Chapter 5

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Ryan He stormed off again. I’m not trying to upset him. I just don’t like how his friends think that it’s okay for them to be holding him and touching him all the time. That’s my job. I’ve been trying so hard to not mate and mark him. He’s so cute and doesn’t even realize it. At the mall all I wanted to do was rip apart anyone who was looking at him. I could smell their lust and it made me want to shift and tear them to pieces for even thinking they could have him. I started searching for him through the house so I could apologize. I was still getting used to the place and got lost a few times when I heard shouting near the front door. It was the little girl from earlier this afternoon. “Help!” She was sobbing uncontrollably as she ran right to me pulling on my jeans. “Hey, slow down,” I wiped her tears while she continued to try and pull me towards the door, “what’s going on?” “Casey is in trouble” “Where is he?” “By the lake” I didn’t need to hear another word. I took off, sprinting towards Casey’s scent. Her smell grew stronger, but so did the smell of blood. My heart started to ache as panic set in. Next to the lake I saw Casey. Surrounded by a group of people fighting with everything he had. “Casey!” He lost focus when he turned to look at me. A fist came flying right at his jaw, knocking him to the floor. The roar that came out of me made them all stop in their tracks. “How dare you touch my mate!” I could feel my wolf come out and I didn’t stop him. I was sending them flying left and right breaking every bone I got ahold of. I heard a commotion behind me. Looking over my shoulder I saw one of the guys holding Casey by the hair. I shifted. “Put him down!” I let out a menacing growl. “Let us go!” This guy looked like he was going to piss his pants. I couldn’t help laughing at him. “You’re already a dead man” “Then so is he,” he pulled out a knife and plunged it into Casey’s chest. I felt the burning sensation in my chest where the knife was. I jumped forward, grabbing Casey and guiding him gently to the ground. As I watched my mate bleed out I ran after the one who stabbed him. Catching him easily. The smell of his fear seeping out of his pores fueled my anger. I extended my claws and pushed them slowly through his chest, closing my hand tightly around his heart. His screams were music to my ears. I ripped it straight from his chest and watched as his life slowly faded from his eyes. I dropped him and his heart on the ground and rushed back to Casey. He was gasping for air. I ripped his shirt and was confused when I saw how much bandages he had wrapped around his chest. I had to pull the knife out to undo the rest of it. No wonder he couldn’t breathe. How long has he been wearing this? It never seemed to end. The knife wasn’t too deep thanks to this though. When it was all off I was in shock. Casey was no man. He was a woman. She had been hiding her breasts under these bandages for so long that she had sores and marks from where the bandages were wrapped so tight. I reached my hand up to touch her cheek, but I heard footsteps coming up behind me. I quickly covered Casey with the torn shirt and pulled well… her to my chest. “What the hell happened?” Blaine asked “Take whoever is alive to the dungeons.They will receive no treatment,” I picked up Casey “What about him?” He pointed to the asshole I killed. “Throw him over the border and let the animals have him” “Is Casey-“ “We’ll be at the hospital” Blaine looked angered at being cut off but I don’t care. I needed to get her to the hospital.. *** The monitors were beeping. Casey was sleeping. Her wound was taking a lot longer to heal. “The blade was close to her heart but missed. It was a knife covered in wolfsbane,” the doctor said as he changed her bandages. “Will she be alright?” “Oh yes. She has had worse wounds then this before” “Worse?” “Oh yes. She was a scraper when she was a pup. She used to say that she was just clumsy, but some of her wounds were questionable” “What do you mean?” “Well… “ he looked back at my unconscious mate, “as you now know. I too know that she is not a male. I was the one who delivered her. For whatever reasons the Alpha and Luna have for concealing her gender, they have not disclosed this information to me. I was sworn to never tell a soul. Since she was going to be the future Alpha our biggest concern was going to be her size. She was small and for a future alpha that just isn’t normal. A lot of the other pack members questioned her bloodline. When the pack has doubts, uncertainty which can spread like a disease. That lead many of the children to test her abilities” “Did she tell anyone?” “I think she wanted to prove that she could be a leader despite her size. Over the years I began to see less and less of her so I assumed that she was becoming stronger” How much has Casey had to endure all these years? “Ryan, please help her. Now that she has someone to rule beside her she might be able to be the Luna she deserves to be. She is a strong leader and has always done what is right for the good of the pack” “I will do everything in my power to see that happen” “Thank you,” he nodded and stepped out of the room leaving me there with Casey. I curled up on the bed with her, gently moving her head so she was resting on my arm. Cuddling her now I noticed that her scent had changed. The pine was slowly fading, which left a sweeter smell than before. Is this her true scent? It was absolutely mouth watering. Why didn’t I notice this before? I laid there for hours just looking at her. How could I not notice she was a girl. Now through the hospital gown and with her bindings off I could see just how curvy she was. She had the most perfectly round perky breasts. Her slender frame and wide hips, always hidden under her baggy clothes Did her friends know her secret? Is that why they were always on her? I couldn’t help but hold her tighter. Looking at her plump pink lips I couldn’t resist kissing them. Her eyes still closed she wrapped her hands around the back of my neck. Making the sparks between us heighten the feeling. I nipped at her lips for entrance, her lips parting. I pushed my tongue deep inside, exploring the inside of her mouth. My hand slid up her side and rested on her soft breasts. I could feel her n*****s harden as I gently massaged them. The sweetest sounding moan I had ever heard escaping her lips. “Casey,” I whispered in her ear. Then all of a sudden she pushed me off. Panic written all over her face. She shot up too fast, placing her hand over her bandage. “What's going on? What happened?” “Baby calm down,” I cupped her cheeks making her look at me, “just breath” She took in a few deep breaths and then looked at me. “You were attacked by a group. One of them stabbed you in the chest. I took care of him and brought you to the hospital. The doctor says that if it weren’t for the layers of wraps you had on, you might not have made it” She looked down and pulled the covers up to her neck. “Did… did you see?” She turned as white as the sheets. “I saw everything” “Are… are you mad at me?” “I’m definitely shocked, but I’m not mad at you. I am curious as to why you were keeping your gender a secret” She turned her head. I placed my hand under her chin and turned her face back to mine. “Casey, I want you to listen and listen well. You can tell me anything. You are my gift from the moon goddess herself. Hand picked just for me. I will always cherish and love you. We may not agree with certain things at times, but that doesn’t mean I will love you any less. I want you to know you can trust me” “It’s not that I don’t trust you,” I could see the tears building up in her eyes. “Then what is it?” She closed her eyes tightly. “I can’t,” tears began to fall. I cupped her cheeks and kissed her tears, pulling her head into my chest. Her little fists clutching my shirt like I was the only thing keeping her grounded to earth. She must’ve been holding it in all these years. The burden of being an Alpha is not for the faint of heart and being told you don’t have a choice must’ve been hard on her all these years. I ran my hand through her hair when I noticed the line around her forehead. “Casey,” I ran my fingers along the line, “what is this?“ “I guess since you know. I don’t need this,” she sat up and began pulling her hair off. It was a wig. She had the most beautiful auburn hair I had ever seen. It was so long that I was surprised she was able to fit it all under that wig. She shook it out a bit with her fingers. If she were standing it would’ve had to have fallen all the way to her butt. I ran my hand through it. It was soft as silk. I grabbed a handful pulling her into another deep kiss. Without saying another word she rested her head on my chest. We remained like that for some time till we heard a commotion coming from the hall. Then the door to her room burst open. “Casey, are you al…” Damn these guys! Damn them to hell!! It was Blaine, Miles and Adam again. Ruining the perfect moment I was spending with her. She quickly dove under the covers. “You son of a-“ Blaine dove at me. I quickly threw him off, careful to not hurt Casey any more then she already was. Miles and Adam attacked whenI stood up. A blinding flurry of fists and legs flying everywhere when I heard Casey’s sweet voice scream. “Enough!” She had gotten out of bed. My hand around Adam’s throat, while the other held Miles’ by the collar. She placed her hand on my arm around Adam's neck. I dropped him and then Miles. Wrapping my arms around her and deeply inhaling her scent. “You have the nerve to cheat on Casey while he is in here fighting for his life,” Blaine was seething in anger, “when I find him and tell him I hope he sees you for the scumbag you are and rejects you” I smirked and looked down at Casey, but she shook her head at me, gripping my shirt tightly in her hands. “We’ll see about that” They stormed out of the room. I looked into her dark amber eyes. “Why haven’t you told them about this?” She looked down and then the door opened again. This time it was the doctor along with the Alpha and Luna. They both gasped when they saw Casey in my arms. “What is the meaning of this?” Joel growled. I returned it with my own growl. “Now gentlemen. This is a hospital not a training ring so I’ll ask you to refrain from destroying the room,” he looked around, “any further” “You dare go behind my son's back with this filthy tramp?” I looked at both Joel and Alanah. Was he really her father? Could he really not tell that this was Casey? “Joel!” Alanah covered her mouth. He looked from his wife back to Casey and his mouth nearly hit the floor. “Hey dad,” she slightly lifted her hand in an attempt to wave. “W-what happened?” “She was attacked by a group” “Why?” “It was Darius,” she whispered. “Again?” “Again!?! What do you mean again?! You’ve let him get away with this before!” How could he let his own daughter, my mate, go through this. “There was nothing I could do back then. They were only children. Casey was-“ “Was what?” I couldn’t hold back the roar, “was she supposed to let this continue till he killed her? If it weren’t for me being there he would’ve succeeded tonight” “I thought he stopped with these attempts. He had become stronger, but clearly I was wrong. He is still-“ “She” Joel looked at me confused and then looked at Casey. It was like a light went off in his head. He was seeing Casey as the girl she truly was. “She is not to blame for any of this. Your poor choices as parents put her and the pack at risk and for what? For your title?” He hung his head low. “We did what was best for the pack,” Alanah decided to speak now. “You chose wrong and if it were up to me you both would be spending the rest of your life in the dungeons for what you’ve done” I picked up Casey. “Is she clear to leave doc?” “Yes. She needs rest and she should be good by tomorrow” I was glad it was dark out so no one else got to lay eyes on my beautiful mate today.
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