
Alpha Nichola Of The River Run Pack

enimies to lovers

Alpha Nichola is the most desired man in his pack. At the age of twenty-one, he took over the River Run Pack after his father Emmitt retired. Nichola is in search of his mate, which he does not believe is in his pack. When Nichola finally finds his mate, she is completely different from what he imagined. Will Nichola take on his feisty new mate, or will he reject her all together.

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Ch.1 The Alpha Ceremony pt.1
Sarah's POV Today, I am excited! I feel like a small child in a candy store. Today, my long-time best friend Nichola becomes Alpha, and his father Emmitt steps down to retire. It is also Nichola's, tweenty first birthday, and there's gonna be a party after the Alpha Ceremony. With all the alcohol you can drink. My name is Sarah, I have shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair, light blue eyes, pale skin, a small frame, and I only stand at five foot two. I'm short for a she-wolf. It was 6 in the morning when I decided to crawl out of bed. I didn't hear my alarm this morning, and i'm supposed to be up and ready by 4:30 to be at training by 5. Nichola is gorgeous in every way the most desired man in the River Run Pack. He has medium brown hair that is styled messy, perfectly tanned skin, a muscler build, he has the face of a model with amazingly chiseled cheek bones, emerald green eyes, and a gorgeous smile that would make any woman's panties drop. Well, I guess it's true, I have what they call a "school girls crush" on my best friend. I finally stepped out of my bed, and I got into the shower. Once i was done with my shower, I slipped into a pair of old blue jean shorts and a white t-shirt. Since our pack is located in Montana, it is starting to heat up from the harsh winter that we just had. I will make my coffee to go! I just know Nichola will not be happy with me skipping training today. My status in this pack is an Omega, the lowest rank you can be. Their are Rouges, Rouges are those living without a pack due to some unfortunate circumstances. I was born an Omega. That's how your status works in packs. You are born into your rank, and only the Alpha is aloud to derank you. I got lucky that Nichola is my best friend, and his father, Alpha Emmitt, sees me as a daughter. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been allowed the opportunity to train with all the others. Omega's are not aloud to train! I am one of the best fighters and can take down most of my opponents with the acception of Nichola. I grabbed my cup of coffee and walked out my front door, locking up. I got into my old beat-up baby blue honda Civic and headed for the training hall. When I got there, I decided to wait outside by the front doors, finishing up my coffee. I was waiting for Nichola and the rest of our friends to come out of the hall. The doors to the training hall flew open, and everyone came out. Nichola was walking up to me, giving me that stern look of his, and shaking his head from side to side. Theirs my four favorite people I said. "Where have you been all morning?" Nichola states. Well, the truth is I couldn't get up to my alarm this morning. Well, the actual truth is probably entertaining a man, sarcastically pipes up soon to be Beta Nathan. He likes to go by Nate! Nate is also a good-looking man who turned twenty-one two months ago. Nate has light brown hair, his hair is short and nicely done, and his hazle eyes match his mood "charming but i'm a prick." Tan skin but not as tan as Nichola's, and has a medium muscler build. No, just a late night run if you must know I calmly said. What do you take me for some pack w***e I yelled next. "Nate just winks at me." What the hell, I screamed. Sometimes it hurts a little when he says things like that to me. Then there is Nichola's soon to be gamma Bryan. He has dark brown hair and eyes. He has pale skin and a slim muscler build. Bryan had truned twenty-one two days ago and found his mate Mitchell at eighteen. Eighteen is usually the time we find our mates. Sometimes, we find them a little later. Could be due to one not being of age, or perhaps there in another pack, and on rare occasions, they may not even be a shifter. The moon goddess works in mysterious ways. She makes sure that you find your other half; the better you; your forever. I can't wait to be someone's everything. Liam is Nichola's soon to be Delta. Liam is handsome and quiet. A bit stand offish if you ask me. He has blonde hair that looks like he runs his hands through it all day. Liam has ocean blue eyes and pale skin with a slim muscler build. All four of them were wearing basketball shorts and tanks that made their muscles pop. The guys all stand six feet tall except Nichola, who is six foot one. Nate, Bryan, and Liam are what they call Nichola's Alpha Unit. They will also be presented at the Alpha Ceremony this evening. It's time for us to go get cleaned up and prepare for the rest of today, says Nichola. With that cold stare, he always gives me when he's frustrated, and it scares the crap out of me. When he looks at me in anger, his emerald green eyes go dark. The rest of his unit just follows in pursuit. The rest of the day went by relatively smooth, that is, until I ran into Kate Thorn in my ass Burge. She thinks just because she has long bleached blonde wavy hair, big brown eyes with long lashes, a s**t load of makeup smeared on her face, a short pink skirt, a sky blue crop top, high heels, a fake smile, and big boobs with a slim body. That she's hot. Slim body and no curves with big boobs she looks kinda off balance to me. Oh, and she is sleeping with the River Run packs future Alpha. Kate is crazy to think that Nichola wants anything more than s*x. He is looking for his goddess given mate, and has told me, Nate, Bryan, and Liam so. That he won't take a chosen mate, that he won't stop looking till he finds his true mate. Kate she wants to be Luna. We all know it. She goes around talking about it, telling everyone to just wait and see. Nichola's going to make her his Luna. I just laugh at the thought of Nichola actually marking her. I just want to take a fist full of her fake bleached blonde hair and slam her into a wall. Well, momma says Sarah, that's just not very lady like. "as I sigh at that thought." Kate glides herself over to me in the pack dining hall. She sits down next to me to ask, " Why do I look so crummy." I didn't say a word to her. I'm just not in the mood for idle chit-chat. I can't stop thinking about upsetting Nichola this morning. I just got up and started to leave when she said, "I hope that you treat me with more respect when i'm your Luna." I just looked at her and silently giggled to myself and left. I can't believe that Kate would still think she had any sort of chance. The Luna is supposed to be a comfort to the pack the mother, a supporting figure. Which Kate is clearly not. She is supposed to support the Alpha and help him move the pack forward. Kate bullies others and talks down to those who she thinks are less than she. Oh, well, she can believe what she wants for now. This evening, Kate will get the surprise of her life when Nichola does not announce a future Luna. I leave the pack dining hall, which is on the first floor of the main pack house. I head straight to the elevator down the hall. Once I stepped on, I hit the button for the sixth floor. I stepped off the elevator and turned the corner. I saw that everyone was very busy, finishing up preparations for the ceremony. Mostly, Omegas, who worked close to the Alpha and his family, who was trusted to get the job done right. I went straight to the Alpha suite, where I knew Nichola would be getting ready. Something that I would need to do shortly as well. Nichola moved to the Alpha suite three months ago. While his parents took a smaller suite at the end of the hall. Nichola had his new suite remodel. It has black walls and gold trim, when you walk into the suite, the living room, it is the first room. Then, off to the right is the kitchen nicely done in granite counter tops with stainless steel appliances. He has an office at the back of the suite and four bedrooms, including the master bedroom. Two bathrooms and one of which is in the master bed. Finally, I found myself outside my best friends door. I lift my hand to knock when the door opens and Nichola is standing there looking down at me. Hi Nichola, Do you need any help with any last-minute arrangements. He pushed the door open, I only needed help with tying my tie, he said, handing me this navy blue tie. You know, i'm horrible at it. Nichola whispered with a small laugh. He is wearing navy blue slacks and a blazer with a white button-up shirt. Black dress shoes to match, he is a sight to be held. I placed the tie in the proper placing and started to loop the tie correctly, so it lays nicely on his chest. He asks me, "Do you think I will make a good Alpha?" Well, what I know with every passing generation of Alpha, our pack only becomes stronger. It only matters what you think of yourself if you believe in yourself. Then, the pack will see a strong, confident leader. You trained your whole life for this role. I trained with you, argued with you, cried with you, and even comforted you. I even tried to outrun your wolf, not a chance I had there. I breathlessly laughed. I finished his tie and told him I don't think you would make a good Alpha , but that you would make an amazing one. Nichola just smiled that sweet smile he always does. The one that makes any girl fall head over heels in love with him. So I have to ask if you are still angry with me for missing training this morning. I stand and wait a few seconds that felt like an eternity waiting on a response. I'm scared of what his answer might be. Then he leans slightly over, looking at me and whispers nice try. I gave him a half smile and apologized. I tried to change the subject, so I asked if he needed me to do anything else. Nichola says no, and again, nice try Sarah on trying to change the subject. I gave him a big smile and headed toward the door to leave when he said, "Don't be late to the ceremony." I waved my hand back at him, yeah, yeah, I won't. I left, shutting the door behind me. I heard him scream Sarah, I mean it, I can just picture him giving me that hot, sexy, stern look of his. I leave the main pack house to go back to my tiny one bedroom home. I need to get ready for the Alpha's ceremony in just two hours. Once I got home, I headed straight for my small walk-in closet that's in the front of my bedroom. I needed to see what there was for me to wear. I had no time to go shopping. I decided on a pair of ripped jeans, a pink shirt with a picture of red roses, and a pair of black tennis shoes. I head into my bathroom and straighten my hair up just a bit. I know I should dress up. Nichola's birthday party is afterward and will be going on throughout the night

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