Chapter 4

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Casey The sun was shining on my face. I tried to roll over, but was trapped by a pair of strong arms. I was trying to sneak away when they pulled me back in. “Where does my little Alpha think he’s going?” He said in a low husky voice. “We need to get up” “Do we have to?” “I guess not. I guess I’ll just have to keep getting clothes from-“ He jumped up, nearly knocking me out of bed. He stripped off his sweats and dug through the bag Blaine gave me. I quickly turned, blushing. I got up and went into the closet to change. “Where are we going?” He shouted from the room. “To the mall” I got dressed quickly in case he tried to sneak in. “We missed breakfast, but we can pick something up along the way” “Whatever you want,” he grabbed my hand. We made it out of the pack house without being seen. Just when I thought we were in the clear I was tackled to the ground by Miles. Ryan let out a low growl. Either Miles was deaf or he had a death wish. “You big ape, get off of me!” “You had me so worried short stuff. I thought I lost you” “Don’t be so dramatic,” I laughed as Ryan grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me up. “If you wouldn’t mind I’d appreciate it if you kept your hands off my mate,” Ryan said, holding me possessively. “Oh! You must be Ryan. I’m Miles,” he stuck out his hand for Ryan to shake, “We were just about to go training. Would you like to join us?” He slowly lowered his hand when he realized Ryan wasn’t going to shake his hand. “We can’t. We need to go to the mall and get some things for Ryan” “Cool. We’ll come with. It’s not everyday the pack gets two future Alphas” “Hey wait,” he already started running off, “no one invited you!” I shouted. He just put his hand in the air, waving it like an i***t. “So how many boyfriends does my little Alpha have?” “They’re not my boyfriends. We’ve been best friends since we were young” “You know Alpha’s aren’t ones to share. We get more possessive over our mates then others would,” he said, caressing my arms as he looked deep into my eyes, like he was trying to say something. “Are…” “What?” “Are you an Alpha?” “Holy s**t you’re an Alpha?” Adam said skidding to a stop just inches from tackling me like Miles did. “I never said that,” he looked irritated. “Yeah. How could he be? What kind of Alpha associates with rouges?” Blaine snapped. They were locked in a stare down. With the tension growing I clapped my hands together. “So the mall isn’t open all day. Let’s go get some food. I’m starving” We all piled in the truck. Blaine got into the drivers side, Miles was in the passenger seat and I sat in the back with Ryan and Adam. Ryan decided to sit in the middle so I wouldn’t touch Adam. Poor guy didn’t know the mistake he just made. “You know what. I think we’re gonna be great friends,” Adam put his arm around Ryan. “Move it or lose it,” Ryan said in a deep tone. “Watch out Case. I think your mate likes me,” he fake whispered and winked at me This was going to be a long day.. *** We didn’t spend much time at the mall. Which was great for me. I’m used to getting stared at when I go anywhere with the guys since they’re insanely good looking and hard to miss. But having Ryan all over me was a bit much. After we finished eating a quick bite I ran to the candy store real quick to grab a couple of chocolates for some of the kids who help around the pack house. “You know just because you can buy that stuff doesn’t mean you should,” Ryan laughed at me as I carried a big bag full of candy. “Mind your business and go get some clothes. Or are you getting used to wearing Blaine’s-“ he shut my mouth by kissing me. “Come on guys, you’re gonna make Adam wet himself,” Miles covered Adam's eyes. “You keep following us around and you’ll definitely get a show” Was he trying to joke with them? “Now don’t go making promises you can’t keep,” Adam wiggled his finger at Ryan. He grabbed about 20 pairs of everything and got all of his essentials. He didn’t even try anything on. When everything was packed in the car we decided to just go back to the pack house. The ride wasn’t terrible. He really seemed to loosen up around the guys. With the exception of Blaine. When we arrived at the house I got out and reached for some of the bags when Ryan took them out of my hand. “No mate of mine will be carrying my bags” “Why is that?” I crossed my arms. He looked like he was at a loss for words. “Looks like someone else was preparing for a female mate,” I grabbed some of the bags and headed up to the room. “Casey!” A few of the kids ran up to me as we entered the pack house. “How are my favorite kiddos?” I smiled brightly at them. “We finished all the chores around the house and Mrs Kathleen said we could help make cakes for dessert tonight!” “Did she? Now all of you I want you to listen closely,” I leaned down and they all came closer listening carefully to my every word, “I want you to pay close attention to Kathleen. She makes the best cakes and someday when you find your mate you’ll be able to bake cakes for them too” They started smiling and jumping with excitement. “Now until it’s time to bake the desserts why don’t you go out and play, but before you do,” I pulled out the bag of sweets for them, “why don’t you have a treat” “Yay!” They snatched the bag and ran outside. “Casey?” Marie was pulling on my jeans. I sat the bags down and picked her up, holding her on my hip. “What is it, Princess Marie?” “Did you get them?” “Them? You mean…,” I started digging through my pockets, “oh no, Marie. I’m so sorry. It must have fallen-“ Ryan came in holding the little pink rabbit that spits out jelly beans when you wind it, “does this belong to you?” Marie blushed and buried her face in my shoulder. “Of course it is. A very cute girl must own this very cute rabbit” She lifted her head and smiled at him, gently taking it out of his hand. “Thank you. You… you’re very handsome,” she blushed and buried her face in my shoulder. “Well thank you” “Can we keep him?” I nearly fell over laughing. “Sorry, but I’m already taken. Someday you’ll find your own mate though and you get to keep each other forever” She giggled and ran out of the room. “You’re very good with children” “So are you,” he smiled, grabbing the bags I set down and headed towards my… well I guess it’s actually our room now. He had already started taking off tags and putting things away. This was an actual thing now. He really was staying. I helped him put the rest of his things away. He changed into some new clothes and shoved Blaine’s back in the bag. “You ready to show me around? We can give these back to Blaine if we see him” “Yeah,” I turned to the door when I felt his hand in mine. I really enjoyed this feeling. We walked all around the North and West side of the pack and even stopped to visit Kat and Nate. Kat was the only one home and said Nate would be at the training grounds right now. “You up for a little training?” I smiled brightly at Ryan. “Always” We were on the training grounds by the arena when Adam came bounding at me full force, luckily for me Ryan’s reaction time was slightly quicker than mine. He lifted me up effortlessly and moved me just in time as Adam went charging right into the middle of a fight. After getting scolded by Craig the head warrior he had to run 15 miles before his training with Craig. “You finally made it,” Nate came over giving me a side hug. “Took us a while. We stopped to see Kat first. Nate, this is my mate Ryan. Ryan, this is my sister Kat’s mate, Nate” “Pleasure to meet you future Alpha Ryan” “Ryan is just fine” “Ryan it is. Were you going to train with us today?” “If you wouldn’t mind. It’s been a while” “Wonderful” “You ready?” Ryan hopped in the ring and began to warm up. “Always. Are you?” Nate looked around to see if someone was behind him. “Is he talking to me?” Nate looked at me. The blood quickly drained from his face. “You’re the one who asked him to train” “Not with me!” He slowly climbed in the ring. Both of them jumped around. Right when Ryan was about to strike, Craig stepped in. “Hold on a minute” “Oh thank god,” Nate put his hand on his chest and quickly scrambled to get out of the ring. “Do you mind if I go first? I'd like to see who to pair you with” Ryan nodded. They both squared up. The fight did not last long. His movements were swift and fluid. It was beautiful to watch. Craig was down in 3 moves. “Well done. I’d expect nothing less from the future Alpha’s mate” “I’ll train with you today. I haven’t had a challenge like this since I first started training Casey” They began jumping around and sparing. “Come on Nate. I don’t think Miles has a partner” I hoped in the ring. We went for a few rounds. It was nice to get a quick workout for the day. “Do you have any plans for the rest of the day? The guys and I were planning on going for a run later“ “I have to show Ryan the rest of the pack” “You have your mate for one day and you forget all about us,” Miles said. “Hey,” I punched him in the arm, “that’s not true and you know it. I just have some other things to do first and then we can meet up with you guys later” “Sure,” he stared at his water bottle. “Don’t be like that. Look, if you got to know him you might actually like him” “Well…” he stood up, “looks like I don’t get a choice,” he smiled, “bring him over tonight. Maybe we can have a party since yours got interrupted” “Deal” We clasped our hands and pulled each other in for a hug when I felt the spark erupt on my stomach again as Ryan pulled me into his chest. “I wish all of you would keep your hands of my mate” “Ryan,” I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he had a firm grip on me. Miles bared his teeth. This amused Ryan. I could feel the rumble in his chest as he laughed. “Go ahead and try” “Enough!” I shouted, “are you two out of your minds!” I stormed away. Why the hell are they like this? How am I going to handle a possessive mate around my friends? We’re all guys so why does it matter who I’m around. I’m really not a guy but he doesn’t know that. Not yet anyway. No matter what we do they just seem to fight. It has only been a day. Maybe they just need more time, but how much more? I got up to my room and went to change when the door opened behind me. s**t. I keep forgetting that it’s not just my room anymore. “What’s wrong?” Ryan came over, reaching out to touch my face. “Don’t,” I shoved his hand away, “why do you have to be like that?” “Like what? Letting them know you’re my mate and no one else’s? I’ve told you before Casey. It’s not in my nature to share” “Do you have to be so rude to them?” “They need to respect that I am your mate and their future Alpha” “They would if you would just respect them too” “That’s not how this works. Respect is earned not given” “You have to give respect to get it in return” “That’s where we disagree” The look he was giving me right now made my knees weak and I just wanted to jump into his arms and forget the whole thing. Before my body betrayed me I walked out of the room. I stormed all the way to the lake before I realized how far I had gone. I could see the children were just getting out of the water to dry off and head back to the pack house. It wasn’t that long ago that Blaine, Miles, Adam and I were sitting here skipping rocks and playing in the water. Will things ever be the same again? I love my friends and I want Ryan to be okay with them being around, but they can’t even be within 5 feet of each other without starting a fight. I was lost in my own world when I heard footsteps behind me. “Look who it is, boys. Who would’ve thought we’d find the embarrassment of the pack all alone” “What do you want, Darius?” This prick again. He’s only 2 years older than me and has had it out for me since we were children. His family were the biggest supporters of me giving up my title. His father was one that sought after the title above all others. When my dad beat his in a fight for it. They were deemed weak. He’s never forgiven me since. “Where are your body guards? They finally realize a runt like you isn’t worthy of being Alpha?” I stood and started walking past him when 4 of his other friends came from behind trees, circling me in. “Heard you even got yourself a mate. Where is he? Did he realize he’d rather be a rogue than have a weak Alpha like you for a mate?” I snarled at him. “What’s your problem Darius?” “You are our problem. We are a strong pack and if you’re the one to lead us next we will crumble” “What makes you think you’d even be qualified to be Alpha? It takes more than muscles. You actually have to have a brain and use it” “You know we were going to take it easy, but that mouth of yours never knows when to stop” Damn. Why can’t I just keep my mouth shut? Is this like little man syndrome? I can’t stop till I prove I’m bigger than them. I sighed deeply.
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