
My Luna’s Secret

female lead

My pack is one that I have always been proud of. I was born to Joel and Alanah of the Silvermoon pack. I’ve never agreed with most of my parent’s choices but it was just something I learned to accept. My name is Casey and I am the Future Alpha. Most of the pack have doubts whether I am my fathers son.

I am one of the smallest Alpha’s they have ever seen. Standing only 5’4” on a good day. I have a very slim frame and slender arms and legs. My hair is a light auburn color that makes my dark brown eyes look darker.

I am turning eighteen today. This is the day I am supposed to find my mate, but I am in no rush. My mother has told me time and time again that my mate will never accept me and it’s for the best. So I’d like to hold on to the dream of one day having my mate by my side for as long as I can.

The day started off the same as usual. My sister Elyse, I call her El, still lives in the pack house with us while our oldest sister Kathleen, I call her Kat, lives in one of the houses near the pack house with her mate Nathan, but I call him Nate. I love them both dearly and I like to think that they love me too, but sometimes I can see the resentment in their eyes when our parents come around. We all gathered around the table to have breakfast.

“Kat, how is Nate?”

“He’s doing good. Looking forward to your guys training session today”

“Maybe this time he’ll be able to land a punch,” I smirked as I ate a piece of toast.

“Casey! Get your i***t friends out of here!” El shouted, her clothes were dripping as she swung the newspaper at my friends, Blaine, Miles and Adam.

“What did they do now?”

“We were only having fun,” Adam said, taking my plate of food and scarfing it down.

“It’s just water,” Miles said, taking the toast out of my hand.

“Hey!” I reached up to get my food back but hardly came close to touching any of it.

“Ouch!” Both Miles and Adam said as Blaine smacks them both in the head.

“Give him his food”

“We’re growing boys! Pip squeak here doesn't need it,” Miles said.

I punched him right in the arm, making him drop my toast. I snatched it quickly and shoved the whole thing in my mouth, making me look like a chipmunk.

“Maybe I wouldn’t be so small if you neanderthals would stop stealing my food!”

“Come on little buddy. We’re going to be late. Don’t want to keep the ladies waiting on your big day,” Adam said, setting my empty plate back on the table.

We raced out the front door only for my parents to call me back.

“What’s up?”

“We just wanted to wish you a happy birthday,” my dad smiled, giving me a hug.

“Thanks,” I smiled back.

“Remember to come right back after training”

“Will do,” I waved him off while my mom still stood in front of me.

I saw her eyeing me up and down.

“What’s wrong mom?”

“Did you remember to wrap up today?”

“I do it every day. Why?”

“Maybe you should add some more just in case. Maybe take a sweater”

“Mom it’s like 100 degrees outside,” it really wasn’t, but it was a nice day.

“Please,” she handed me my black zip up hoodie.

I took it and threw it on quickly.


“Thank you,” I ran off before she decided to make me go in and change.

There was nothing wrong with what I was wearing. I had on some loose dark blue skinny jeans, a white crew neck shirt and my black vans. My hair was short and always messy, like I had just gotten out of bed.

She always worried that I would forget my chest wraps and alway made sure to double check with me each day. Did I forget to mention that I’m a female.

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My pack is one that I have always been proud of. I was born to Joel and Alanah of the Silvermoon pack. I’ve never agreed with most of my parent’s choices but it was just something I learned to accept. My name is Casey and I am the Future Alpha. Most of the pack have doubts whether I am my fathers son. I am one of the smallest Alpha’s they have ever seen. Standing only 5’4” on a good day. I have a very slim frame and slender arms and legs. My hair is a light auburn color that makes my brown eyes look darker. I am turning eighteen today. This is the day I am supposed to find my mate, but I am in no rush. My mother has told me time and time again that my mate will never accept me and it’s for the best. So I’d like to hold on to the dream of one day having my mate by my side for as long as I can. The day started off the same as usual. My sister Elyse, I call her El, still lives in the pack house with us while Kathleen, I call her Kat, lives in one of the houses near the pack house with her mate Nathan, but I call him Nate. El and Kat are fraternal twins. I love them both dearly and I like to think that they love me too, but sometimes I can see the resentment in their eyes when our parents come around. We all gathered around the table to have breakfast. “Kat, how is Nate?” “He’s doing good. Looking forward to your guys training session today” “Maybe this time he’ll be able to land a punch,” I smirked as I ate a piece of toast. “Casey! Get your i***t friends out of here!” El shouted, her clothes were dripping as she swung the newspaper at my friends, Blaine, Miles and Adam. “What did they do now?” “We were only having fun,” Adam said, taking my plate of food and scarfing it down. Adam was tall and lean, with red hair and brown eyes. “It’s just water,” Miles said, taking the toast out of my hand. Miles was a tad shorter than Adam, but very stocky. He had green eyes and dark brown hair. “Hey!” I reached up to get my food back but hardly came close to touching any of it. “Ouch!” Both Miles and Adam said as Blaine smacks them both in the head. “Give him his food,” Blaine said glaring at them. Blaine had bright blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He definitely had more muscles than Miles, but looked a lot leaner then he actually was. “We’re growing boys! Pip squeak here doesn't need it,” Miles said. I punched him right in the arm, making him drop my toast. I snatched it quickly and shoved the whole thing in my mouth, making me look like a chipmunk. “Maybe I wouldn’t be so small if you neanderthals would stop stealing my food!” “Come on little buddy. We’re going to be late. Don’t want to keep the ladies waiting on your big day,” Adam said, setting my empty plate back on the table. We raced out the front door only for my parents to call me back. “What’s up?” “We just wanted to wish you a happy birthday,” my dad smiled, giving me a hug. “Thanks,” I smiled back. “Remember to come right back after training” “Will do,” I waved him off while my mom still stood in front of me. I saw her eyeing me up and down. “What’s wrong mom?” “Did you remember to wrap up today?” “I do it every day. Why?” “Maybe you should add some more just in case. Maybe take a sweater” “Mom it’s like 100 degrees outside,” it really wasn’t, but it was a nice day. “Please,” she handed me my black zip up hoodie. I took it and threw it on quickly. “Happy?” “Thank you,” I ran off before she decided to make me go in and change. There was nothing wrong with what I was wearing. I had on some loose dark blue skinny jeans, a white crew neck shirt and my black vans. My hair was short and always messy, like I had just gotten out of bed. She always worried that I would forget my chest wraps and alway made sure to double check with me each day. Did I forget to mention that I’m a female.

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