Chapter 2

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Casey We were now at the pack hospital getting my mate looked at. I tried to step out of the room to give him some privacy when he started to knock things over in the room till I agreed to stay. His wound healed quickly, but his clothes were ruined. While the doctor finished looking at him I texted Adam to bring me some of his clothes. The doctor asked to do some blood work, but he refused. We sat in silence for what felt like an hour. “Your name is Casey?” “Yes. Casey Damarias. Future Alpha of Silvermoon,” I smiled and held out my hand for him to shake. “Never thought I’d get stuck with such a formal Alpha for a mate” “You’re not going to reject me?” “Why would I?” “Well…” I didn’t know what to say. My mother always drilled into my head that I was going to get rejected because my mate wouldn’t want to be with a weak male. She never believed in the mate bond as much as others. He slipped his hand under my chin, lifting it so I was looking into his eyes. They were a beautiful bright green which seemed to pop against his tan skin. His light brown hair was a tasseled mess with pieces of twigs still in it. He had sharp features that made him look dangerous. “What are you thinking?” He said in a low voice. “What’s your name?” “My name is Ryan” “What pack are you from or are you a rouge?” He grimaced at this and dropped his hand from my chin. I felt cold where his hand was. What is he hiding? Before I could dog too deep there was a knock on the door. It was my father. “Casey, we need to talk” Ryan placed his hand on mine and tightened his grip around it. “I’ll be right outside the room. I promised” He nodded and let go. I closed the door, but wanted nothing more for my birthday than to be left alone with my mate. My dad looked at me with a huge grin on his face. Nothing was being said so I thought I’d get it going. “Did we take any of them alive?” “Two. it seems like it was just some random attack” “Okay. Did you handle them or do you need…” I trailed off when I saw that my dad was trying to hide his growing smile, “what?” “Nothing nothing,” he waved his hands like he was shooing a fly away.. “Spit it out old man!” “Really is that anyway for a young lady to speak to her father” Being called a lady by him was irritating. All my life he and my mother have pretended like I was their son, but now all of a sudden I’m a young lady. “You didn’t raise a lady, you trained an Alpha” A saw sadness behind his eyes. “Is he your mate?” “He is” “He doesn’t seem like a rogue. Do you sense it too?” “Yeah. He definitely is a higher ranking wolf, but the only thing he’s told me so far is his name. Ryan” “Ryan? We’ll need more than a name to go off of. Have you both accepted each other?” “What? No,” panic in my voice. “Why not? The sooner the better” I was completely confused. My mother always told me to reject my mate before he rejected me. My father… I never actually heard my fathers opinion about mates. He’s only ever trained me to take over. Just then the door opened. My father stood much taller now as he looked at my mate. He was much taller than anyone I knew, even Blaine who was 6’2”. I cleared my throat. “Alpha Joel. This is Ryan my mate” “Nice to meet you son. Welcome to Silvermoon,” he held out his hand. Ryan looked at my dad's hand and then at me. He shook his hand and remained silent. “I’ll be off now. Your mother will be worried sick,” he smiled at us and left. We sat back in the room. The silence was killing me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so nervous around anyone before. The silence was interrupted by another knock at the door. I opened it and saw Adam holding the clothes. “Here. Why do you need my clothes?” “Don’t worry about it,” I reached for the clothes, but he held them out of my reach. “Pip squeak you know you can’t fit into them. What are they really for? You're not going to do anything weird to them are you?” “Don’t be gross,” I snatched the clothes out of his hands, “Thank you” I tried to close the door, but Adam pushed his way in. “No way am I going to let you do some weird silence of the lamb stuff with-“ he let out a small growl when he saw Ryan and pushed me behind his back. Ryan jumped up and looked like he was going to kill Adam. “Ryan don’t,” I rushed in front of him and put my hands on his chest. He pulled me in squeezing me so tight I thought he was going to crush me. He took a deep breath in and I could feel his grip loosen. “Adam, this is my mate Ryan. Ryan this is my friend Adam” “Your mate?” Adam c****d his head. “Yes. Thanks again for the clothes. I’ll talk to you later” I saw a look of disappointment flash across his face when he walked out of the room. “I don’t like him or the other one,” Ryan growled. “Well get used to them. They’ve been my friends since first grade and they’re not going anywhere” He let out a small growl at me. “Don’t you dare growl at me. I don’t know where you came from or who you think you are, but I will not let you tell me who I can and cannot be friends with” “You’re a feisty little Alpha,” he cupped my cheek making me blush, “I like that” “Here,” I shoved the clothes at him, “get dressed” “I’m not wearing some other man’s clothes” “Then walk around naked for all I care,” I threw my hands above my head in the air. He smiled and ripped off his hospital gown. I couldn’t keep my eyes from wandering down his body. He was a golden looking Adonis and I swear my panties have never been this soaked in my whole life. He sniffed the air again and his eyes turned black again. “What are you hiding?” I was saved when a young nurse came in with his release papers. “Oh my,” she bit her lip as her eyes wandered up and down my mate, making me growl. He laughed and quickly pulled on his clothes while I snatched the papers out of her hands, blocking her view. She looked disappointed when he walked past her without giving her a second glance. Stupid woman. “Don’t be jealous,” he wrapped his arm around my waist. “Jealous? Who’s jealous?” “Denial doesn’t suit you” “Don’t get ahead of yourself. If you want her then reject me and take her as-“ Before I finished that sentence he pushed me against the side of the hospital outside, blocking me in with his arms. “Let’s get one thing straight. I will not reject you as my mate. The moon goddess herself picked you out for me and I will not give you up for anyone or anything” I was speechless. He looked so sincere and I could see it in his eyes that he wasn’t lying. “You are mine. You got that?” The words were stuck in my throat so I nodded. He straightened up and took my hand in his. His hand engulfed mine. We walked back to the pack house holding hands. Luckily it was 3 in the morning so everyone was in their rooms. This means that I wouldn’t have to deal with anyone till morning. Well I guess it was technically morning now. When we walked into my room he began looking around. I never thought that my mate was ever going to see my room. I wasn't prepared at all. I had my bindings and wraps out on the dresser, along with the spray my mother had gotten from a witch at the neighboring pack to hide my female pheromones. I quickly tossed the spray in my dresser along with the wraps and bindings. “What is this?” He picked up one of the wraps I left on my bed. “Well… Since I’m smaller my dad has always trained me harder and I get hurt a lot more,” I scratched the back of my head hoping he’d believe the lie. He sat them down and continued looking around my room. I guess it’s our room. It was basically the size of a studio apartment. I kept everything pretty gender neutral so there were a lot of gray and black tones in my room. When he walked out of the bathroom I was horrified when he came out with a box of tampons. “Good to know you were prepared for a female mate. Sorry to disappoint you” I was starting to sweat like crazy. “Yup,” I laughed nervously, “you never know what the moon goddess has planned” He slowly wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me into him again. I could feel his bulge on my stomach, sending sparks throughout my body. The sparks spread down to my core making me wet. I heard him sniff the air and pull away. “Your smell is… unique” “Yeah… well… oh maybe it’s from all the sweat and blood. You should shower first. I’ll get you some clothes” “Just join me,” his grip firm on my waist Crap! I was not ready for any of this. Was he actually into guys? Would he be angry if he found out I wasn’t a boy? I don’t want him to reject me and leave now. “That’s ok. You’ll need clothes for tomorrow so I can show you around the pack” His face soured. “Okay. Hurry back,” he let go and went into the bathroom. When I heard the water run I quickly sprayed myself with the potion and ran straight to Blaine’s room. Knocking rapidly till he answered the door. “Who the hell- oh,” he opened the door for me to come in. “I need to borrow some clothes” “What for?” “For Ryan” “Who?” I sighed. “My mate” He grimaced when I said this. “Come on. Not you too” “What?” “Adam was the same way. Look I just need to borrow some clothes and then we can all sit down and-“ “And what? Become best friends and braid each other's hair?” “What is your problem?” “I didn’t know you liked dudes! All this time we…” he pinched the bridge of his nose, “forget it” he headed to his closet and tossed some clothes into a bag for me, “here. I don’t know if they’ll fit him, but it should last till he gets his own” “Thank you,” I was just outside the door when he grabbed my arm. I turned around and saw him lift his arms for a hug. “I’m sorry,” he said sheepishly. “It’s okay,” I smiled and having him a hug, “We can talk about it and watch chick flicks and paint each others nails tomorrow” He laughed as I ran back to my room. I opened the door hoping Ryan would still be in the shower, but luck was not on my side. He was standing near the bathroom door with a towel sitting dangerously low around his waist. His skin was glowing and his hair looked so soft. It was shorter on the sides and longer on top. “Took you long enough” “Sorry,I had to borrow some clothes. None of mine would fit you so-“ He was quickly on me again holding me close and pushing his bulge into my lower back. “What are you doing?” “Who was touching my little Alpha?” He ran his hands up my arms. “Little! Who are you calling little?!” I shouted, but he didn’t move. “I don’t like anyone touching what is mine” I pushed him away and headed to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me, making sure to lock it. Taking a deep breath I got undressed and took off my wig, letting my long hair fall down my shoulders. I pulled off all my bindings and wraps. I was finally able to breathe. I took a well deserved shower. How the hell am I going to make it through the rest of my life like this if I’m already struggling after one day. Getting out and drying off I realized I was going to have to wear my bindings and wig all night. Great. Night time was the only time of day I could be free of this. I put everything back on and pulled on my pajamas. Ryan was laying in bed already, asleep. I hope he doesn’t try anything tonight. I crawled in bed on the other side of him. He must’ve been exhausted. Looking at him so relaxed it made my heart flutter. I reached out to touch his face feeling my core tingle. “Don’t touch me unless you want me to rip the clothes off you right now and mate with you” I rolled over quickly, pulling the blankets over my head. Goddess help me.
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