" "Daemon I'm warning you." Viserys stepped foward. "And when Jesscareya is of age, better her first experience be with me than some common whore." Viserys tackled Daemon to the ground. "No lord will wed them now. I should disinherite them as I did you." "Wed Rhaenyra to me." Daemon stated simply. "And let me take Jessica to raise." Viserys leaned back in disbelief. "You are already wed. And Jesscareya is to young to ward." "It didn't stop Aegon the Conqueror." Viserys scoffed. "You are no conqueror. And you're only in Jessica's life when it is convenient for you." Daemon balled his fists. "She's -" "JESSCAREYA IS MY CHILD!" Viserys's voice filled the entire room. "We don't -" Daemon gritted his teeth. "You know as well as I know." Viserys huffed. "Aemma labored long and hard to deliver her. But of course you know that. You know how frail Jessica was. You know how every Maester said she wouldn't live past the cradled." "I promised Brother-" "The day she was born. I know what your promised. What you promised me and what you promised Aemma." Daemon fell silent. "And you know." Viserys's voice softened. "Jessica is a good girl. She's kind and intelligent. She's loving and caring. That child wants for nothing. Her and Rhaenyra are all I have left of Aemma." Viserys turned to the door. "Go back to the Vale. To your lawful wife. Strive to restore whatever scrap of honor you may possess." He paused. "Or don't. It matters little to me. As long as you are out of my sight for good."
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