Chapter 3

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Ryan I’ve been running nonstop for two days now. I shifted after being banished from my pack. I had no choice but to keep going and try and come up with a plan. If I ever get the chance to destroy them I’ll take it. It was morning when I felt the sudden urge to go into a little town I was nearing. I went behind a couple of trees and changed into the clothes I was carrying in my mouth. I walked past a few different shops and cafes, but nothing here was helping me come up with a plan. I stopped in front of this little cafe when I smelled something so delicious, but I couldn’t pinpoint what it was. I moved on and noticed that the smell wasn’t coming from any of the shops. I followed it all the way to a high school. I wasn’t really dressed to be wandering around town let alone a school. My clothes had dirt and mud all over them and a few tiny holes all around from branches snagging them. I hid in the tree line around the school, trying to find that scent. After some time, students began pouring out of the school for lunch. That smell was stronger now. I followed it till I spotted a group of guys. Three of them looked like they were higher ranking wolves or at least warriors. Not as tall as me, but could definitely fare well in a fight. That’s when I spotted him. This guy was smaller than the others. I moved a little closer and that’s when the smell got stronger. ‘Mate’ was the first thing that popped into my head. He was maybe about 5’2” or 5’4” , very slender, but hard to tell if he even worked out with how baggy his clothes were on him. His features were very soft and his lips were the palest shade of pink. His hair was short and looked a little dried out. His eyes were brown but looked like dark honey in the sun. Something was off about his smell though. I’ve never met a male who’s scent was so sweet. I heard some human shout at him. “Damarias!” “Hey there fellas. What can I do for you?” He stood up. “Word around school is you slept with my girl?” “Is that so? Where did you hear that from?” “Doesn’t matter. I want to hear you admit it” “I’m not one to kiss and tell,” I held a finger up to my lips and winked at him. He looked so cute, taunting that human. “You little” When I saw him rear back it took everything in me not to run out there and protect my mate. He ducked and the human ended up hitting my mate's friend right in the face. Hewas rolling on the floor clutching his hand. His friends rushed him away. “Seriously,” The guy rubbed where he was hit. “What?” “Did you actually bag a human?” “Of course not. I don’t know who told him that. Have you seen his girlfriend? I wouldn’t even touch her with your pole” I heard him laugh and I wanted to sit there and listen to him some more, but if I stuck around anymore I risked getting caught.. *** I was shocked that the moon goddess had paired me with another male, but I was thrilled that I had finally found my mate. I waited around town till school was out. I wanted to get another glimpse of him. I followed the car my mate got into all the way to the border of their pack. I took shelter near some brush to get some rest and decided on what I was going to do, but the run here exhausted me. I woke up some time later and it was pitch black out. The constant running and lack of food and water was definitely taking a toll on me. After going over every plan I could think of. My best option right now was to go to my mate. With that decision I finally got up. I was getting ready to cross the border when I heard footsteps a few hundred yards away. I crept up behind the men making the noise and the smell of rotten flesh and blood hit my nostrils. Rouges. What are they doing here? I was so focused on the ones in front of me that I didn’t even notice the ones behind me. Before I knew it I had 4 on top of me when 2 shifted. I had snapped 2 of their necks but one of the shifted ones rushed me as a distraction while another rammed a blade right onto my abdomen. I fell to the ground clutching my stomach. “We’ve been heard. Leave him. We need to move now” They all scattered, leaving me. I would still recover, but in my weakened state it would take a little longer. I pulled myself up and began moving onto their land, hoping a guard or someone would come across me. My vision was growing dim and blurry. I fell to the ground letting the darkness take over. I don’t know how much time had passed when I felt someone grip the bottom of my shirt and start to lift it. Out of instinct I grabbed their wrist and pinned them to the floor, extending my claws and just when I was about to attack I caught the scent I smelled earlier. I knew this scent. I leaned in closer to their neck where my mark would be. I sat up a bit and looked into his eyes letting out a low growl. “Mate” I was thrown off when I smelt a small hint of something sweet coming from my mate, but it was covered by something unfamiliar to me. Looking at him pinned under me I could see just how small he actually was. His eyes were a dark brown amber and his features were soft, his pale skin glowed under the moonlight. I guess you could say he was handsome, but to me he was more beautiful than most women I’ve ever seen. Captivated by his beauty I leaned in to kiss him when an alarm started blaring, ruining the mood. He looked back towards the sound of the alarm. “We have to help. My pack is under attack” “Your pack?” Maybe he’s a devoted warrior. I secretly thanked the Goddess. I don’t think I could deal with a submissive Omega. “Please! We have to go!” I could hear the urgency in his voice. I stood up, pulling him up to my chest. Was this the mate bond? When he asked for help I didn’t even hesitate to run to the sound of chaos ahead of us. Normally I wouldn’t care about other pack problems since I had my own to deal with. Judging by the size of his friends he was around at school today, Their pack must have some skilled warriors here and I was right. They had taken down all of the rogues before we even arrived. “Casey! Look out,” someone shouted at us as they shifted. Casey? So that’s my mates name. The stranger lunged at me. “No!” My mate shouted standing his ground in front of me. He was so small yet so confident that he could protect me from this other guy. I wasn’t going to let my fragile mate get injured when I just found him. I pulled him to my chest, grabbed a handful of fur from the wolf and tossed him over my head. Casey stood protectively in front of me again. “What are you doing?” I smiled down at him when I smelled that sweet smell coming from my mate again. “Who the hell is this guy?” The guy came stomping towards us as he slipped on a pair of shorts and came over, puffing out his chest. “He’s my… ” my mate was touching his bare chest, “Blaine stop” A loud growl escaped my lips. What is their relationship? Why are they so comfortable around each other? I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him hard into me again.. “Mine,” I growled. “Casey? What’s going on?” Some said running up to us. This must be the Alpha. He radiated authority. I saw someone’s hand on his arm and a woman appeared behind him. A look of horror in her face. “Mom, Dad-” “Dad?” “Who is this?” “I’m,” I looked down at my little mate in my arms and smiled, “his mate” Everyone seemed taken aback by this. “Surprise,” he quietly said as he feebly waved his hands. Everyone looked at me like I was some phenomenon. Which is saying something since we’re technically a mythical creature to humans. “Go to the pack hospital. We’ve got everything here” I started to follow Casey when the one she Called Blaine stopped us. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go alone” “Blaine it’s fine. He wouldn’t hurt me… would you,” he turned back to me. His gaze made my heart beat rapidly. Was this love? I woul d hurt anyone who even thought about hurting him. “Of course not,” I put my fingers under his chin to make sure his eyes were only on me, “you are everything to me” Even under the moonlight I could see him blush. I enjoyed the sparks as his hand touched mine to move it. “See, Blaine. We’re fine” “But-“ “I’ll talk to you later okay” I watched as Casey picked up the pace, but didn’t even look back to see if I was following. Blaine kept his eyes on him. I don’t like him being so familiar with my mate. I walked up behind him and lowered my voice so Casey couldn’t hear. “Mind keeping your eyes in your head? I won’t hurt my mate, but I will hurt anyone who tries to come between us” “You may be his mate, but I know he’s a loyal friend and Alpha. He won’t hesitate to punish anyone who hurts those he cares about most. Even if it’s his rouge mate,” he snapped and walked towards the woods. “Alpha?” My little mate is an Alpha! The goddess has some twisted sense of humor. I ran quickly back tk my mate. We walked in silence all the way to the pack hospital.. *** We were in a hospital room. They were doing a normal examination and when they asked me to take off my shirt I noticed my mate trying to sneak off. I went to grab her and knocked over the tray next to me making him and the nurse jump. He agreed to stay with me and I relaxed a little more. My wound was healed. They wanted to run some blood tests but if they did that then they would know I have alpha blood. The nurse stepped out to get the doctor, leaving us alone. All I wanted to do was hold my mate, but I knew he was dealing with something. “Your name is Casey?” I asked. “Yes. Casey Damarias. Future Alpha of Silvermoon,” he held out his hand. So he really is an Alpha. I thought he might have been a warrior in training, but an Alpha. “Never thought I’d get stuck with such a formal alpha for a mate” I shook his hand. “You’re not going to reject me?” “Why would I?” Who would want to reject their goddess given gift? “Well…” He looked like he was deep in thought. I slipped my hand under his chin, lifting it so I was looking into his eyes. “What are you thinking?” “What’s your name?” “My name is Ryan” “What pack are you from or are you a rouge?” I felt the murderous anger rise inside of me as I thought about my pack. There was a knock on the door. It was the Alpha. “Casey, we need to talk” I tightened my grip on his hand. Feeling my concern he placed his other hand note of mine. “I’ll be just outside the room” I nodded and let go of his hand. Something was off about my little Alpha. I’ve never heard of an alpha being this small. Was he adopted? Maybe he really wasn’t the Alpha’s son. He looked like an exact copy of the Luna though. Then there was his scent. It smells like pine, but it’s like it’s covering up something sweet. They were outside for sometime and I’m not a patient man. I opened the door. The Alpha straightened up. Still not taller than me. “Alpha Joel. This is Ryan my mate” “Nice to meet you son. Welcome to Silvermoon,” he held out his hand. I shook his hand and just stared at him. “I’ll be off now. Your mother will be worried sick” We went back in the room when we heard another knock at the door. Before either of us got up the door was already being opened. Casey jumped up quickly and blocked whoever it was from coming into the room. “Here. Why do you need my clothes?” “Don’t worry about it,” he tried closing the door but it was a losing battle. “Pip squeak you know you can’t fit into them. What are they really for? You're not going to do anything weird to them are you?” “Don’t be gross,” he grabbed them out of his hands before he came in the door, “Thank you” I could see him struggling to close the door. I had to cover my laugh. What kind of Alpha couldn’t close the door on someone. This guy barged his way in. “No way am I going to let you do some weird silence of the lamb stuff with-“ he let out a growl and put his hands on my mate, trying to hide him from my view. I jumped up ready to tear this guy apart. “Ryan don’t,” Casey pushed his way around the intruder and placed his hands on my chest. This calmed me down a little, breathing his scent calmed me down even more. It actually worked. From what I heard from others is that your mate's scent should calm you down instantly. It took me a few deep breaths before I felt completely fine. “Adam, this is my mate Ryan. Ryan this is my friend Adam” “Your mate?” Adam c****d his head. I didn’t like the look on his face. He walked out of the room, shaking his head, without saying anything. “I don’t like him or the other one” “Well get used to them. They’ve been my friends since first grade and they’re not going anywhere” I let out a small growl at him. “Don’t you dare growl at me. I don’t know where you come from or who you think you are, but I will not let you tell me who I can and cannot be friends with” “You’re a feisty little Alpha,” I cupped his cheEl, watching as they turned pink, “I like that” “Here,“ he shoved the clothes in my arms, “get dressed” I sniffed the shirt and could smell Adam’s scent all over them. I’m not going to have my mate hug me and smell some other man. “I’m not wearing his clothes” “Then walk around naked for all I care,” he threw his hands in the air. I smiled and ripped off the rest of the hospital gown. I could see him drooling over me. There it was again. That sweet smell that made me want to take him right here and now. “What are you hiding?” I took a step closer when the door opened. I was getting fed up with these interruptions. A young nurse came in with my release papers. “Oh my,” I could smell the nurse’s arousal. I was now regretting my actions now. Her smell was making me nauseous. Casey took the papers from the nurse and stormed out. I pulled on the pants he gave me and ran after him. Not looking back at the nurse. “Don’t be jealous,” I wrapped my arm around his waist. “Jealous? Who’s jealous?” “Denial doesn’t suit you” “Don’t get ahead of yourself. If you want her then reject me and take her as-“ Before he even finished his sentence I pushed him against the wall outside the hospital, blocking him in with my arms. “Let’s get one thing straight. I will not reject you as my mate. The moon goddess herself picked you out for me and I will not give you up for anyone or anything. You are mine. You got that?” He nodded. I took his hand in mine. Such a delicate little thing. My hand completely covered his. The pack house was quiet. When we got to his room I couldn’t help but smile. His scent was all around me. Looking around it was a pretty simple room. There were a bunch of wraps laying on the bed. He said that it was because of training, but what kind of Alpha gets hurt so badly. I walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe I’ve been walking around like this. No wonder why everyone was trying to keep Casey from me. I look psychotic. Glancing around I noticed a box of tampons above the toilet. Picking them up I walked back to the room. “Good to know you were prepared for a female mate. Sorry to disappoint you” “Yup,” He laughed, “you never know what the moon goddess has planned” I wrapped my hands around his waist. My little Alpha looked at me, his eyes were the most beautiful shade of amber. I leaned in to kiss him when I smelled that same sweet smell mixed with pine. “Your smell is… unique” “Yeah… well… oh maybe it’s from all the sweat and blood. You should shower first. I’ll get you some clothes” “Just join me,” I gripped his hand. “That’s ok. You’ll need clothes for tomorrow so I can show you around the pack” He was right. I can’t just go around naked. “Okay. Hurry back” I turned on the water and stepped into the hot water. It felt good to shower. When I got out I noticed he had a lot of feminine products in here. Maybe he’s had lots of females here. I know I’m no virgin. Honestly I’ve never heard of an Alpha who wasn’t getting some. I wrapped a towel around my waist and stood next to the door. Casey came in holding a bag. “Took you long enough” “Sorry I had to borrow some clothes. None of mine would fit you so-“ I could smell another male on him. I wrapped him in my arms to make sure my scent was the only one on him. “What the hell are you doing?” “Who was touching my little Alpha?” “Little! Who are you calling little?” He pushed away from me and slammed the door to the bathroom. I rummaged through the bag and found a pair of sweats. I laid down and felt so relaxed in this room surrounded by his scent. I fell asleep quickly only to wake up when I heard Casey coming out of the bathroom. I climbed in next to me and I could smell that sweet smell again, but it was stronger now. I felt his hand coming closer. “Don’t touch me unless you want me to rip the clothes off you right now and mate with you” He rolled over so fast, hiding himself under the covers. This is going to be fun.
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