Chapter 18

821 Words

How does Ricky Malonni enter the Tudor without Jonah hearing him? Perhaps he’s slipped through the front door of the Tudor while Jonah and Sandy were hiding out in the igloo, freezing. Whatever. He’s here now and Jonah has to deal with him…once again. Jonah and Sandy remove coats and boots in the kitchen. Jonah’s stunned to hear Pam and the football player on the stairs, beyond the dining room. Pam’s showing off what Jonah has dubbed The Ricky Shrine. Jonah hears her tell Ricky, “This was your first year of college. You took up weightlifting. Do you remember? I’m sure Jonah loved you then, just as he does now.” “I looked good. My chest is super muscled in the picture. I think I had a better throwing arm back then.” “You were a star,” Pam says. Ricky grunts, “I’m still a star. My fans a

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