No More Blood

1080 Words
{Lyanna’s POV} I was so tense at this moment, I’m sure everyone in the room could feel it. “From what we know of vampires, thanks to our own resident, is that you all must feed to stay sane. If you don’t, then there is a chance that you could lose control and kill..” the doctor said looking down. “But..” he interjected. “There may be a way to cut out that half of you. You’re not a full vampire, you’re half wolf. If you were to be bitten..” he began. “No! The process is much to painful!” Felix said, speaking over us. I looked over at him and spoke softly. “Let him finish Felix.” He turned to me and nodded. “You would be transformed into a full wolf, you would still have your features that resemble that of a vampire. Your sharp teeth, for one would stay.” He said. “What about my eyes?” I asked looking to him. “Your eyes.. they’re blue, not really a vampiric color..” he said. I reached up, and looked down, taking out my contacts. I lifted my head blinking slowly. “They’re not really blue, but I didn’t want to scare anyone..” I said looking over at Felix. He smiled and looked deep into my eyes. “They’re beautiful, I’ve never seen eyes that color..” The doctor walked closer. “Your eyes will stay that color, but you’ll no longer have the need or desire to feed. Before that though, you need to heal up, and perhaps drink some werewolf blood. It will help with the transition, and possibly help you heal faster.” He said smiling. “I’ll be back in a few hours to check in on you.” He finished turning and leaving the room. I turned to Felix and laid my head against the bed softly. “In the time I’ve been here, I’ve had two surgeries, learned that I was fixed. Got my tubes untied, and found out that I may be able to get rid of my vampire needs.” I smiled. “This may be the greatest two days of my life. He smiled, but I could see a panicked look wash over his face. “How could a days where you got stabbed be a good day?” He asked. I looked away, not really wanting to answer that. “I met you, and Max, and got help I needed. I’m happy Felix, for the first time in a long time I’m happy.” I said looking down at Max who was still sleeping soundly. “Isn’t that enough?” I asked, looking back up to him. He paused for a moment but then nodded. “Of course it is, but you’ll have to open up to me eventually. I know that the Luna there mistreated you, eventually you’ll need to tell me more about it all.” He said. “And I will.” I said calmly. “Just not today, today I want to rest, and relax and spend some more time getting to know you and Max.” I spoke softly. “Is that okay?” I looked up to him once again. “Of course, but for now I think you could use some more sleep.” He said smiling. “You can’t sleep in that chair.” I giggled out. “You barely fit in it, and you looked so uncomfortable when I woke up this morning.” I laughed. “These are very little chairs.” He huffed. “No they’re not, you’re just big!” I giggled out again. “Maybe you can get them to roll another bed in here, you can put it next to this one.” I smiled. “Good idea!” He smiled, then mind linked someone, soon a nurse rolled a bed into the room and pushed it up beside mine. She left quickly and came back with a warm blanket, then once again left the room closing the door behind her. Felix took the blanket off of Max and I and carefully covered us with the warm blanket. I snuggled down into it smiling happily. “How did you know I was cold?” I asked looking him over. “Would you believe intuition?” He asked a smirk spreading across his lips. I laughed out. “No, I wouldn’t!” “You we’re shivering slightly, and I may have caught a glimpse of something under your gown..” he said, a blush creeping across his face. “Under my..” I looked down and realized what he meant. My face turned red hot, and I quickly pulled the blankets up more. My n****** had gone hard and I hadn’t even realized it. It’s true, it is cold in here, but now my face is burning. I covered my face with my hands, the sudden movement pulling slightly at my stitches. I groaned softly moving my hand to my side, well, at least that snapped me out of it. “Are you okay?” Felix asked, his face full of worry. I nodded. “I’m fine, I’ll be better in no time!” I smiled at him, his face softening. I looked down noticing Max shivering. “Do you think?” I began to ask, but he cut me off. “I’ll go grab another blanket.” He smiled walking out into the hall. Soon he returned with another warm blanket and covered the two of us up. He adjusted the blankets and I tucked Max in. Felix moved up and began tucking the blankets in around me. It took him a moment to realize what he was doing and his movements slowed. I giggled softly as a slight blush crept across his face. Then he leaned down slowly placing a soft kiss on my forehead. He moved back looking into my eyes. “ Let’s have a good nap.” He said pushing his bed up against mine. I nodded, bringing my hand up to my forehead and touching it softly. “Yeah..” I said smiling. He laid down getting comfortable, he scooted closer to Max and I. He laid on one side of Max and I laid on the other. I held onto Max softly as he dreamed, meanwhile Felix draped his arm over both of us and soon we were all sleeping peacefully.
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