Chapter 1

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Casey We pulled up to Silver High. The majority of the student population are werewolves. We do have some humans here which makes me feel better knowing I’m not the smallest guy here. In my small group of friends, I’ve known all of them since we were little. Blaine is my best friend. He would always stick up for me when we were younger and the other kids or adults would pick on me for being a small Alpha. We trained a lot together and even though I’m still small I’ve definitely gotten a lot stronger. “Good morning Future Alpha,” a group of giggling girls said as we passed them. “Morning,” I said cheerfully, “please call me Casey” They giggled and ran off. “You literally could have any girl you want and you're letting it go to waste,” Adam said, getting a canned coffee from the vending machine. “These girls all have mates somewhere and I’m not going to be the ones to take that special moment away from them and their mates” “Wow. Pretty and dumb. You sound just like a girl” That’s because I am one, I thought to myself. He got his drink and was just about to open it, before I snatched it out of his hand and bolted for the classroom. The good thing about being this small compared to my gorilla sized friends is that I was much lighter on my feet and could maneuver through the crowds of students a lot easier. I made it to my class and took my seat, feeling a little disappointed that my mate was not here either. I opened my drink and stared outside. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I swear it felt like someone was watching me. My attention was drawn back to class when Blaine sat down next to me. “You guys need to calm down on this food war you got going on” “It’s fine. Most of the time I’d never be able to finish half the food I get anyways. Besides, it has its perks,” I grinned as I tilted my can of coffee. He took it out of my hands and drank half of it in one gulp. “Hey!” “Mr. Damarias, is there a problem?” The teacher asked. “No, sir,” I sulked in my chair. ‘You even whine like a girl,’ he linked me. I stuck my tongue out at him and focused on the notes we were supposed to copy. Trying to avoid the gnawing suspicion that I was being watched. At lunch we sat at our favorite table outside. Blaine had an Omega get me a blended coffee with whipped cream from a nearby cafe. Adam would make fun of me for getting such a girly drink, but that never stopped him from taking mine. Just as he was about to steal, Blaine gave him a look which said, he would rip his arms off if he took it. “I don’t see why you get those things” “I don’t see why your always taking them from me” “Because you already looked like a wimp. Why don’t you just get one without the whipped cream?” He crossed his arms and pouted as he stared at the cold drink in my hand. “Because I like it,” I smiled widely at him as I took extra long sips. “Leave him be,” Miles said, “it doesn’t matter what drink he has. He’d still look like a wimp,” they all started to laugh. “Shut it!” I punched Blaine in the ribs since he was next to me. We were laughing and joking at my expense when some human shouted at me. “Damarias!” This couldn’t be good if someone was already shouting my last name. I rolled my eyes and stood up, turning to face him and his friends. The guys, still sitting at the table, but alert. “Hey there fellas. What can I do for you?” “Word around school is you slept with my girl?” “Is that so? Where did you hear that from?” “Doesn’t matter. I want to hear you admit it” “I’m not one to kiss and tell,” I held a finger up to my lips and winked at him. “You little-” he pulled back to take a swing at me. I ducked and watched him nail Miles right in the jaw, hearing a crunch as he shattered his hand. He crumpled to the floor, clutching his hand when his friends finally decided to help him up and rushed him to the nurse's office. “Seriously,” Miles looked down at me, rubbing his chin. “What?” “Did you actually bag a human?” “That’s your main concern?” “Of course! You talk about not sleeping with these fine she wolves, but go around and mess with humans?” “Of course not. I don’t know who told him that. Have you seen his girlfriend? I wouldn’t even touch her with your pole” We all burst out laughing and the mood was lifted. “Care to play a game of digits with that human’s girlfriend?” Adam asked, taping Blaine on the shoulder. Digits was a game they liked to play. I was never super into it, but went along to please them. The main goal of digits was for one of us to pick a girl then whoever got her number won. “Did you not just hear Casey? Doesn’t sound like anyone wins if we play” The feeling of being watched was long gone now. A few other pack members had come around to wish me a happy birthday and tell me how excited they were for the party. Almost all of them were girls. I knew they just wanted to see if they were going to be the next Luna. If it weren’t for my title I know none of them would even look twice at me. I could hear their constant whispers about how I am not strong enough to be Alpha. Being strong isn’t the only requirement to be a great Alpha. At the Academy I met all sorts of Alphas who held so much potential. It made me realize what kind of Alpha I wanted to be. I knew there was no way I could ever be as strong as any of them at the academy, but I could play to my own strengths and use them to the best of my abilities and make our pack stronger. Lunch time was over and we finished off the rest of the school day in peace. We all loaded into the car and headed for the training grounds. I still felt this eerie feeling like I was being watched. It definitely threw me off my game during training. Miles was able to pin me down. He smirked down at me which turned into a grin that spread across his face. “Be a shame if you submitted to me,” he leaned in close to my ear, “Then that would make me your Alpha,” he whispered in my ear, making me panic. “Don’t kid yourself,” I wiggled my small wrist out of his grasp and bucked him off, making him land on his back where I was able to pin him, making him tap, “Don’t forget who the Alpha is here,” I hopped up and gave him a hand, pulling him up. I jumped out of the ring. I ran my hands down my body, like I was trying to wipe off the sweat, but I was really checking to see if my bindings had come undone. I always get uneasy when the guys would joke like that with me. It always made me feel like I was slipping up. I sat on the benches near the ring. “I don’t know how you do it,” Nate said sitting on the bench with me. “Do what?” I took a drink of water. “Take these guys on. They all have 100 plus pounds on you and are more than a foot taller,” he looked me up and down, “your a bit smaller than Kathleen and I know she wouldn’t be able to take these guys down” “Alpha blood I guess” “Alpha blood my ass,” Adam came up behind me, putting me in a chokehold, “you wouldn’t be able to take us on in a real fight short stack” Gasping for air I used everything I had to flip him over, knocking the wind out of him. Everyone around began laughing. It was pretty comical to watch as he rolled on the ground. He was about to launch at me again, when Blaine stepped in. “Save it for the ring unless you guys want to run twenty miles before we end this session” “Come on. You wouldn’t punish me like that on my birthday,” I looked up into his serious expression, “of course you would” “Let’s just call it for today. We still need to get ready,” Adam said. “Sounds good” “One of these days you’re gonna have to tell me how you’ve gotten so good at that,” Adam pointed to where I had just flipped him. “Good things come in small packages,'' I gestured to my whole body, getting a laugh from everyone. If they all really knew I was a girl I doubt they’d ever talk to me like this or even try to fight me as hard as they do. Some days were harder than others. I remember when I got my period and started to bleed in the ring. I was rushed to the hospital and we had to tell everyone I seriously injured myself. This didn’t help with their thoughts about me being weak since every month I was being “injured”. We were able to change some people's minds. A lot of them expressed their concerns to my father and he said if I was being injured so much it’s because I was trying to push myself to my limit and become a better Alpha.. *** The party was in full swing. My dad decided to invite a few other packs to make it appear like they were in a rush to find their next Luna. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. I was standing with Blaine near the edge of the woods, looking at all of the guests when Sarah came up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pushing herself on me, but glancing up at Blaine. “Where have you been? I didn’t even get a chance to see you at school” Of all the girls who wanted the Luna title she was the worst. She made it very clear that she wanted to be Luna, but she had no Luna qualities. She was rude to every pack member, young and old and she only cared about her looks. Her face was caked in makeup and her clothes were so short she could’ve just been wearing her bra and underwear and she would’ve been more covered. Her attitude towards other pack members was despicable. “I’ve been around. Just not around you,” I removed her arms. “Come and dance with me,” she started pulling at my arm. “No can do,” Blaine put his arm around my shoulder, “we have other matters to attend to, I’m sure there is someone else around here who would be delighted for you to wreck their life” “Awe, is someone feeling left out?” She ran her finger up his chest, “too bad I already had my fun with your family”,” she smiled and flipped her hair as she turned and walked away. “Blaine!” I shouted. He let out a loud growl as he took a chance to launch at her. I rammed into his side, full force, knocking us both to the ground. “WHY DID YOU STOP ME?!?!” His eyes were black. He started swinging at me wildly. I dodged as fast as I could but as I was backing up I stumbled over a tree root, losing my footing. I put my arms up intime to stop him from smashing my face in, but he still sent me flying. “Casey!!” Miles had run up to my side as I slowly sat up. “What the hell Blaine?” Adam shouted, gripping the collar of Blaine’s shirt. Blaine shoved Adam and a look of horror washed across his face when he stared down at me. “Casey I-“ He took one step towards me when Miles held up his hand. “Don’t” “Mile’s it’s-“ “No it’s not fine! You know what would happen to him if you were actually hurt? “It wasn’t his fault. Sarah was-“ “That b***h,” Adam growled. Blaine has always hated Sarah since we were little. She always held herself above everyone. s**t really hit the fan when we were sixteen and we found out she was sleeping with his dad. His mom has been in a depressed half alive state since. Since Sarah was a minor my dad couldn’t kick her out of the pack and since Blaine’s mom didn’t want her mate banished she forgave him, but she has never been able to trust him again. “I don’t wish anything bad to happen to her, but I would definitely send the guy who gives her a STD a gift basket or something as a reward,” Adam said. “You’re such a d**k,” I said as we all laughed. “That may be, but we are definitely missing out on some fine digits. Besides,” Adam Said, placing his arms around mine and Miles shoulders, “It’s not everyday different packs gather to celebrate a future Alpha turning 18” Things seemed to settle back down, but Blaine wouldn’t make eye contact with me now. It was sometime later when my Mom had called me over. “Have you found your mate?” “I don’t think I’d be standing here with you if I did” “You still have your bindings and wraps on?” “Seriously? You can’t just say, Hey Honey, Happy Birthday or hope you’re enjoying your party? “Casey you know how important it is for you to-“ “I know!” I let out a growl. My father had made his way over to join us. “What’s going on? You both are causing a scene.” “Ask your mate!” I snapped and stormed away before I did something I’d regret. She may be a decent Luna, but she has always been a terrible mother. I left the party and could hear the music slowly fading away the further I got. ‘Where are you?’ Miles linked me. ‘Just on a walk. Needed to clear my head’ ‘Come back soon. We’re about to see if Adam will jump of the roof into the pool’ ‘I’ll be back soon’ ‘He won’t do it till you’re here’ ‘You don’t have to make up excuses to say you want to see me’ ‘Keep dreaming small stuff,’ ‘Don’t miss me to much’ I sat against a tree near one of the lakes, staring at the reflection of the stars in it. Would I ever find my mate? Am I destined to be mateless for the rest of my life? At least my mother would be happy. I don’t understand what she has to lose if I find my mate. I’m the one worked so hard to get approval from a pack who doesn't believe in my ability to lead. I’d hate to leave the guy’s but I don’t think I’d want to miss out on my only chance to be with my mate. Someone the moon goddess picked out just for me. I was starting to head back when I smelled something so delicious and captivating. It was coming from the border. I followed the smell and it led me deeper in the woods when I saw someone on the ground. The smell was getting stronger when I noticed there was blood mixed in with this smell. I rushed over and I felt my heart break. This man was covered in dirt and his clothes had holes in them. His shirt had a giant blood stain on his abdomen. I knelt next to him and his scent was overwhelming. I reached down to lift his shirt to get a better look of his injuries. As I inched closer I could feel my palms getting sweaty. I’ve never felt nervous like this around anyone before. I started lifting his shirt when he gripped my wrist, quickly pinning me under him. His stare was intense as those bright green eyes stared at mine. He leaned in close his lips just grazing over the spot where his mark would go, giving me goosebumps as he hovered above me. When our eyes met his flashed black and he let out a low growl. “Mate” My heart was racing and I felt a burning deep down inside of me. s**t. He sniffed the air and I knew I was screwed. He leaned in to kiss me, but before our lips touched the alarm sounded. Rouges we’re attacking. Out of pure instinct I tried to throw him off of me, but he was much stronger than any of the guys as he held me down without showing any sign of letting go. “We have to help. My pack is under attack” “Your pack?” “Please! We have to go!” He got up, pulling me up and into his chest. I took a deep breath, wanting to fill my lungs with as much of his scent as I could. As much as I wanted to stay like this I knew I was needed near the pack house. Everyone was in a panic. Women, children and the elderly were in the safe room and most of the rogues were already taken down “Casey! Look out,” Blaine shifted and launched at my mate. “No!” I went to block him when my mate pulled me into his chest and grabbed a handful of Blaine’s fur and tossed him over his head like he was nothing but a leaf flying in the wind. I stood protectively in front of him to keep others from attacking him. “What are you doing?” I looked back and saw he was looking down and smiling at me. Goddess his smile alone was turning me on. His eyes flashed black and a look of confusion crossed his face. Damn it. “Who the hell is this guy?” Blaine, slipped on a pair of shorts and came over, puffing out his chest. “He’s my…,” I put my hands on Blaine's chest, trying to stop him from advancing, “Blaine stop,” we heard a loud growl behind me. A pair of strong hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a rock hard chest. “Mine,” he growled. “Casey? What’s going on?,” My dad had just shown up, my mother right behind him. “Mom, Dad-” “Dad?” My mate repeated. “Who is this?” “I’m” he looked down at me and smiled, “his mate,” his grip around me tightened as he said this. Silence took over everyone. It seemed like all noise had vanished from the world. “Surprise,” I whispered and feebly held up my hands. This is not the way I saw my birthday going.
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