Ch.4 Coming of a new pt. 2

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Nichola's POV Sarah had left, and then I started to receive phone calls from other packs. Packs that couldn't be here this evening. They gave me their blessings and some advice. The advice I appreciate it but I heard it all before. ( To make sure first and foremost the pack comes first, to find a true Luna wolf who will support the pack and I. To always keep enemies at arms length, to always keep contracts up to date, and the list just goes on and on.) Finally, after thirty minutes of phone calls, I was able to take a breath, or so I thought. There was a knock on my door as soon as I opened it. Kate was standing there with a huge grin on her face, I raised my right arm slightly above my head on the door frame. Kate, I am in a hurry, so do make it quick. Ok, I was just wondering if maybe after tonight's party, we could hang out for a bit. Maybe listen to some music, and maybe I could show my appreciation to the new Alpha. Kate said while smiling up to me. In that moment, I felt a wave of nausea come over me. It's probably the lack of sleep, or just maybe it's Kate's presents and that disgusting perfume she wears. Kate, I'd rather just be alone tonight. I smiled sweetly to her. I swear I heard her breathing stop for a second. Are you sure? She asked. If you like, I can bring some champagne with me for our own little after party, she said. Yes, I am sure I replied, and then I closed my door. I waited till I heard her walk away before I left my suite to go collect my men. My mother, Luna Grace, my father Alpha Emmitt, Nate, Bryan, Liam, and myself, were all downstairs in the main lobby of the pack house, behind the double wooden door. We were waiting on the doors to open up. Which two Omega girls Ally and Mary will do. Standing there, I just now realized I'm a bit nervous. What if i'm not right for the pack? What if Sarah is wrong. Shit I think I might throw up. It's too late for that now because the doors are opening, I really hope I can make it through this. We started walking out with myself to the right of my father and my mother to his left. The three of my men walked behind us. The ceremony gets underway and starts with my father's speech. As I am listening, I am also thinking about the good old days. My friendships, my rivals, my rebellious faze, all the training I have done. The one on one combats, and about how I got to where i'm at now. My father finished his speech up, and the crowd started to clap and cheer. I moved forward to take my father spot on the step as the crowd quieted down. I see Sarah standing with her friend Mitchell a third of the way back, smiling and laughing with him. I wonder what they're discussing. I looked around at the crowd, and then I started. I just wanted to say that I will not try, but I will definitely see to it that our pack succeeds. It doesn't matter how much strength an individual may have, or intelligents, or how fast you may be. It only matters if we can come together, put our differences aside, and help one another out. It does not matter about your rank. We need to focus and work as a pack, and only then can we succeed for generations to come. I smile at the crowd as they start to clap and cheer again. The crowd dies down, and then I present my unit of men. Any disrespect to them is also disrespectful to me, your Alpha, I said strongly. I turn in the direction of my mother. I held my hand out to her, and she placed her hand in mine. I led her to the center of the cemented steps. I, Nichola of the River Run Pack, just wanted to finish out the ceremony by saying that my mother will remain as acting Luna until I find my mate. I clearly state!!! I heard loud sobbing coming from the crowd. I looked out to see where it was coming from, and I saw Kate being cradled by her friend Mira. I can pretend like I don't know what's going on, but really, I do. Kate has had her eye on being Luna since the age of twelve. To be honest, I don't even think it's me she really wants. It could well as be a sixty year old man who doesn't shower or who lives out of a dumpster, as long as she gets the crown. Kate pushes her friend Mira away, and in a high pitch squil screams, I want him, I need him, I deserve him, all of it, to be Luna. The Goddess should kick her heels together cause something is really wrong, Kate shouts. I should be his mate. I couldn't believe her child like outburst, is she out of her damn mind. We all just stood there looking to her. My mother whispered in my ear, asking, confused all to hell. Is that young lady alright? I replied with a short I don't know. Mira had said something to piss Kate off because Kate just pushed her over and stomped off. Everyone who was a part of the ceremony, including the three Alpha's and their guest from other packs, had to witness to this scene. My family, my unit, and I walked down the steps to only be greeted by none other, the Alpha's from other packs. We all shook their hands and introduced ourselves. All three Alpha's wanted to just walk with me and engage in small talk. I walked with them, and sure enough, about ten feet behind us, my unit was already getting into their rolls. A short couple minutes later, we parted ways, and I and my unit headed to the back of the pack house, where the party was. The four of us walked into the party my mother really outdid herself, I said. Somehow, I thought it would be a bit more flashy, Nate said. Boss, you should have just had Bryan help. Liam laughed as he said that. No cause, then it really would have been over the top, I replied. Hey, now Bryan pipes up. Nate, Liam, and I all laughed at his facial expression with his face all scrunched up, pretending to be mad. I had been looking at Sarah and Mitchell for some time before they realized my unit and I were standing there. I watched as Mitchell grabbed Sarah's arm, pulling her toward us. When the two of them stepped before us, Mitchell immediately started to talk to Bryan. Whatever it was was anyone's guess, but Sarah spoke to us all about how her day went, what she thought about mine, and my father's speech. We talked for a few minutes before I had to move on to my other party guest. We mingled and had a few drinks, but nothing to really give us a buzz. I looked over to the table seating, I saw Sarah and Mitchell laughing and having a good time. I'm glad she's happy. Bryan was talking to me, but I hadn't been paying attention. I was just nodding. That's when he asked. Do you agree? I looked at him, confused, agree, agree to what. Bryan replies to the new training logs. were you even listening? I just apologized and said i'm exhausted. Let's talk about it tomorrow. Ok, was his response. I looked back in the direction of Sarah and Mitchell to see how drunk Sarah was. I just knew that Mitchell cut Sarah off by the way he extended his arms, crossed them, and then opened them. It looked like his lips read no more. Sarah clearly seemed bothered by this, but I agree with Mitchell that she's had enough. He actually said something to the waiter holding his fist up at him. I couldn't help but laugh. Sarah also laughed but out loud, really loud. Sarah passed out with her head on the table and arms under her head for support. Mitchell tried to wake her, but it wasn't happening. Sarah was dead to the world. Mitchell picked Sarah up like a baby, and I am sure he took her all the way home. I set on the leather sofa at the back of the party for a while before passing out, for a measly twenty minutes. Liam woke me up to tell me that my parents were up in the Alpha office waiting on me. I got up to head that way now to get this over with when Nate asked. Do you need us up there with you? No , enjoy the rest of the party I said as I left. When I got to my office, my parents were seated on the couch that was a little ways to the left of my desk. The couch was black leather with a coffee table in front of it. I joined them on the couch and waited for someone to start speaking. My mother started first, As you may know, you're all grown now. You're the Alpha now. Your father and I are leaving. When my mother said that, I questioned her, and my father spoke up. It's not forever, maybe six months, maybe a year. We need time for ourselves. I didn't say anything. I just stayed quiet cause thats a scary thought, not being able to lean on them for advice. They do need time to themselves, and I should not try and take that from them. Ok! I replied. Ok, my father said, "That's it." My reply was simple. You need time as mates. Have fun. I smiled at both of them. As we all stood, I hugged them, then left my office. I headed toward my suite. It is well after 2 a.m. I immediately got changed, and I barely made it into bed before passing out
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