Alpha’s Blood

1310 Words
{Felix’s POV} My eyes opened and I could see the peaceful sleeping faces of Lyanna and Max. I brushed a strand of hair from her face earning a slight, “Hmmm..” from her. Her little sleepy groan making me chuckle. Her eyes fluttered open, and I could see the most beautiful pink colored eyes I had ever seen. She was so beautiful her dark brown hair, and her big doe eyes. She yawned and stretched slightly. “Good morning..” she whispered looking down at Max then back up at me. Her smile lit up the room, and made my heart leap. I hadn’t felt this way in a long time. She actually cared about Max and I, and seeing her being so kind to Max made me want to kiss her. I stared at her lips, they were pink and pouty. She must have noticed that I was staring at them because she bit her bottom lip lightly. “Sorry for staring..” I said turning my head and looking away. My face slightly turning red. I couldn’t believe I was caught, I turned back to face her and she had a slight smile on her face. “It’s okay, I have been told I have pretty lips, just not sure if that’s true or not.” She giggled softly. “It’s true!” I stated and smiled at her. She blushed and turned away looking at the window behind her. The sun was pouring through and it hit her pale skin, making a glowing aura around her. She was beautiful, smart, strong, and sweet. How did I get so lucky as to find her as my second chance mate? I smiled and began to speak as the doctor entered the room. The sound of the door opening waking up Max who sat up groggily and rubbed his eyes. He looked around and smiled at Lyanna and I. “Good morning, I’m hungry!” He said. “Alright buddy, let’s go get you something to eat while the doctor talks with Lyanna.” I said standing and stretching. “Actually Alpha, I need you here for this too, so if the young Alpha could go wash up in the shower right in there for now, that would be a big help!” The doctor said, bending partially and pointing to the bathroom. “Alright, I’ll shower first, but then I want breakfast!” Max said crossing his arms and walking into the bathroom. After a few minutes we heard the shower turn on and we knew he couldn’t hear us anymore. “Alpha, I’d like for her to begin receiving your blood. That way we can hopefully begin to see her heal faster, and get her through her transformation sooner. Her body needs to heal properly, and your blood may be the key for that.” He said pulling out a clipboard. “Okay, we can start now if that’s fine with Lyanna.” I said looking over at her. What I didn’t expect to see was her face being blood red and her biting her lip. She looked nervous, and excited all at once, and also embarrassed. “Alright, I’ll leave you two alone.” He said turning and leaving the room. My eyes stayed glued to Lyanna, she was sitting in her knees on the bed with her hands folded in between her thighs. She was rubbing her legs together, and her face was so red I was beginning to think she was holding her breath. “What’s wrong?” I asked walking over and sitting beside her. “I-Is he not going to bring a knife or cup or anything?” She asked, not daring to make eye contact. “Of course not, you can drink it from me, here..” I said exposing my neck to her. She completely turned away and groaned slightly. “I’ve never drank from someone before, only blood bags..” she said nervously. “It’s something that’s intimate..” A blush crept upon my face as well and now I understood. “We’re mates Lyanna, and we won’t be doing this often, so go ahead, it’s fine.” I said leaning back on the hospital bed. She turned to face me and crawled into my lap, straddling me. “A-Are you sure?” She asked. “I’m sure, go on.” I said leaning my head over slightly. The sight of her straddling me, and the feeling of her hands gripping my shoulders was beginning to have a certain effect on me. She nodded before slowly opening her mouth, exposing her fangs and diving them into my neck. She began to drink, and now I understood what she meant by intimate. Her body was so close to mine, I could hear every sound she made, feel every movement, my blood flowed through her, and her body moved against mine as her hands wound themselves into my hair. She grabbed the top of my hair pulling it slightly and m*****, grinding her hips into mine. She gulped down some blood, and m***** loudly against my skin. The friction of our bodies together was beginning to make me uncomfortably hard, especially with her grinding into me like this. I threw my head back slightly and m***** grabbing her a** and squeezing it in my hands. She yelped and jumped up, pulling away and jumping across the floor. She pushed herself against the wall and breathed heavily. I placed my hand on my neck and stopped the bleeding. “Lyanna I’m sorry..” I said beginning to walk over to her. “S-Stop right there!” She said panting heavily. “I need a moment to compose myself..” she finished, blushing brightly. “I didn’t mean to upset you..” I said looking down. “You didn’t.” She said matter of factly. I looked up, her large pink orbs staring at me. “You didn’t upset me.. that’s just the first time I’ve ever done anything like that.. I’ve never even k-kissed..” she said looking away, her face as red as a tomato. “I shouldn’t have done that then, I should have let you feed like you wanted too, I just got caught up in the moment.” I explained. “Felix, I’m not upset with you..” she said still refusing to look me in the eye. “Then why won’t you look at me?” I asked, wondering why she seems so upset if she isn’t. “Because I wanted more!” She yelled out then covered her face with her hands. “I was caught up in the moment too, but I didn’t want it to end.. I wanted to feel what being with you felt like, kissing you, touching you, having our bodies pressed against one another.. I wanted all of it, and we agreed to take things slow, so I had to stop myself..” she said with her hands over her face. My d*** stiffened in my pants as those words left her pouty lips. I walked over to her grabbing her hands and pinning them up above her head gently. I leaned down to her ear and whispered. “Little Luna, when you’re all better I’m going to do everything I can think of to you. I’m going to devour you, and show you pleasures that you couldn’t dream of. For now, we need to focus on healing you.” She gasped slightly and her knees went weak, she stumbled and I caught her in my arms packing her back to bed. “For now, let’s get some food in you instead.” I said kissing her cheek and standing beside the bed. This woman would be the death of me, and I couldn’t wait to have her in my arms!
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