Chapter 6

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Casey I never thought Darius would stoop so low. It made my heart swell to see Ryan standing up to my parents. I never knew someone could care so much for me. I felt so safe in his arms. When we got into the room he set me on the bed and went to the closet, coming back out, with sweats on and holding a shirt. His body was toned and you could see every muscle on him. I just wanted to run my hands all over him. He set the shirt on the bed and went to pull off the hospital gown and I retreated further away out of instinct. “Sorry,” I said embarrassed. “Don’t be. It’s going to be a big life adjustment for you too” I c****d my head at him. “You don’t think I’m going to let you go back to living like a guy again do you?” “Well-“ “No. You are a girl and should be treated as such” “What does that mean?” “You will be the Luna you were meant to be” “I could only be a Luna if you were an Alpha” He stood there like a statue. He sat the shirt down on the bed and turned to walk away “Please,” I grabbed his hand, “Don’t leave me” He let out a sigh, got down on one knee and cupped my face. “I won’t leave” “I just want to know more about you” He stood up, slowly taking my hospital gown off and slipping his shirt over me. He crawled into bed and pulled me next to him. My back flushed against his chest, throwing the covers over both of us. “Ask away” “Where are you from?” “Crimson Lake” “Crimson Lake” I tried turning, but his grip on my hips was firm, “my mother told me stories about a pack called Crimson Lake. “Really?” He said surprised, “bet it was all sunshine and rainbows” “Not exactly. She did say the Alpha could wipe out entire packs on his own,” I giggled, “is it true?” “I may be strong, but I’m not that strong” “I bet I could take you” He rolled on top of me, using his weight to pin me down to the bed. “You sure about that?” “For sure. I think I’d rather have the one who destroys packs in minutes for a mate. Give me a bit of a challenge” He let out a small growl. The rumble, sending shivers down to my very core. I could feel myself burning up. He was sniffing the air again. “My love if you don’t want me to take you right now you need to calm down,” he smiled. I blushed, but wasn’t able to calm down till he laid behind me again. “Why does your scent change? You smell much more,” he took a deep breath in again, “enticing” “Oh. I suppose it’s the spray” “Spray?” “Yeah I use a spray my mother got from a witch. It was supposed to mask my scent, but I guess it doesn’t work very well against mates” “I’m glad you’re done with all of that” “I’m not” “What?” “I’m glad to have you with me, but I’m not going to give up on being an Alpha” “You can’t be an Alpha” “And why can’t I? I’ve worked just as hard and went through so much training. I went to the freakin academy for this!” “They let you in?” “Yes,” I rolled over on top of him, “Why don’t I be Alpha and you can be my Luna” He pushed his bulge into me, grinding right into me distracting me for a split second and pining me under him again. “You’ll have to beat me first,” his hand slid up my shirt as he kissed down my neck. His hand rested on my breast making my head lean back into the pillow letting out a moan. He gently squeezed my breast making me wince. The wound is still hurting. “I’m so sorry,” he removed his hand quickly and sat up, “are you ok?” “Yeah. It’s still tender” He looked pained as he laid next to me, giving me a kiss on the forehead. “Get some rest love” We settled back under the covers again. “Why did you leave your pack?” “I didn’t” “Then why were you on our pack lands?” “Could we save that story for another time?” I nodded and cuddled into his chest. Falling asleep quickly.. *** I woke up from the best night's sleep I’ve ever had. I looked up into his dark green eyes. “Morning beautiful” “How long have you been staring at me?” “About an hour now” “You creep,” I smiled. “How is your wound?” I pulled my shirt out and looked down. “All healed” “Let me double check” His hand ran up my thigh under my shirt and to my breast again. He pulled the shirt up over my head. My hands went up to cover myself when he grabbed them and held them up. “Don’t ever hide from me. You are gorgeous” I felt the blush spread across my cheeks. He leaned down and took my hardened n****e in his mouth while his free hand played with the other. I could feel myself getting wetter by the second. He reached between my thighs and began to run his fingers up and down the outside of my underwear, slowly moving them to the side as he ran his hand up my opening, soaking his fingers. My breathing became uneven as he played with my clit. The pressure was building up inside. I could feel him smile as he kissed me. He pushed his fingers inside, making me arch my back as he deepend them. He began moving them in and out, making my insides go crazy. My insides clenched around his fingers. I was burning up. Just when I felt like I was going to fall over the edge he removed his fingers from me, lowering his face. “What a sight and the smell is so intoxicating. Now let's give it a taste” His tongue licked between my folds while he played with my clit. The same pressure building up. My hand ran through his hair, grabbing a handful as a wave crashed over me. I couldn’t hold back the loud moans leaving my lips. He licked up every drop that fell from me. I don’t know when he did it, but somehow he removed his sweats without me noticing, looking down I could see he was very well endowed. He positioned himself right at my entrances, rubbing against me to collect my juices on himself. “Are you ready?” I nodded. “Use your words my little Luna” “Ryan please” In one swift motion he buried himself deep inside me. A pleasure I’ve never experienced before mixed with pain. Tears began to fall. He kissed each tear. “I’ll wait till you’re ready before I continue” It wasn’t too long till I adjusted and he slowly pulled out and went slowly back in. His movements slowly started to pick up. My walls began to pulsate around him in one quick thrust I felt myself melt all around him. I don’t know what came over me but my fangs extended and I plunged them into his neck leaving my mark. He let out the loudest growl I had ever heard, making the walls shake as he released inside of me and marked me in return. We sealed our marks with a kiss and collapsed on the bed. Both of us naked and sweaty. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I was falling asleep again when I felt his arms wrap around me and carry me to the bathroom. The room was steamy as he lowered us into the bathtub. The hot water relaxed my sore muscles. “Is the water alright?” “It’s perfect” I was nearly asleep in the water when he started washing my hair and body. He helped me out of the tub and carried me to the closet. I was too tired to try and fight with my pajamas so I grabbed one of Ryan's shirts and threw it on. My clothes were never tight to begin with, but I loved the size difference between us. I came out and he had closed the curtains, changed the sheets and made the bed. He reached out his hand and helped me into the bed. “Let’s get some rest and then we can get you something to eat” I cuddled up next to him. Our scents mixed together in the room making me relax and fall asleep easily. “Sweet dreams my little Alpha,” he kissed my forehead.. Ryan Looking down at her sleeping with my mark on her delicate neck, I was so happy. I haven’t felt like this since my mother was alive. Casey was sleeping so peacefully and I didn’t want to wake her, but I also didn’t want her to put on those clothes she was wearing before. I want her to start being herself. I climbed out of bed without waking her and got dressed. I wandered around the pack house till I bumped into Elyse. “Hey Ryan, what are you doing out and about?” “I was actually hoping to run into you or Kathleen” “Oh?” “Could I borrow some clothes from you?” She gave me a questioning look, but said she had some that I could take. She showed me to her room and began going through her dresser and closet. “What are these for?” She placed a few leggings, jeans and shirts in a bag. “Well… there have been some… recent developments” She stood there staring at me like I was going mad. “Do… do you know? I mean… did he tell you?” “Who?” “Casey” “Wait do you know?” “Of course I know! So you-“ she gasped, covering her mouth, “you’ve been marked? Did you mate!?” She began jumping around clapping her hands, “We did” “Am I getting my sister back? Is she giving up the title?” I was so confused. Casey’s whole family knew and yet no one said anything or tried to stop the abuse from other pack members. “I don’t think anyone will make her give up the title, besides that’s something Casey is going to have to decide for herself. Do you know why she was forced to keep her gender a secret?” She looked like this question pained her as she nodded. “Can you tell me? When I asked Casey she said that she couldn’t say” “Well she really can’t” “Why?” She sighed, tears forming in her eyes. “Kat and I used to sneak downstairs to spy on dad and Alanah. We overheard them talking about how Casey was born for greater things and that she was going to be the next Alpha. We didn’t understand how Casey was going to be Alpha since she was a girl. We tried to over hear a little more and found out that Alanah didn’t want someone to overthrow our dad. He was in a bad state after our mother passed” “That’s no reason to change her whole identity” “The thing was that after our mother died things slowly started to fall apart. He was thinking about handing everything over to the beta, but then Alanah showed up and shortly after she was pregnant. A new hope began to rise in the pack and after they announced the arrival of the new Alpha things started to go back to normal, but” “What?” “Casey struggled hard. She was very strong don’t get me wrong, but the fact was she was still a girl. Alanah pushed her hard every day to be better. She got hurt a lot and everyone began to see her as a weak and useless Alpha,” she started to smile. “How is that funny to you?” “No,” she waved her hands in front of her, “I wasn’t smiling about that. I was starting to think about what happened after that. One day she came back all bloodied and bruised, but she had the biggest smile on her face. She told us she had made a friend. The next day she came home with cuts and bruises again, but she brought a friend, Blaine. He had just as many bruises as Casey. After that people started to leave her alone and eventually she met Miles and Adam and they all became inseparable. If it weren’t for them I don’t think Casey would’ve made it this far or had the strength to push on” So these aren’t some random guys to Casey. They really mean a lot to her. I guess that’s why she was fighting me so hard about getting along with them. I can’t just cut them out of her life. They kept her safe for me all of these years. “So, Alanah isn’t your mother?” “No,” her face soured, “she showed up three days after our mother had died and tried to be a surrogate to us. I think it was to prove to my dad that she fit the role of Luna. She is far from it. She only cared about the title and the power that comes with it. She took advantage of a grieving man. She never even cared about her own pup” “What happened to your mother?” Her eyes filled with tears, “I’m sorry, that was insensitive. You don’t have to answer” “It’s fine. Our pack was under attack and she died protecting the children down in the bunker” “She sounds like an amazing Luna” “She was” “Who attacked?” “Blood Lake” My heart sank as I stared into Elyse’s blue eyes. “I hope that I can have my sister back. She’d make an amazing Luna like my mother or she’ll make one hell of an Alpha” We laughed and talked a bit more. We missed breakfast and Lunch was being made here shortly. Elyse said she’d make us up some plates to eat outside. I thanked her, grabbed the clothes and went back to the room. Casey was still fast asleep. “Baby? It’s time to get up,” I whispered in her ear with no luck. A wicked grin crossed my face as I thought of something to wake her up.
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