Family Ties

1054 Words
Tensions were ever high upon the return from the Kingswood. Alicent and Rhaenyra barely spoke to each other, let alone be in the same room. Jessica, not wanting to be in the center of that tension, put her energy in Starfyre and becoming a dragon rider. And when she wasn't riding, she was studying history and philosophy, language and poetry. Attempts to bribe Ser Criston Cole into letting her tain with a sword was currently at a stalemate. Jessica was quite content reading Valyrian poetry in the library when she heard the chair acrossed from her being disturbed. She barely glanced up to see Otto Hightower. "Yes Lord Hand?" There was that ever couturier smile. "I thought you could use a break from all that reading." Jessica gave an inaudible sigh. "And whatever did you have in mind?" Otto held out his hand. "Come follow me Little One." Jessica looked from him to the book and back to Otto once more. She marked the book where she left off and took his hand. Otto walked Jessica acoss the court and up to his chambers. Once the doors closed behind them, he lead her to a table. Dragon chess had been set up. Otto pulled the chair out for her. "Have you played?" "With the Maesters." Jessica folded her hands. And she had a good idea of their game play. "Well I hope to offer some challenge." He got her seated before taking his own. He motioned for her to take her turn. They played in silence for the first few turns before Otto broke the silence. "Alicent tells me you've become quite a dragon rider." Jessica couldn't help the smile. "I find I enjoy my daily flights. As does Starfyre." Otto smiled before capturing one of Jessica's pieces. "Alicent always speaks highly of you. She loves you as if you were her own." Jessica paused before moving a piece. She knew this. Alicent never hid her feelings and always made an effort for them to be a family. Jessica had been avoiding it all. "And you know." Otto gained another piece. "When Alicent married your father, the king, I gained two more daughters." Jessica looked up at Otto. He gave her a smile. "I want to see you thrive. I want to see Rhaenyra thrive as well. But she's so determined to keep those walls up of hers. I don't want to see the same happen to you." Jessica took her turn. She was backing Otto into a corner. "So what are you suggesting?" Otto folded his hands. "I simply want you to spend time with all of your family. Aegon is growing everyday and so is Helaena. Alicent is to go into her labors anytime with a new brother or sister. It would do you some good to simply go and visit." Jessica's lips thinned into a line. She reminded silent, chewing on her lip. "Check." Otto looked at the board. "Hm." He made his counter move. And on his turn again. "Check. You wouldn't hurt Rhaenyra by visiting you know, if that's what you were anxious about." Jessica narrowed her eyes and switched topics. "I want to go to the Stepstones. That's why I practice flying so much." "They are at war, Sweet Girl." He made his move. "I can help Daemon." Jessica lost another piece. "You can help your Uncle by staying here and learning to be a proper princess." Otto looked at the board and made his final move. "Checkmate." Jessica leaned back studying the board. Seeing where she had made errors, to learn from them. When Otto saw her out so that he could go attend to her Father, Jessica wandered the halls mulling the conversation over. She ran towards the library. Jessica looked through the shelves until she came upon one of Alicent's favorites. She pulled it down and headed up to her chambers. And she was happy to be just in time. The Maesters had done the cleaning and her labors were done. "Princess." Maester Orwyle smiled. "I think the Queen would love some company." Jessica thanked him as she was ushered in. Alicent was piled upon pillow after pillow, a small bundle wrapped in her arms. "Come here Sweet Girl." Alicent smiled over at her. Jessica crossed the room and climbed onto the bed next Alicent. "I thought I would come read to you." Jessica smiled up at her. "How thoughtful. But I want you to meet someone first." Jessica sat the book aside as Alicent drew an arm around her. "Jessica this is Aemond. This is your brother." Jessica gently pulled back the blanket to look at baby Aemond. For being a newborn, his eyes were wide, looking intently at his surroundings. He looked up at Alicent before looking at Jessica. His eyes were locked onto hers and cooed. Something in Jessica clicked as it long ago with Baelon. She gently reached over and stroked his cheek. Aemond reached up and grabbed onto her finger. A grip that was strong for a newborn. "Look at this!" Viserys smiled at the pair of them. "This makes me happy. Very happy." Viserys was holding baby Helaena, now just over one year of age and settled on the other side of Alicent. Aegon had tottled next to Viserys and clambered up onto the bed. He settled onto Jessica's lap and cuddled into her chest. Jessica pulled Aegon close. But as soon as Jessica pulled away from Aemond he let out an ear shattering scream. Jessica shushed Aemond, reaching out so he could take her finger again. As soon as Aemond grabbed hold, Aegon reached over and pushed Aemond before clinging to Jessica once again. "Mine." He whined. Viserys let out a hardy laugh. "Brothers already. They both love you Jessie." And that is how the day was spent. The six of them on the bed together. Both boys vying for her attention. And she was happy. When Otto Hightower came to the chambers to give his congratulations, he stopped and looked over at Jessica. He smiled giving her a nod of approval before he turned to Viserys. "There's been news of the Stepstones. I am happy to announce that the war is over. Everyone should be home before long." Jessica would finally get to get to see Daemon.
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