Ch.2 The Alpha Ceremony pt. 2

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Sarah's POV Their will be nearby packs and other Alpha's in attendance. They will congratulate the new Alpha and give him some words of encouragement. The guest of the Alpha will be staying on the first floor of the main pack house. They will fill up the guest suites prepared by the lady Omegas, who also resides on the first floor. The Omega's also keep the main pack house clean and tidy. I heard a knock on my front door from inside my bathroom. I set my brush down on the countertop. I just knew it would be Mitchell standing on the other side of that door. I opened the door to see Mitchell leaning up against my door frame with his hands in his pockets, looking down. He is wearing his normal attire, an all grey outfit, jeans, with a long sleeve shirt and a short sleeve over shirt with a blue skateboard design. He has sandy colored messy hair underneath a beanie. Baby blue eyes, pale skin, a slim muscler build, and he is five foot nine, which is short for a male shifter. Mitchell is like my girl best friend. He stepped through the front door and into my kitchen. I can't believe he had the nerve to ask me. Why i'm not ready? Wait, yes, I can it's Mitchell! I'm going just like this. I sarcastically replied. Are you serious right now he says, a little too stern for my liking. Yes, mom! I said sarcastically. Mitchell rolls his eyes and says, "Time to go, but you'll never get a date dressed like that." We walk out the door together! Maybe I dont want one. Well, not with that attitude, Mitchell says, smiling. The two of us finally reach the front of the main pack house. The pack house is a six story red brick building with cemented steps, leading up to the double wooden front doors. The first floor is where all the guest rooms and the dining hall are. The second floor is filled with a game room and an indoor swimming pool, a gym , a library, and a coffee shop that has the best coffee ever. The third floor holds the Delta blood line. The fourth floor holds the gamma blood line. The fifth floor holds the beta blood line. The sixth floor holds the Alpha blood line and the Alpha himself. The Alphas unit also resides on the floor with the Alpha. There is an Alpha office, Luna suite, and office. The crowd finally calmed down, and the wooden doors opened. They all looked beautiful and powerful every girls dream. Alpha Emmitt walks out wearing an all light grey suit and light pink tie. He has dark brown hair, brown eyes, slightly tanned skin, and a husky muscler build. Most shifters are muscler to some degree's. It is a sport to some young shifters always trying to size up their competition. Shifters love to train and work out. Nichola is to his right, and Luna Grace to his left she is wearing a long, beautiful white fitted dress that hugs her figure. She has long, medium brown hair with emerald green eyes and fair skin. Standing behind them in formation is none other than Nate, Bryan, and Liam, which they're about to be announced as the new Alpha unit. They're wearing all black dress suits. My friends look so grown up, from our childhood days. "I remember when we would all sneak out of our homes as teenagers to go to the coolest parties. We would get so wasted that we would go skinny dipping in the lake out back, near the wooded area. One time, when I was sneaking back through my bedroom window. I climbed back up the tree that I would use to get in and out of my room. My mother was waiting for me with her arms crossed and tapping her foot on the floor. It was 3 a.m. She looked at me and didn't even say a word. She was so pissed that she had just turned and walked out my bedroom door. The next morning, when I woke up, I headed downstairs for breakfast. My father was sitting at the kitchen table, ready to yell at me. Well, he did, actually yell. He also punished me to do feild work for a week. I can still feel the backbreaking pain from all the heavy lifting I did. My father refused to call any of their parents due to Nichola being the Alpha's son. As for Nate, Bryan, and Liam, their parents were just close friends to the Alpha, and my father didn't want any conflict with them. I was grateful to the Goddess herself for that, that my father didn't call any of their parents. I didn't want them to be upset with me. I couldn't lie to my parents, so when they asked who I was with, I told the truth. I'm just glad thats all they asked about because if they knew what we were really up to. I would be grounded for life." Mitchell was waving his hand in front of my face. He was trying to bring me back to reality he said Earth to Sarah. Why are you spacing out? Just an old memory came back to me, that's all. I whispered. Mitchell and I both look in the direction of loud chirping women, which turned out to just be Kate and her friend Mira. Mira resembles kate alot in her hair style, makeup, and even her slutty clothing. Mira was Kate's clone. If Kate still thinks that Nichola will take her as his chosen mate, she's even more stupid than I thought. She is not even standing up their next to him. He didn't even ask her, what does she think he will surprise her, and bring her up on the front steps. Does she think Nichola will get down on one knee, "oh Kate, will you please be my chosen mate and mother to my pups." I said sarcastically in a high-pitched tone as I folded my hands together. All the while, Mitchell was staring at me with his mouth partially opened, trying not to laugh. Opps! Did I say that out loud. Yes, yes, you did! he replies. Alpha Emmitt steps forward to give his speech. I want to thank everyone for coming out, joining my family, and celebrating the coming of a new. I am stepping down as your Alpha and my son Nichola will be taking my place this evening, under the full moon, for you and the Goddess to witness. My son, from future Alpha to Alpha, I know he has what it takes to move the River Run Pack forward. My son has the strength, heart, and willpower to do so. Alpha Emmitt slightly truns to his right with his hand out to the new Alpha Nichola. Alpha Nichola steps next to his father, and his father steps back! The crowd starts clapping and cheering once they settle down. Nichola opens his mouth to speak, I just want to say that I will not try, but I will definitely see to it that our pack succeeds. It doesn't matter how much strength an individual may have, or intelligents, or how fast you may be. It only matters if we can come together, put our differences aside, and help one another out. It does not matter about your rank. We need to focus and work as a pack, and only then can we succeed for generations to come. Alpha Nichola smiles that sexy smile at the crowd. The crowd starts to cheer and clap once again. That was a damn good speech. Mitchell says as if he was surprised. A few seconds pass by before Nichola turns slightly toward the back to present his friends, our friends, and now his protecters. Nichola starts by saying as he points to each individual, this is Nathan, and he is my Beta, Nate just nods. This is Bryan, and he is my Gamma, who just smiles, and last but not least, this is Liam, and he is my Delta, who just looks blankly out into the crowd. This is my unit. Any disrespect to them is also disrespectful to me, your Alpha. Nichola turns in the direction of his mother, Luna Grace, and holds his hand out to her. She placed her hand in his, and he walked her to the center of the cemented steps. I, Nichola of the River Run Pack, just wanted to finish out the ceremony by saying that my mother will remain as acting Luna until I find my mate. "Oh! my goddess, and there it was, the moment i've been waiting for. It's like a punch to the stomach for that snarky b***h, that gold digging whore." I couldn't help but laugh when I heard sobbing and saw Mira hugging Kate while patting her on the back. Mira was telling Kate that it's going to all be okay. Kate pushes her away, and in a high pitch squil screams, no, it won't while pointing at the front to where Nichola stood. I want him, I need him, I deserve him, all of it, to be Luna. The Goddess should kick her heels together cause something is really wrong, Kate shouts. I should be his mate while tears poured from her eyes. Is she mad because Kate got exactly what she wanted, all eyes on her. Mira clearly states "well you still got me," which obviously just made Kate more angry when she pushed Mira over and stomped off. The crowd was stund, to say the least. Even the look on Nichola's face said it all. Let's go, Mitchell said, as he pulled me in the direction of where the party was being held. Which was in the back of the pack house. This place was almost unrecognizable. There were string lights up, a dance floor that changed colors every time someone stepped on it. The dance floor was in the center of the party. Off to your left, there were white fancy tables and chairs. There were various foods and snacks, along with alcohol concession stands. Off to your left was this giant four tier cake that was decorated to perfection. The frosting was grey with yellow piping and wolves placed on the top of the cake. The cake also read happy birthday Nichola. The back of the party had a leather couch and sofa chair for people to mingle. Mitchell and I were just standing, looking around at everything when Nichola and his unit showed up. Mitchell grabbed my arm and said lets go talk to them, without even asking me, just pulling me along as alway's. I think he just really wanted to talk to Bryan, his mate. Since it's obvious that Bryan is working. We talked to the guys for a little while before they moved on to mingle with some of the other guest. Tonight went by awesome, and I didn't even see Kate. She must have been so embarrassed to show her face. Mitchell and I set at one of the fancy tables, laughing and talking just about the most random things. I got pretty tipsy, and Mitchell actually cut me off, which I wasn't happy about. He actually told the waiter no more if he knew what was good for him, holding his fist up. I couldn't help it. I laughed out loud. I don't remember much after that or how I got home. I am almost certain that Mitchell carried me home and laid me in my bed. That was so much fun, but I was a mess
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