Chapter 4

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Hunter My name is Hunter Quinn Garrison I'm a paramedic at firehouse 38. I'm the baby of the Garrison family at 29. My twin brother Cole was born about three minutes ahead of me. And trust me he doesn't let me forget it either. Everyone loves Cole. He's the funny man out of all of us. I'm 6'8 265 pounds of muscle. I've got blonde hair with red highlights and bright blue eyes. I love working at the firehouse. On the downtime, when we have it, if we're not busy re-stalking the trucks or washing them then we're sitting around bullshitting and playing cards. I've always loved taking care of people, but I didn't want to be a doctor. With being a paramedic, I can take care of my patients on the way to the hospital and can still hang out with my brother Jax when we're not out on a call. My brothers and I are all close especially Dec, Jax, and I. We were always close but got even closer when we were sixteen. In out family we have a mom and two dads. Our mom has a mom and two dads and our dads are brothers with a mom and two dads. Its always been like this in our family. It was assumed when we were kids that Dec and Jax being twins would share a wife. And with Cole and i being twins we'd share a wife. When we hit fifteen and got old enough to date Dec and Jax would date the same girl. I would date but it was just me and the girl. Cole never wanted to go out. Come to find out that Cole was gay and that's why he didn't go out on dates with girls with me. He didn't want to tell anyone and have us ashamed of him. Silly rabbit should've known that we wouldn't be. That we'd have his back always. I don't care that my brother likes d**k, he's still my older by three minutes brother. After finding out about him being gay i started going out with Dec and Jax and sharing woman with them. Since then we've always shared our women and for the past year, we've had our eye on one very beautiful woman. At least Dec and i have. Jax keeps saying he doesn't want her. I know he does though, i've seen the way that he looks at her when he thinks no ones looking. Our buddy Henley's been living out here for about five years now. He's a cop like my brother Dec. Henley's twin sister Harley finally moved out here last year after she split up with her ex. She won't say what happened and even Henley doesn't know. He said one day she was with the guy and then the next thing she wasn't. He first moved out here after graduating college to go to the police academy. The whole time he's lived here, he's tried to get her to move here. But she was in a relationship and didn't want to leave him at the time. My brothers and I have wanted her for a while now even though Jax says that he doesn't. Somethings going on with him lately and i cant figure out what. He wont even talk to us much anymore. I see her every day at work and it's all I can do not to pull her in my arms and kiss her. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind it at all, but we've decided that we're not going to pursue her even though we want her. We've only ever tried to date a couple of times with the same women, but it never works out. She either can't handle us for too long or thinks it weird. We've even had one crazy chick try to pit us against each other. Because she only wanted one us of. Dec and i dumped her ass and Jax stayed with her. Jax acts like a badass but he's the most sensitive out of us all. He's always been that way as well. Things have always hit him the hardest and then he tries to cover it up by acting like a bad ass. There was a big fight this morning, well this afternoon, over her going out with Zeke on Friday night. I've never seen Cole get so mad and yell like he did. I got to say I'm not happy about her going out with Zeke. He's a bastard who doesn't care about women at all. He's even about to get fired from work because he's been harassing a female employee that works on the squad. She drives the squad that he's the paramedic in. Somehow, I got to get her away from him because I don't want to see her get hurt by him. She's a good girl and doesn't deserve that. She's friends with Cole and Harley. Im amazed that she's not told them about what he's been doing. Im sure if she would have Harley wouldn't be going out with him. I get ready for work and wait on Jax so that we can ride in together. Were both on the same shifts most days and right now it's night shifts. I'm standing beside my truck when Jax comes stomping out of the house. I can tell that he's pissed off still over the fact that Harleys going out with Zeke tomorrow night. If he doesn't want her he's got no right to be pissed about it. I do, he doesn't. "Yo man you ready to head to work," I ask. "Yea I guess so man," he said. "You ok, you seem pissed off about something." "I am man. Harley shouldn't be going out with that douche bag Zeke. The guy's bad news and I don't want to see her get hurt." "Maybe you should do something about it and ask her out yourself," I say. "I can't do that man. Screwing a girl is one thing but being in a relationship is another and I'm not ready for it. I just don't want to see her get hurt by him. Like I said earlier I will be out at Rocky's tonight but I'm not taking her home with me, you and Dec can." "You know that's not how we roll," I say." It's either all of us or none of us man, you know this. Are you going to keep Dec and me from being with her just because you're afraid of getting hurt by her? If anyone has a chance of getting hurt it's her. She's still trying to move past whatever her asshole ex did to her. She won't tell Henley what happened, but I know it was bad just by looking at her eyes whenever she talks about it. You never know maybe all she wants right now is to get laid and we have a chance but you're going to pass up on it." "I hear ya man, but I still don't know I'll think about it ok. And I know she won't talk about what happened with her ex. I hope that whatever it was it wasn't too bad she deserves to be happy man." I wasn't able to respond to that because we pulled up to the firehouse and had to head into work and we don't talk about that s**t at work. I do plan on confronting Zeke though as soon as I saw him. He's not going to have a chance to hurt her. Right after I got to work and got clocked in, I got called out with Parker to a house for a stab wound. It took a couple of hours to work on the patient and get him to the hospital. I saw my brother Cole while I was there, but Harley was in with a patient, so I didn't get to see her. When we got back to the firehouse all hell was breaking loose. Jax was fighting with Zeke and they were trying to get them separated. I ran up to get him away from Zeke before Henley and Declan had to come to arrest him for murder. "Come on Jax you got to calm down man," I say. "Like hell, if you'd herd the s**t, he said about Harley you'd be pissed too. That c**k sucker isn't getting anywhere near her she's ours and I'll be damned if I let him close to her" Jax screamed. "Hey Hunter, he did say some pretty bad stuff about her I heard it all. The same nasty stuff he said about her is the same stuff that I complained about him saying to me" Arabella said. "Thanks, Arabella well get this takin care of and soon," I say. " Thanks, Hunter I have proof of the stuff that's been said. I have videos of it all, even what was said today. You guys can have it to get his ass out of here" Arabella said. "You b***h, your lien on me and you don't have proof of s**t. You know you wanted it" Zeke started screaming. I got Jax and Arabella both away from Zeke and called Dec to come over to help us out. After i called and talked to the fire chief about what to do. He was away for a meeting today. After waiting around for about half an hour Dec and Henley both showed up. "Man, you got to get Zeke out of here before Jax fuckin kills him, dude. I went on a call and when I came back the guys were trying to separate them. I guess he cornered Arabella again and was saying nasty s**t to her and when Jax caught him he started saying all kinds of s**t to him about what he's going to do to Harley. He says he didn't say any of it but Arabella's got proof on her phone." I say. "Ok man well check it out and figure out what's going on just keep him away from Arabella, for now, put her in your squad and put Parker with him" Declan started saying but we all got called out to a really bad accident. There was a 20-car pileup on the Chicago Loop. They had to have cops, firemen, and all squads out there. So, for right now we had to put everything on hold and go take care of the accident. This is far from over and I'll do whatever I have to do to make sure that Harleys safe from him, even if I have to date her by myself. I'm not going to watch the woman I'm falling for get hurt by a psycho. When we got to the loop it was bad there were cars, trucks, and eighteen-wheelers all in the mix of the accident. We took the ones that were in the worst shape and that we could get to the fastest to the hospital first. We even had to call in squads from a couple of other firehouses to come down and help us out. Arabella and I had made about 4 trips to the hospital with as many people that we could within the first hour and a half of the call. I tried to find Harley but wasn't able to I talked to Cole for a minute, but he said that Zeke talked to her on his first trip in and told her that everyone was making s**t up and trying to turn her against him. That's just great the last thing I want is her pissed at me. I don't have time now to talk to her about what happened, but I will find time to explain everything to her as soon as I'm able to. I'm not going to have her hating us because of that looser. We worked on the accident getting it cleaned up and everyone to the hospital for most of the night. I lost count of how many trips we made to the hospital. Everyone was dragging ass and we still had a few more cars to go to get the people out. While Arabella and I waited for our next transport patient I was thinking of ways to get Jax to finally agree to go out with Harley. No matter what though tomorrow night she was going to be going home with us. I don't care if it is just for the night, and we do nothing more than play cards. I've got to prove to that asshole Zeke that he doesn't mess with what's ours. We got our next patient and took her to the hospital. I still didn't see Harley, but Cole said they were starting to lose space for patients, and we'd have to start taking them to the next hospital over. So, for the rest of the night, we took our patients to the hospital over on the west side. So, I wasn't able to talk to Harley about what happened with Zeke. After getting back to the loop from the west side we were going to get our last patient when the explosion occurred. I was knocked down and hit my head pretty hard but was trying to get to my brothers. The last thing I remember was seeing Jax and Dec both running toward me and then everything went black. The last thing I can remember before I lost complete consciousness was seeing Harley's beautiful face, and thinking, I hope I'll get to see it again.
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