Chapter 28

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George's PoV Time passed, and we were sitting in the living room with Beatrice, watching television, when my phone rang, and I looked to see who was texting me. From: Edwardo Joel is here at the Market boss, and he'd like to speak with you. I was surprised because Beatrice's brother was in the market, and I had to say goodbye to Beatrice before leaving. "Did you get a text?" Beatrice inquire. "Edwardo told me that important the customer I mentioned was in the market; he said he needed to speak with me," I told Beatrice as I stood up. "All right, be careful when you go there," she said, even though she knew I was a vampire. She always said take care. After taking my black coat, getting into my car, and fastening my seat belt, I left the house. Beatrice will be fine here alone in my mansion, so I won't have to call Johnny to come here and keep an eye on her. I started my car and wondered why Joel wanted to talk to me. I wasn't sure if it was about him buying blood at my market or about Beatrice. When I arrived at the market, I saw him talking to Edwardo, and he looked at my car because I had parked first. When I got out, I unbuckled my seatbelt, and Joel approached me, which surprised me because he had punched me. I kept my annoyance to myself because I didn't want to offend Beatrice's brother. Good thing his punch was nothing for me. "I discovered something about you! You are married! What do you think about my sister? A mistress?!" I looked at Joel as he growled at me. "My wife is no longer alive. Where did you get the information that I already had a wife?" When I asked Joel, he punched me again, and it was just a weak punch. "You don't need to know where I got the information; when it comes to my sister, I know everything and want her life not to be miserable!" Edwardo was about to approach when Joel growled at me. I sign Edwardo not to come any closer. "Call your allies! Fight me!" I laughed as Joel told me. "I'm not going to do that; I don't want to hurt Beatrice," I said to Joel. "Break up with her immediately! And I'll continue to be your regular customer," Joel said as I slipped my hand into my pocket. "I'm not going to do that; do you want to hurt your sister? I loved your sister," I told Joel, and I could see how upset he was. "Then I'll take my sister away from you," Joel said, and he got on his motorcycle, leaving me to get into my car quickly. I followed Joel until we arrived at my house, at which point he removed his helmet and walked to the front door. He came to a halt, and I got out of my car. When he hurt himself, I was taken aback. I noticed that his head was injured and bleeding. Joel just smiled at me, and I could smell his blood, but I didn't want to smell it because he and Beatrice shared the same blood. He sat down, and Beatrice abruptly emerged. "George, what did you do?" I heard Beatrice yell. "He knocks my head! Look, he's trying to drink my blood!" When Joel lies, I can't approach them because I'll lose control because of his blood. "Get out of here first, George," Beatrice instructed, and I was taken aback. "Do you believe in him?" Beatrice looked at me as I sighed. "This is my brother! What makes you think I don't believe him? He's a blood relative and a member of my family!" I clenched my hand as Beatrice said this. "Come on, Joel, I'll take you to the hospital right away because you're bleeding, and we need to check you out," Beatrice said to Joel. I turned around and walked away from my house, looking back at the tree from which I had come. Did I cause Beatrice any harm? I told her I wouldn't hurt her anymore, but I did, and I still can't stop myself from saying hurtful things when I'm angry. I punched the tree repeatedly, and I noticed that my hand was injured due to my punch, but it also healed quickly because I was a vampire. I felt my fangs erupt because I was hungry, but I restrained myself and waited for myself to calm down. I'd been sitting here since Beatrice took Joel to the hospital, and when I noticed the sun rising, I calmed down and thought I'd go back to my house. I moved quickly, and when I returned home, I couldn't feel Beatrice there; I went inside, but she wasn't there; I went to her room, but she wasn't there, but her belongings were. I'm not sure where Beatrice went, but I need Johnny to find out where Beatrice is now; she could be in the hospital because Joel has a head injury. I took my phone, but I was surprised because someone had taken it and when I looked at that person it was Beatrice. "Please apologize to my brother Joel," Beatrice said, but why should I? "Where is Joel now?" I inquired with Beatrice. "He's in the hospital. If you want to get along with my brother, you should apologize, and if there is any misunderstanding between the both of you, talk it out." Beatrice told me, and I'll follow her because if I don't, like in the past, she will leave because I didn't follow her. "Come with me," I said, and Beatrice still had my phone in her hand. I got into my car, and Beatrice did as well. I extended my hand to take my phone from her. "What is it?" Beatrice inquired while looking at me. "My phone please," I said to Beatrice. "I will give it back to you until you and my brother get along and fix your problems," Beatrice said, so I did nothing and started the engine of my car. I started my car and drove to the hospital, which she had shown me on her phone's location. We arrived at the hospital, and as soon as I finished parking my car, Beatrice came out, and I followed her; I couldn't hold her hand right now; she was moving fast. When we arrived at the hospital, I noticed that all of the patients were sick, so I followed Beatrice, and Joel was at the emergency room. Joel was sitting with a bandage on his head when we arrived. "Hello, Ms. Beatrice. I'm Dr. Araquil. Today I am his attending physician. Based on the test results we just received, your brother did not show any bleeding, fractures, or torn muscles." I don't recall what Doctor Araquil said to Beatrice, but I was only paying attention to him. "There is no evidence of head trauma, broken ribs, neck injury, broken legs, or a broken arm." Beatrice and I were listening. "There was no broken shoulder, and the mir and Citi scans were self-explanatory, yielding positive results. According to the ultrasounds results, here are no damaged organs," Dr. Araquil continued. "His reflexes are also normal motor and sensory. His ears do not have any problems or hearing loss. But I believe he should stop smoking and drinking because his breathing is not normal. The x-ray color view shows that he has some problems with his lungs. According to the sgpt and sgot test and liver ultrasound, he has a fatty liver, and there were a few crystals in his urinalysis result." I can see Beatrice is annoyed after hearing about smoking. "My advice is to take his medication, stop drinking and smoking before it is too late. You may develop kidney stones or gall bladder stones in the future, but for the time being, your brother is fine with just a few stitches in the head and a follow-up check-up." As I looked into Joel's lungs with my eyes, Dr. Araquil said to Beatrice, The Doctor was right; I can see Joel's lungs has some problems. "Finally, the blood test shows you're taking too much alcohol, and you need to stop," Dr. Araquil added as the nurse handed the results to him. "But I don't drink that much," Joel pointed out to Dr. Araquil. "You liar, I told you to stop smoking! Also, now drinking!" Beatrice said to his brother. "However, according to the test, your alcohol level is high; alcohol stays in the salvia, breathe, and even urine for 12–24 hours. Therefore, moderate what you take," Dr. Araquil told Joel. "Now then, I'll be tending to my other patients; it was a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Beatrice and sir Joel, excuse me," Dr. Araquil said. "Thank you, Dr. Araquil," Beatrice said as the doctor attended to the other patients. I had no idea that the mortal body could be so fragile and that abusing yourself could lead to complications in the body. "So, how are you feeling now?" Beatrice inquires to his brother. "I'm fine. There are a lot of tests and just a minor stitch," Joel responded. "You heard the doctor say you should cut back on your vices," Beatrice stated, and Joel just giggled. He seems not listening. "George will say sorry to you, by the way," Beatrice said, and I could read her mind now; she had just tripped me up, and I couldn't do anything because I love Beatrice. "I'm sorry for what I did," I apologized to Joel. "You know how to apologize. I thought you didn't," Joel said to me, and I'm just really holding myself back right now. "It's good, and congratulations to you too; don't fight and hurt each other anymore, and Joel, cut your vices, please," Beatrice said, pulling me away from Joel. "I thought you wouldn't be sorry for Joel, but it's good that you're sorry!" Beatrice said to me, I am glad nothing wrong happened to him, and it is my first time here at the hospital. I have never seen people with sickness and injuries before. "I did it because you said I should apologize," I explained, and Beatrice was taken aback. "So you're apologizing because I said so? Is that to say you're not genuinely sorry for what happened to my brother?" Beatrice questioned. "Don't worry about it, that's sincere," I told her, and Beatrice just snorted. "Perhaps you're hungry, so I'll buy you a sandwich," I suggested to Beatrice. "All right, buy two sandwiches," Beatrice said, kissing my cheek as she handed back my phone. "Are you no longer mad at me?" When I asked Beatrice, she just nodded her head. Good thing she is not upset anymore. "I told you I'd return it once you apologized to my brother," Beatrice said as we parted ways. I was going to buy them some sandwiches. I went to the canteen at the hospital and bought two pre-made sandwiches and two drinks. I was given two sandwiches and two drinks when I finished paying. I returned to the emergency room, and when I arrived, Beatrice and Joel talked to each other, so I showed them what I had purchased. I was about to leave when Beatrice stopped me. "Where are you going?" Beatrice inquired. "I couldn't afford to stay here, so I would stay in my car," I told Beatrice, and Joel pretended to be surprised. I smell lots of blood in the hospital. I am just fighting it back. "Why can't you stay for an extended period? And why did you buy two sandwiches only?" Joel asked me, and Beatrice shared her sandwich with me. "Eat it," Beatrice said, and I ate the half-sandwich. Was Joel under the impression that I couldn't afford to eat mortal foods? I read his mind so well that he couldn't believe it, and I ate a sandwich even though I was a vampire. "Don't fight just because George didn't buy a sandwich for himself," Beatrice advised. "I'll get you some more. I'm aware that your sandwich is not enough," I told Beatrice, but I was about to walk away when she stopped me. "I'm satisfied with this half sandwich; I'll be full when I'm finished," Beatrice said. "I'm going to pay Joel's bills as well," I said. "Don't worry, my health insurance has it covered, but sadly, it is just one-time use," Joel assured me. I didn't leave and instead stayed with them until Joel was discharged from the hospital. However, I smelled mixed blood in this hospital. One hour pass and Joel want Beatrice to go home. Thank goodness he wants her to go home. "Next time, you'll tell me everything because I don't want you to keep anything from me," Joel said as Beatrice walked away. "I didn't realize you'd be angry when you found out I'd been married before, but she's gone, I'm widowed," I told Joel, and he was taken aback. Joel hasn't yet given me an explanation; he rushed, and now he knows, and I'm sure he blames what he did today. I followed Beatrice out. We went to the parking lot, and we went inside the car. When I got in my car, I fastened my seatbelt and began driving. Beatrice was quiet and remained so until we arrived home. I parked my car, and she got out right away; I got out right away, and I grabbed her hand. "Do you not want to speak with me?" I inquired Beatrice. "I'm just tired," Beatrice said as she let go of my hand. "Isn't it enough that I apologize? Do you want me to get down on my knees in front of you?" I said to Beatrice, and she is the same when sulking. "You don't have to kneel to me; why are Caroline and I the same again?" Beatrice inquired. "Yes, you are identical; why do you seem to be telling me that you are different and Caroline is different also? Caroline's soul is only found in you, and you are here," When I told Beatrice, she became upset. "I feel like it's all repeating, and I don't know why," Beatrice said, and I was intrigued. "Because you are Caroline. Even if you deny it, if you remember everything, you won't be able to feel surprised," I told Beatrice, and she burst out crying. "I hope I remember everything; I don't want to disappoint you or myself," Beatrice said, and I hugged her immediately because she was crying. It's my fault that you're having such a difficult time. **
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