Discharge Papers

1038 Words
{Lyanna’s POV} My mind was still reeling from my feeding this morning, my body has never done that before. It was as though I was craving something, and only he could satisfy my need. He and Max went to go get some breakfast, they told me they’d bring me back some too. I couldn’t decide what to eat with my mind wandering so much, so I just told them to get me whatever they wanted to. Suddenly the door opened and the doctor stepped in. “Hello Luna!” He said smiling and walking to my bedside. “Hello doctor!” I said cheerfully. “I came to check on your wounds then I’ll be out of your hair so you can get some more rest. Remember, rest is very important for you to regain your strength!” He said pulling on some gloves. He lifted my hospital gown slightly and looked at my side where I was stabbed. He undid my bandage and pulled it off. “It’s gone!” He cheered. “It hasn’t hurt since this morning, I was wondering if maybe it was healed.” I said happily. He pulled up the gown a little more and grinned. “The other wounds are healed as well. Could you stand up and walk around the room for me?” He asked. I nodded, standing and walking around the room a couple of times. I felt as good as new, I took off running around the room and grinned. “I feel amazing!” I cheered. “Well Luna, it seems as through my plan worked. You’re now healed, when the Alpha gets back you all can go to the pack house, instead of having to stay here!” He said taking off the gloves and throwing him away. “I’m going to get some scans done, and some blood work just to make sure that everything is fine, but then you should be free to go!” He said walking out of the room. Soon he and a nurse returned and wheeled my bed from the room taking me into the x-ray wing. They did multiple scans, and took me back to my room. Before I knew it I was being told I was free to go. They brought me my paperwork and had me sign myself out. I walked to the desk with my paperwork and blushed looking at the nurse. “Excuse me, but do you know what happened to my clothes?” I asked. “We had to cut them off of you, but not to worry, the Alpha brought you some. You can go in the nurses quarters to shower and change really fast.” She said pointing me to a door behind her. “Thank you so much!” I said taking a bag from her, and making my way into the room. I quickly showered, making sure I washed myself well, then I got dressed in the clothes he brought for me. It was a lovely baby pink dress, there was a matching hair ribbon in the bottom of the bag, and a pair of white lacy underwear, and a matching white lacy bra. I blushed as I looked at the set, sliding all of it on and braiding my hair down my back. I tied the end with the ribbon, and slid on the white lacy shoes that were in a box in the bag. They were heels, but not too tall, so I didn’t mind. Once I was dressed I walked back out into the hall and waited for Felix and Max to come back. “Luna, the Alpha is on his way, you can wait in your room for now, they still haven’t cleaned it.” The doctor said smiling and bowing. “Thank you so much!” I said walking back into the room I had been in all this time. I sat in the chair he slept in the first night and waited for a while. At some point I noticed some of my hair was falling and stood from my place, walking into the bathroom. I took down my hair, and braided it back down my back carefully, then tied it with the ribbon. Suddenly I heard Felix’s voice break the silence. “Lyanna?” “I’m right here..” I spoke, walking carefully out into the room. He was alone, and I swore I heard him gulp. “W-What happened?” He asked, his eyes trailing up and down my body, finally landing on my breasts. They were squeezed snuggly in this dress, and looked rather nice. “They released me from the hospital, said I was free to go, but to wait on you so we can go to the pack house.” I said smiling softly. I walked over to him gracefully. “The nurse said that you picked this outfit for me. Thank you, I love it! Though, how did you know my size.. in everything?” I asked my face turning slightly red. “I took a guess, and it paid off.” He said stalking towards me. “So, if they released you, how are you feeling?” He asked me, backing me up slowly. “I feel as good as new Alpha, seems like your blood healed me right up.” I bit my lip nervously as I felt my back hit the wall. He propped his arm up on the wall and leaned down over top of me. “Well then Little Luna, we should get you home, get you settled, and get you in my room! You’re never leaving my side!” He smirked. My face heated up, and so did between my legs, I groaned softly. “F-Felix..” I m*****. “Don’t worry, there will be plenty of time for you to m*** my name once we get you settled into my room.” He began. “And Lyanna, stop biting your lip, you have no idea what that does to me.” He groaned huskily in my ear. My knees went weak, and a m*** left my lips before I could stop it. This man was dangerous, in the best way!
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