King of the Narrow Sea

1459 Words
A year had passed in a blink of the eye. Jessica had an established routine. She went with Alicent in the mornings to the Sept to pray. There were weekly matches of dragon chess with Otto Hightower. She also assumed the new role of Viserys' cup barer as Rhaenyra had taken a seat on the Small Council. And if she wasn't found in any of those places, or on rides with Rhaenyra then where was she? Well, she could often be found in the nursery with Aemond. Holding him, reading to him. Just being with him. Well her and Aegon who was now clutched at her hip. It was a quiet morning when Rhaenyra jumped onto her bed, waking her up from a nap. "You and I are going on a trip." Jessica leaned up, hair tussled and clothes askew. "A trip to where? And can we bring the dragons." Rhaenyra smiled. "Well..." Jessica couldn't begin to fathom how many male suitors arrived at Storm's End. She sat nestled against Rhaenyra while Boros Baratheon sat to their right. Rhaenyra leaned over and nuzzled against Jessica's cheek. "Any luck and we might find you a husband had well." "This is your tour Nyra. Definitely not mine." Beric Dondarrion was up first. And he started in on a frightfully dull history lesson. Jessica caught herself dozing off on Rhaenyra. "Hey if I have to stay awake, so do you." Rhaenyra whispered as she sat Jessica up. "He's older than father." Jessica rubbed sleep from her eyes. "And he's going on about our great grandmother." Rhaenyra sighed. "I agree. It's unseemly for him to put himself foward as a contender for my hand." Beric was ushered off and Boremund Baratheon stepped foward. "And now a child." Rhaenyra murmured. Boremund gave a bow to both. "Princess." Rhaenyra smiled. "While I am flattered that you would come seek my hand. I think that I would be ill suited to be your wife." Boremund opened his mouth to speak but Rhaenyra held up her hand. "However, sitting next to me is my sister Jesscareya. And I think you two would be quite the match." Boremund smiled at Jessica and bowed his head. "Princess. If it should come a day where I was chosen as a match, know that your days shall be easy and your nights safe under my protection." There was a scoff among the crowd and Beric Dondarrion spoke up. "The young Princess rides one of the largest dragons in the world you dumb cunt." That's when a fight emerged and the two of them escorted out. Jessica turned and saw young Boremund Baratheon stab some high Lord. "Do look Princess." Ser Criston Cole put his hand up to block her gaze. They boarded the ship and it didn't take long before Jessica realized they were heading back to King's Landing. She went and settled by Rhaenyra who was watching the waves. Rhaenyra drew her in close. "So how will Father react?" "How do you think he'd take you rejecting everyone who came? Or how we're going home two months early?" Rhaenyra smiled then came a rush of wind. "Take cover!" Criston bounded for the girls. The dragon dipped low and knocked both down. "Are you two alright?! Get the Maesters." Criston began barking out orders. "Im fine, we're fine." Rhaenyra caught her breath and sat Jessica up. Jessica ran as soon she was steady. It was Caraxes. Caraxes was making his way toward King's Landing. "Daemon!" Jessica was bouncing, squealing with excitement. She raced to the bow of the boat and tried to climb out further in hopes to catch Caraxes's tail. She slipped and the sea was suddenly in view. "Someone needs to put you back in leading lines..." Criston sighed, now hanging halfway off the boat, pulling her up. That slight mishap did not curb her excitement. In fact she was still bouncing when Alicent was fretting over final details. Otto came in and saw the commotion. He gave a sigh. "Father?" Alicent straightened up. "When can I see Daemon?" Jessica bounded over at Otto. There was a stoic expression on his face. "I'm so sorry Princess but, Daemon doesn't want to see you." Jessica stopped in her tracks. All the happiness dropped from her face. Her voice was small and frail. "...What....Why....what did I do?" Otto gave an apologetic smile and a pat on the arm. "Go spend time in the nursery. One of us will see you to bed later tonight." He kissed her temple and then saw himself out. "Let me see you -" Alicent began, but Jessica stepped back and shook her head darting out of the room. There was only one place where she went when she wanted to hide. Three large circular window are satiated across the entrance to the library. It was a bit of a climb but well worth the view. She could looked down and see the Godswood. She pulled her knees up into her chest and began to sob. "Where is she?" Viserys turned again. "This isn't like her." The viewing in the throne room had come and gone and now they were onto the reception with no sign of his young daughter. "Congratulations on your victory." Rhaenyra came up to the pair. Daemon smiled. "Thank you Princess." "Rhaenyra where is your sister?" Viserys sighed. Rhaenyra blinked. "I thought she would've found Daemon by now." Daemon shook his head. "No in fact I'm surprised by the lack of company. I was more than prepared for her to be my companion for the rest of the day." Viserys now raised his voice a mocking smile upon his face. "You mean to tell me that my child is missing!" The whole courtyard went silent. "Well don't just stand there like a bunch of buffoons. Go look." The guards quickly scattered. Rhaenyra went off followed by Daemon. Alicent found the pair not ten minutes later. Rhaenyra grabbed her wrist. "Any luck?" Alicent shook her head. "She's not in her room, the nursery, the dragon pit. Starfyre is still grounded so she's not in the air." "The library?" Daemon suggested. "Its clear except for the scribes. They -" Rhaenyra cut her off. "The windows. She likes to sit up there and read sometimes. She could be up there." The trio raced there. "This is my fault." Alicent sighed. "I should've stopped my father." Daemon stopped in his tracks. "What did the Lord Hand Do?" Alicent fell silent. "Ally...please." Rhaenyra stepped in front of her. "He told her that Daemon did not wish to see her upon his arrival to King's Landing." "Hm." Daemon stiffened. "Bot of you go back to Viserys, tell him that she's been found and I'll bring her to him shortly." "Daemon." "Rhaenyra." Rhaenyra finally gave a nod and lead Alicent away. Jessica hadn't moved since she climbed up. She heard shuffling and someone sitting across from her. "Go away Nyra." Her voiced sounded defeated. "I sent her away." Daemon reached out gently touching from him. Jessica recoiled from his touch. Daemon sighed. "Jesscareya." "No." She sniffled. "Jessica. Look at me." There was a pause. Before Jessica looked up at him. Her eyes were red as well as her cheeks. Tears still running freely. Daemon held his hand out. "Come here." Jessica glared at him. "No." Daemon ran his hand through his hair before he reached over and scooped her up and placed her on his lap. He leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers. "Are we really going to believe the words of Otto Hightower." Jessica wouldn't meet his gaze. "You left. Years you were away. You didn't even say goodbye." "I know my love." "I wanted to go and help. Starfyre was big enough." Daemon's arms wrapped tighter around her. "I'm here now. And I missed you. I missed you more than all the stars in the sky." Jessica looked up at him. "So you wanted to see me?" "Everyday. You were the first one I looked for in the Throne Room." Jessica threw her arms around him and drew him in close. "I love you." Daemon clung to her tightly. "As I love you." Otto was waiting for the pair of them when they finally decende. "There she is. I can take her." "You don't want me to put her down." Daemon kept an even tone. "My prince, I don't understand." "No you wouldn't." Daemon continued. "The only reason you are alive right now is because I am holding her. And if you every tell her that I don't wish to see her, I will have no trouble removing that miserable head of yours from your wretched shoulders." Daemon walked off before Otto could utter another word.
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