Chapter 5

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Harley Today was a busy day, there was a really bad accident out on the loop. From what we were told it was over a 20-car pileup. Our er was so full of patients that we had to call in extra doctors and finally had to tell the paramedics to start taking them to the er on the west side. When the first patients came in Zeke was in the squad with Parker when they came in. I was so confused because Parker is Hunter's partner and Zeke is Arabella's partner. Zeke told me he had to talk to me that everyone at the firehouse was blaming him for a bunch of crap that he didn't do, and they were going to try to turn me against him. I know that somethings going on because Parkers always with Hunter and Zeke is always with Arabella. If they switched it's because he was hitting on her again. She told us before that he'd said some pretty nasty stuff to her, but she didn't want to complain because they wouldn't think she could handle it because she's the only girl. The next time I see Zeke coming in I'm canceling on him because I don't want something to happen. I'm not so sure I can trust him, and I only agreed to go out with him to get him to leave me alone and to make Hunt, Dec, and Jax jealous. Which apparently did happen. Cole said that after he told them i was going out with Zeke, he walked out of the room and listened to them fighting about it. He said that it was funny that they were pissed because I was planning on going out with Zeke and they didn't want me to but yet they didn't want to ask me out themselves. Zeke came in a couple of hours later and I was taking a five-minute break to catch my breath when he walked up to me. "Hey, are we still on for tomorrow night," he asked. "Hey I'm sorry but I don't think I should. I don't know what's going on and I don't care but I don't want in the middle of it and I've told you I'm just not ready to start dating yet" I said. "That's bullshit, Hunter talked to you didn't he" he yelled at me. "I've been busy doing my job all night. And I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to talk to anyone at all tonight. Let alone talk to Hunter." "Why are you being such a b***h about this. I said they made that s**t up. You know I'm a good guy come on" Zeke said. "First of all, I said no Zeke, and second I don't know you all that well to know if you're a good guy or not. I've told you before that I'm not really ready for dating but you wouldn't take no for an answer and calling me a b***h isn't going to change my mind. I didn't even want to go out with you in the first place. I only agreed because you wouldn't leave me alone. Now excuse me I got to get back to work" I said. As I went to walk away, he grabbed my arm really hard. "Hey, don't you fuckin walk away from me when I'm talking to you. We're going out tomorrow night and at the end of the night you're going to put out or I'm going to take it from you, you damn high falutin b***h" he growled low in my ear. "Get your hands off me and if you ever threaten to rape me again ill make sure my brother throws your ass in jail for a long time. And your best bet is to stay the hell away from me or I will go and get a restraining order on your ass. Now we're done so please take your hands off of me and get the hell out of here" I said. He stood there staring at me and squeezing my arm really hard until Cole walked up to get me. And then he finally let me go and left. "Hey, are you ok you're shaking all over," Cole asked? "No, I'm not did you hear him. When I told him, I wasn't going out with him tomorrow he threatened me. He said that I was going whether I liked it or not and at the end of the night I was either going to put out or he was going to take it. I told him to stay the hell away from me or id have Henley put his ass in jail for threatening to rape me and id get a restraining order on his ass. That scared the hell out of me and brought back bad memories of my ex. My skin feels like it's crawling now to" I said. I was so shaken up that I mentioned my ex for the first time since the night that he attacked me. That's how scared and shaking that I was. "Don't you worry darling just stay out of sight as much as possible tonight and then we'll talk to Henley and Declan tonight or in the morning and get this taking care of? I'll even stay with you tonight if you want me to." "Thanks, Cole you're the best bestest friend that a girl could ask for and I love ya so much for it." "I love you to now get to work." After that, we both got back to work. We worked our asses off all night and I stayed out of sight as much as possible especially when Zeke came in. I was so glad when we had to have them start taking the patients to the west side because I didn't have to hide anymore. Close to the end of my shift Cole got a call that made him turn white. I heard him tell whoever it was to bring them here. That we'd get them taken care of. "Hey what's going on? Your as white as a ghost," I asked him. "There was an explosion as they were getting the last patient out of the wreckage. Most of our guys were out of the way. But there was a couple of guys from the west side firehouse working on getting the last patient out. But apparently, Hunter was close to the explosion. He was going up with the gurney waiting to get the patient when the explosion happened. He's unconscious and they're bringing him here. They think he hit his head when he fell. God, I hope he's going to be ok" Cole said. "Oh my god I do too, he has to be ok. He told me earlier that he needed to talk to me but wasn't able to because we've been so busy. How far out are they?" I ask. "Like five minutes." Cole and I stood together waiting for them to bring Hunter into the er. I've never been so scared in my life. He's got to be ok, he's got to pull through this. I was almost in tears when they brought him into the er, but I sucked it up. I had to do my job, there would be plenty of time to break down later. After checking Hunter in and letting the doctors take over Cole and I finished out our shift and then clocked out. After we clocked out, we went to sit in the waiting room with everyone else. They had Hunter in the back running tests to see what's wrong and if he'd be ok. I had my head on Henley's shoulder and Declan was sitting on my left side. I was almost asleep when Dec grabbed my arm and yelled. "What the hell did you do Harley? That looks like fingerprints did a patient grab you?" he asked while looking at my arm. "Not exactly, I was grabbed but it wasn't by a patient," I said. "Who the hell grabbed you like that then? They had to have been strong in order to leave fingerprints on you like that" Henley said. "Can we talk about this later, please? It doesn't matter right now, and we have more important things to worry about" I said. "Harley tell me who the f**k grabbed you like this and tell me now," Henley said. "It was Zeke ok. I told him I didn't want to go out with him tomorrow night and he flipped out" I said. "Flipped out how Darlin," Jax asked. "He grabbed me and said that I was going out with him whether I liked it or not and that afterward I was either going to put out or he was going to take it. I told him that if he didn't leave me alone, I was going to tell Henley that he threatened to rape me, and his ass would be in jail and if he came near me again id get a restraining order on him" I told them. "I saw it happen but didn't hear him because he had his mouth up by her ear. But he was really pissed off you could see it in his face. And he grabbed her really hard. I'm amazed that he didn't break her arm. He had a tight hold on her. She was shaking really bad and really scared so the rest of the night she stayed out of sight when he came in" Cole said. "Don't worry his ass is fired from the firehouse so he won't be coming back here for the squad" Jax said. "And well file a restraining order on him this morning so if he's around you again he'll go to jail. Don't worry sweetheart he's not going to touch you again I promise. I'll personally kick his ass and put him in jail if he tries to" Dec says. "Thanks, guys I appreciate it I really do, and Cole said he'll come to stay with me so I don't have to be alone tonight or well this morning I should say," I said. "If it'll make you feel better will all stay with you. Your safe here Harley and your safe with us. I want you to know that" Jax says. "Thanks' it really shook me up when he grabbed me, and it brought back some bad memories and no Henley I don't want to talk about it at least not right now. For now, we need to worry about Hunter and not me" I say. "Darlin if Hunter was sitting with us now, you'd be what he was worried about, not himself," Jax says. I was just getting ready to respond when the doctor came in. "Hunter Garrisons family." We all stood up. "How is he Doc," Dec asked. "Well, he's going to be just fine, he's got a mild concussion from hitting his head on the pavement but other than that he's ok. He'll be able to go home in a couple of hours. We just want to keep him for observations for a little bit longer" the doctor said. "Can we see him?" Jax asked? "Yes but only two at a time please," he said. Dec and Cole went back to see him, and we sat back down to wait. While we were waiting Jax was making phone calls. I couldn't hear what he was saying but you could tell he was pissed off. After a while, Jax finally got off the phone and came to sit down beside me. I was yawning and ready for sleep. "Hey Darlin I just talked to the main guys that are over all of the firehouses and they agree with me that Zeke is fired so you don't have to deal with him here anymore. If for some reason he does show up here and starts harassing you call for security and then call Henley or Declan. I'm sure that they'll come to deal with him" Jax said. "Yea if he bothers you, ill arrest his ass sissy, I promise," Henley says. "Thanks, guys it means a lot that you're doing this for me. He's got me so freaked out after today that I'll probably just stay home tomorrow instead of going out, so I don't have to deal with him" I say. "If you want to go out tomorrow then I'll go with you, Darlin. You don't have to sit at home just because of that jackass. We'll all be at the bar, so you'll be well protected" Jax says. As I was getting ready to answer him Dec and Cole came back out. "How is he doing," Jax asks. "He's ok there going to release him soon and when he gets out, he wants to go find Zeke and kill him," Dec says. "What the hell, you guys told him what happened. Why would you do that? He needs to worry about getting himself better not be worrying about me" I say. "Hey, he asked who all was here and we told him. He saw the look on Declan's face when we mentioned you and kind of made us tell him what's going on and now, he wants to see you, Harley. I'm sorry" Cole says. "Ok ill head back and see him," I say. "Wait I'll go with you," Jax says. When we got to the room the doctor was in there talking to Hunter, so we stood outside for a minute. After the doctor left, we went in to see him. "Hey Hunter, how are you feeling," I ask. "Forget how I am how are you? I had to force the guys to tell me what happened. Are you ok did he hurt you?" Hunter asks? "I'm fine I got a bruise on my arm, but I'm ok don't worry about me worry about yourself. Now I'm going to ask you again how are you? And you better answer me truthfully" I say. "I'm fine I'll be out of here as soon as they come in with my discharge papers. And I will worry about you. I care about you Harley, a lot. And it pisses me off that he put his hands on you. Are you sure you're ok?" Hunter asks again. "I'm fine I promise. I know I got Henley at the house but Coles going to come to spend the night too, so I'll be ok" I say. "Don't worry man I talked to the higher-ups and told them what happened and what's been happening and they're sending me another paramedic he's fired. I called him and told him to clean out his locker and that if I see him on the firehouse property or if he's spotted at this hospital he'd be arrested. Declan and Henley are going to get a restraining order filed against him. I think Henley was going to call and get the paperwork started on it. He won't hurt our girl again" Jax says. I just raised an eye braw at him but he looked away. Hunter just smiled and shook his head. Hunters nurse came in with the discharge papers and a script for him to get filled and he was good to leave. I helped him get his pants and shoes back on and then we got him in the wheelchair and got him out of there. The guys got him loaded up in his truck and Jax drove him home. I followed Henley and Declan to the station to file the restraining order and Cole headed to my house. By the time we finally got home Cole, Jax and Hunter were all there and Dec said he was staying also. It was a good thing my bed was big because when I finally laid down, I had Hunter curled up holding me from behind me, and Jax and Dec were both in front of me with Dec holding me. Cole ended up staying in one of our extra rooms. For the first time in a long time, I went to sleep and actually got a good night's sleep with no nightmares. All because I had my guys protecting me. Well they're not mine yet but I hope they will be soon.
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