Ch.3 Coming of a new pt. 1

2011 Words
Nichola's POV It is 5 in the morning and the training hall is full but quite. That is because everyone knows I will be Alpha by the end of the night. Is everyone really that on edge, or maybe it's just because I look tired? I got maybe an hour of sleep if I was lucky. I jump as Nate sneaks up on me, to say by the looks of it, you didn't get laid last night. You look like you were ran over by a pack of wild wolves. Nate laughs while I run my hands through my hair. I'm just nervous about this evening. My father sees so much in me, but I dont know if I can really do this. Yes, you can, "Liam said as he walked up, slapping me on my back." We all believe in you, even Bryan, over there as Liam points to Bryan walking up to us. Has anyone seen Sara? Asked Bryan. Of course, she's not here, I sarcastically say, putting my right hand over my face while shaking my head. She may have hit the snooze button on her alarm clock again. She just might make up some sort of excuse like she did when we were in high school. Nate dramatically states. Bryan walks over to the weapons and grabs a few. At the same time, Liam and Nate head over to the mat and bicker about who is the best fighter. Bryan and I head over to them from opposite directions. Bryan threw me this long fighting stick and threw the second one to Liam. Ok, let's see, Bryan replies as if he was the one arguing. Oh, come on!!! Liam squils seriously Nichola he will whoop my ass. You said you're the best fighter Bryan replies. Not against Nichola he is stronger he will seriously beat me into next week. Liam yelled! Nate, I know I can take him, says Liam. Nate laughs you wish ass hat. Nate and Bryan stepped away from the mat to give way to Liam and I. We both took our positions holding our fighting sticks, Liam charged me first, and the rookie moves he made allowed me to stick my foot out, tripping him. Liam just looks up at me from the ground and lightly growls. Is that a growl I hear as I extend my hand to help him up. Ok, who's next? I asked. The rest of the training session went without a problem. I took them down one at a time, as well as a few other brave souls, who try and step up to their future Alpha. The four of us grabbed our towels and headed toward the doors to leave. Lone behold Sarah was leaning up against her baby blue Honda Civic, sipping on her coffee. Yes, I was upset, to say the least, I don't know, but if she keeps this up, I actually may become disappointed in her. If I became disappointed in her, I knew she would do something stupid. like jump off a building butt ass naked, trying to go back to her wild days. Actually, she never left those days, I know I had that look on my face. She could see it. Theirs my four favorite people smiles Sarah. "Where have you been all morning?" I replied very firmly. Well, the truth is I couldn't get up to my alarm this morning Sarah said. Well, the actual truth is probably entertaining a man, sarcastically pipes up Nate. No, just a late night run if you must know, Sarah replies. What do you take me for some pack w***e, Sarah starts to yell. " Nate just winks at her." What the hell Sarah says, frowning. I can see the hurt on her face every time Nate picks on her. He does it because she doesn't like to date or rather won't till she finds her mate. I think it's a good thing to keep yourself for your mate, but not all of us have that same willpower. I'm really going to have to speak to him about what his comments are doing to Sarah even if he doesn't see it. It's time for us to go get cleaned up and prepare for the rest of today. I glared at Sarah as I walked past her. My men followed right behind me. The four of us walked over to my 2023 black Mercedes, which was in the parking lot. I handed the keys over to Bryan and asked him to drive. Bryan happily obliged as I jumped into the front passenger while Nate and Liam crawled in the back. The minute Bryan started the car and drove off, I dozed off. "I had a dream. There was what I believe to be a beautiful woman. I can't quite see her face, but she had light brown hair from what I can tell and a gorgeous figure. She just stood there from a distance in my head, smiling while staring at me. I tried to speak and ask her her name, but nothing came out. No sound, no noise, just pure silence. I felt like I knew her." The car came to a stop, and I woke up to Nate shaking me from the back seat. Are you ok? you passed out, Nate called out. I looked back at him half a sleep. Yeah, i'm fine. I just had a strange dream. Oh, really, what about Liam piped up. I dont really know, but my dream had a beautiful girl in it. Maybe she's your mate, Bryan finally speaks up. I just stayed quiet and opened the car door. It took all of my strength to get up and out. The guys got out of the vehicle as well to follow me into the pack house. Beforehand, Bryan handed the keys to an Omega girl named Ashley. So she could go and park my Mercedes. The four of us headed to the elevator and waited for it to decend to the first floor. Once the elevator opened, the four of us got right in. I hit the button for the sixth floor where our suites were. When the elevator landed on the top floor, we got off and said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I was headed toward my suite when my mother called out to me. She walked so gratefully, over to me. Yes, mom! After your party tonight, your father and I would like to speak with you. Is everything ok? I frowned! yes, we just needed to speak with you about things to come in the following days, nothing bad she sweetly said smiling. I smiled back at her and nodded. My mother watched me as I unlocked the door to my suite and walked in. I got to go get ready for my ceremony, but I'm feeling a little agitated about everything. I guess no sleep will do that to a person. I walked straight back to my room at the end of the hallway to the right. I walked into my bedroom, which was accommodated to not just myself but for when I found my Luna. To the back of the room is a huge balcony with white see-through curtains. Out on the balcony, there was a really nice black patio sofa and chair that just swallows you whole. There was a sanded down and polished tree trunk table that was set in the center of the sofia and chair. Back inside, I had a king-sized bed up against the bedroom wall with red Egyptian cotton sheets and a comforter. There was a giant window above my bed, and a red area rug in the center of my room. Across from my bed was my giant walk-in closet. It was split down the middle to make a his and hers. It had a door conjoined in the center. Off to the left of my colset was my bathroom, my bathroom was of neutral colors it had a separate shower from the bathtub, also a his and her sink. Now I just need a her!!! I walked into my closet. I grabbed my suit and pulled out the shoes i'm going to wear to the ceremony. I went to go take my shower, I needed to wake up some more, so I decided to make it an ice shower. I spent an hour having the water pour on my head. I lost track of time. I got out of the shower and towl dried off. I got dressed, slipped my shoes on, fixed my hair, and then I got to my tie. I looked at the time, s**t it's getting late. This is one of those moments I wished Sarah was here. She always got onto me about not knowing how to tie my own tie. I am almost the Alpha, and even the kindergarteners know how to tie a tie. I need to find Sarah to see if she can help me out. My mother knows how to tie one, and she ties my father's all the time. I would rather not bother her, I dont know what made me want Sarah's help. Maybe it's because I can talk to her or get advice from her. She may be more out there than anyone else I know, but she gets me. We`ve been friends since the diaper stage. I should probably try and mind link her. I thought this as I started to walk toward my front door. Some fresh air can do me some good. With my tie in my hand, I opened the door, and lone behold, it was Sarah. She looked up at me and said hi Nichola. Sarah asked if I needed any help with any last-minute arrangements. I opened my door for her to walk through. I replied. I only needed help tying my tie as I handed my tie to her. You know i'm horrible at it. I whispered to her with a light laugh. She does not make eye contact with me while she is doing her looping thing with my tie. I just had to ask her. "Do you think I will make a good Alpha?" Well, what I know with every passing generation of Alpha, our pack only becomes stronger. It only matters what you think of yourself if you believe in yourself. Then, the pack will see a strong, confident leader. You trained your whole life for this role. I trained with you, argued with you, cried with you, and even comforted you. I even tried to outrun your wolf, not a chance I had there. She said, finally breathing again. We both lightly laughed. She finished with my tie. Sarah smiled and said, "I don't think you would make a good Alpha, but that you would make an amazing one." I just smiled at her, and like any other girl, Sarah was no different she got all flustered. Are you still angry with me for missing training this morning? She is just standing there waiting for me to respond. I am not so much no more upset with her, but I think I will play this one out for as long as I can. I love seeing her squirm. This will be her punishment than. I looked at her while slightly bending over nice try, I said. Sarah apologized to me as I knew she would, but just like that, she changed the subject. Do you need me to do anything else? also, I knew she would try and change the subject. I replied with a no, nice try Sarah on changing the subject. She smiled at me and turned to leave. Don't be late for the ceremony I shouted at her. As she waved back at me sarcastically, she said, "Yeah, yeah, I won't." Sarah shuts the door behind her, and all I can think about is that door hitting her on the way out. Sarah, I mean it, I screamed at a closed door.
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