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Jessica hadn't left her chambers since Viserys announced that Daemon had returned to the Vale. There were days she didn't even rise from bed. Rhaenyra had tried to coax her to go riding with her, but Jessica had refused. So Rhaenyra simply stayed and cuddled into her. Jessica realized that things were not good for Rhaenyra either. She was being made to marry their cousin, Laenor Velaryon. Arrangements were to be made for the trio to be on their way to Driftmark. Jessica was going through dresses with her handmaid when the door cracked open. She had been walking dresses back and forth when there was a tug on her dress. "Aegon." Jessica smiled and picked him up. He settled on her hip, his face nuzzling into her neck. "He does love you." Alicent gently knocked on the door, coming in with Aemond in her arms. "Your Grace." Jessica gave a curtsy. "Jessie..." Alicent sighed. "It doesn't have to be like this..." "He'll not be allowed back in the Red Keep. You heard Father." Alicent gave a bow of her head. "I did." Aemond began to fuss, reaching out for Jessica. Alicent tried to settle him. Jessica went to shift Aegon but he spread himself onto her chest to where she had no room for Aemond. Alicent sighed and handed both boys off to their nursemaid before turning to her. Jessica turned away from her and continued packing. "Jessie..." Alicent sighed watching her. Jessica did respond. She glanced as Alicent stepped foward. "Jessica." Still she packed. "Jesscareya." Alicent dropped to her knees and grabbed Jessica's shoulders. The pair of them stared at each other, saying nothing. The one tear slid down Jessica's cheek followed by another and another still. Alicent pulled her in close. "I know Sweet Girl. I know." "He's gone. He's gone. He's gone. He's gone." Alicent squeezed her tighter. "I'm so sorry." "I love him." Alicent pulled back and looked at Jessica. "Sweetheart you're nine. What do you know about love?" "I know I love Daemon. I know I always will love Daemon." Alicent sighed and rose. "He has a wife, the Lady Rhea Royce. And this isn't some happy fairytale where he'll come and be a knight in shining armor. This is real life." Alicent turned and walked out the room. "You know." Viserys sat next to her on the ship. "I miss that smile." Jessica sighed and continued to look out at the water. Viserys sighed. "I had to do it Jessie. I had to protect you. I had to protect your sister." "I do not wish to marry." Jessica sighed. "Jessica you know - " "That I'm not above duty and tradition, yes I know. I know there is no escape of me marrying. I'm just...scared." Viserys tucked a stand of hair behind her ear. "Scared of what Sweet Girl?" "I'm scared to leave home. I'm scared I'll be forced to marry someone who does not love me. Who will not be...kind to me." Viserys pulled her close, taking her face in his hands. "Don't think for one moment I'd give you to a man who would mistreat you. And if you want a man who will make you happy. I can arrange a tour as I did for Rhaenyra and you can find your match." Viserys smiled, his thumb gently rubbed against her cheek. "And you know I am the king. If I command it so you and your husband would have to live at the castle with me." That conversation seemed to cheer Jessica and she was more of her old self the rest of the trip. Once to Driftmark, Viserys went to greet Rhaenys and Corlys. Rhaenyra went to catch up with their cousin Leana. That left Jessica on her own. She took a walk, meandering her way outside and down to the beach. She could hear voiced hiding in the brushes. She recognized her cousins Laenor's voice. Jessica popped up between the two men. "Hello cousin." She beamed between the pair of them. "Seven hells cousin." Leanor clutched at his chest. Then looked at the man and back to Jessica. "You see nothing." Jessica giggled. "I don't know what your talking about." Leanor smiled and tussled her hair. "Jesscareya this is Ser Joffrey Lonmouth." Joffer bowed his head. "Princess." Jessica gave a tilt of her head in acknowledgement before turning her attention to Leanor. "Dragon racing? Starfyre versus Seasmoke?" Leanor blinked and then picked her up. "Let's go." The pair of them were on their respective dragons in no time. There was an island ten miles out. They were to circle it and make their way back. Joffery gave the signal and they were off. Jessica got an early start. Jessica smiled and kept Starfyre at a steady pace. But in doing so, she had underestimated her opponent. Seasmoke was small and quick and once in her blind spot, hard to see. When Jessica turned at the island he had no idea if she had the lead or not. And once Seasmoke pulled ahead, it was hard to recover. Leanor had one fair and square. The week they were there was like that. Leana loved to dress Jessica up like a doll and Rhaenyra and Leanor would take her out on the beach. She would normally fall asleep in Rhaenys or Corlys's arms in the night. It was a wonderful week with the family. And Jessica was looking foward to the Welcome Feast in just three weeks time.
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