The Surgery

1227 Words
{Lyanna’s POV} When I woke up my heart was full, it was the first time in a long time that I was actually happy. I looked down seeing Max cuddled up against me all snuggled soundly in his blanket. I peered around, and my eyes caught a glimpse of Felix sleeping in the chair beside me. He was slightly too big for the chair, and I felt bad he had to stay in it all night. Honestly, I couldn’t stop myself from giggling slightly at the sight of him. His features looked so soft as he slept. I smiled looking down at Max again and closed my eyes to rest some more. At least until I heard the door open, my eyes flashed open to see the doctor walking in. “Sorry to wake you..” he said softly looking over at Max and Felix. “You didn’t, I was already up. They’re sleeping soundly, which is good.” I smiled. “I’m glad to see that young Alpha Max has taken a liking to you. He has been very shut off and reserved since his mother left..” he said walking to my bedside. “He’s a very kind boy, thank you, truly. You all have done so much for me.” I said. “You saved our future Alpha, and even helped our Alpha come out of his shell slightly. They’ve both been so miserable since Mandy left. Now I see a smile on their faces, and it brings me joy to know that they remember how to feel happy.” He raved smiling at me. “Now, let’s get you to surgery, we’ll try to get your tubes fixed up!” A tear rolled down my cheek. “Thank you..” I whispered softly. He walked to the hall grabbing a wheelchair and rolled it into the room. I carefully stood from the bed and tucked Max back in. I sat down in the chair quietly and was wheeled from the room, and into the operation room. They placed an iv in my arm, and gave me some fluids. Soon an anesthesiologist came in with a vial and hooked it into the iv port. “Alright, and can you could down from 20 for me please?” She said. “20..19..18..17..16..15..14..13..12..” I counted until my vision went dark and I was out cold. I didn’t know how long it had been, but by the time I woke up all I could hear was clanging and yelling. “Where is she?” His screams echoed out in the hall. “Alpha, she’s in here, she’s fine she had her surgery!” I could hear the doctor say trying to calm down Felix. I carefully sat up in my bed, still very dizzy, and made my way to the door. I stumbled a lot, but finally pushed the door open. “I’m right here Felix..” I said softly, leaning against the door, I was very weak and my body felt so heavy. “Luna Lyanna, you aren’t supposed to be up!” The doctor shouted, frantically running to me. Felix made it to me first and lifted me bridal style in his arms. “I was worried when I woke up and you were gone, then the doctor was nowhere to be found, I was..” he started. My head laid in the crook of his neck, I was unable to sit up, I placed my hand softly on his chest. “It’s okay Felix, I’m here, just very tired. Can I go back to my room, where Max and Felix are?” I asked the doctor, he nodded and Felix took off to my room. He packed me in and carefully laid me down in the bed. Max was sitting up slightly rubbing his eyes. “What happened.. where were you guys?” He asked groggily. “I was just seeing the doctor to check on my progress buddy, why don’t we go back to sleep?” I asked as Felix covered Max and I up under the covers. Max nodded and immediately snuggled up to me falling asleep. “So.. the surgery?” Felix asked. “I’m not sure what happened, the doctor hasn’t said yet, I’m sure he’ll come in soon.” I said turning over slightly and wincing at the pain. Felix stood and moved his arms towards me. I shook my head. “I’m fine, just sore.” I repeated the same words I said to him before. He settled back into his chair and soon the doctor came in. “Alright Luna, the surgery went well, sadly we won’t know if the correct functions have returned until you fall pregnant, but I’m very hopeful.” He said smiling. Tears appeared in my eyes quickly, and just as quickly slipped down my cheek. Felix who was looking at the doctor turned to me and saw tears streaming down my face. I smiled and closed my eyes. “Thank you doctor.. you have no idea how much this means to me..” I cried softly. “We also found that you do indeed have a wolf, but she’s hibernating if that makes sense..” he explained. “Hibernating.. I just assumed that something happened and she didn’t want to come out because of my vampire heritage..” I said looking over to Felix. “I have a wolf!” I cheered. He smiled and looked to the doctor. “What can we do to bring her wolf out?” He asked. “Well.. Luna Lyanna has been making sure to stay fed, perhaps if she stops feeding on human blood for a while and at some point drinks wolf blood or even some of your blood it would wake her wolf.” He said looking down at his chart. I looked over to the two of them, “I normally take some blood from the hospital I volunteer at. I only really need to feed around once a week. I usually take about four bags a month. So you’re saying I shouldn’t drink blood for a while?” I asked the doctor. “That’s right, not long enough to cause any damages. We have a vampire who is mated to one of our wolves here. She is a kind soul, and she has been feeding on her mate. They do a feeding every so often, says it’s better than human blood.” I nodded. I had never met another vampire. My parents died when I was young and I didn’t remember either of them. “So I’ll stop feeding now, I last fed yesterday morning. I’ll make sure I don’t feed until I’m told to by you.” I said smiling to the doctor. “Is there a way..” I began. But decided it was a strange question so I stopped asking. “A way to what Lyanna?” Felix asked. I looked at him, then the doctor. “Is there a way to stop feeding all together? I’ll be honest I don’t really enjoy it, it’s just something I’ve always had to do. They told me if I didn’t I’d go feral, and that I needed to make sure I stayed in a good head space.” I said looking down at my hands and wringing them together.
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