Chapter 27

2020 Words
Beatrice's PoV "Are you all right, Beatrice?" I looked up when I felt George tap me on the shoulder. "I'm fine, but I'm not Caroline yet. I just had some flashbacks," I told George, and he smiled. "Yes, I know you're not Caroline yet, but I expected you to remember everything," George said, hugging me, and I hugged him back. I guess it will take some time for me to remember. "I'm sorry if you're surprised; I'm not sure what happened or why a shield appeared on me," I explained to George. "Because that's Caroline's power as a vampire, I'm not sure how that happened. However, since Caroline is a vampire, maybe she still carries her powers even though you don't remember," George explained. Still, Caroline's soul was in my body, and that's who I am. Maybe I can use her abilities as well. "I just saw in my vision that I was protecting someone. I'm not sure who I was shielding," I told George, and as Garry looked at us while working towards our location, I let go of George's hug. "I'm the one you used to protect, don't be surprised because Caroline is still alive in her own body. We always have an adversary." George explained that the shield appeared because I wanted to protect George right now. "Perhaps the shield came out because I wanted to protect you," I explained to George, feeling the strong wind. "It's cold here; we need to go back," George said, taking my hand as we walked away from Garry. "Aren't you gonna talk to me?" Garry inquired, and George came to a halt while getting into his car. "We don't have to talk anymore, and I'm going to reject your partnership contract. Please leave," George said as we walked away from Garry. I enter the car, and he joins in his vehicle as well. I fastened my seat belt, and I heard him take a deep breath. "It's a good thing you came because if you hadn't, we might still be fighting right now," George said as he started his car's engine. "I came because I'm concerned about you, even though I know you're a vampire and can handle yourself. I still want to protect you because my heart was telling me to." I said to George, but he didn't say anything right away. George began driving, and while we were on the road, I forgot to bring my phone because Johnny and I were in a hurry. We arrived home, and I unbuckled my seat belt. I went out, and George came out as well, but I was taken aback when George picked me up. "I missed you even though I had just left lately. You made me worried when you stopped us in the middle," George said, and my cheeks flushed. "Sorry if I made you worried. I thought you'd take a long time to be at your market," I said to George, and as we entered the house, he looked at the dining table. "You haven't finished eating yet, and you came to me right away," George said to me as he put me down. "Yes, but I'm full; maybe I'll just put it away," I said as I approached the dining table. "You'll put that away later," George said to me, but what did he mean by that? He turned me to face him, and George kissed me; I was taken aback, but I didn't let go because I enjoyed his kiss for me. He was hot as well, and he just kept kissing me, putting his tongue inside my mouth. I moaned as George pressed my n****e against my breast; why was I sweating? As he kissed me, George's breath was warm as well. When I kissed him, he let go and touched my cheek. What was he doing? Why is he acting this way? "I can't help myself," George said, kissing my neck and massaging my breast. The sensitive part of my body tickled me when he touched my breast. He felt my waist as if I had been electrocuted, which surprised me. "I didn't realize you were too sensitive to this," George said, and when he looked at me, his eyes were red. "Why is your eye red? Do you want my blood? I'll let you drink whenever you need it--" Because George babbled, I had to stop what I was saying. "I'm horny, not hungry," George told me, which surprised me. "Do you want us to do it right away? It's far too early," I told George, and he surprised me by lifting me, so I hugged him. We quickly go upstairs, and we are now in his room after maybe having s*x or remembering something. When George laid me down and removed his clothes, my eyes widened as I noticed his abs and red cheeks. "Your eyes are lovely," I said, and George kissed me again, this time just beginning to move my breast. Was I mistaken in thinking he wanted to have s*x? I felt him yank my hair from my brow. "I can't put it in you right now because you're still Beatrice, plus I know if I put it in, it is going to be your first," George said, explaining the problem. "What is the issue if I'm Beatrice? And what if I am still a virgin?" I inquired of him. "It will feel better if you remember everything, and it will feel better," George said to me, implying that it will be more suitable if I remember everything. Perhaps we've always had s*x in my previous life. "How did you get rid of that horny?" When I asked, he lifted my sweater, revealing my bra and panty and exposing my breasts and n*****s to him. "I'm going to masturbate in front of you," George said, and I saw him pull out his d**k and its size. His d**k was about 7 inches long, and he touched it, m**********g in front of me while massaging my breast with his left hand. I looked at him while he was m**********g and looked into his eyes, which are excellent when red. "Would you like me to finger you?" I was taken aback by what he said, which I had not anticipated. "I don't know. It was my first time," I explained, and he laughed, but he continued to masturbate. George d**k, as far as I can tell, was stiff. "I'm not going to do it because it's your first time. If you're ready, then I'll do it for you," George said, and I was surprised because something came out of his d**k. "I'm cumming!" George yelled. It was in my breast, so he grabbed a tissue and wiped it away; when he was done, he looked at my body. He put back my sweater and adjusted his pants before placing his head on my stomach. "Stay like this for a while," George said, and I didn't move because he wanted to lie down on me. I stroked his hair, and my tears began to fall; I was shocked and couldn't believe it. I smiled because I knew it was Caroline, and I cried because George is so sweet. How much do I miss George, and why am I crying right now? George looked at me as I wiped away my tears. "Are you crying? Is there something wrong?" George inquired. "Yes, I cry. I know I'm Caroline, but I can't remember who I am," I told George, and he stood up from laying on my stomach. George surprised me by saying, "There is a way for you to remember everything, but you will be hurt, and I don't want that to happen; I want you to remember everything without being hurt." "What is the way to remember easily? Please tell me," I told George, and he took a seat next to me. "You'll remember everything when I turn you into a vampire, but you'll get hurt because you're mortal; it's difficult to turn mortals into vampires," George said, and I couldn't believe it because it's still possible. Still, I haven't read anything like that in a book. "I won't do that, so don't think about that because we don't know if you can handle it," George said to me. "Like what you said, I will be hurt, so we better not do it. If I still don't remember everything, make me become a vampire even if it hurts. Because I can endure it for you, that's what my heart says," I explained to George, and he was shocked. "Even if you don't remember everything, you're still Caroline; don't force yourself; it will take time," George said, and I smiled back. "I went to the library earlier and read the ones you read there; you're curious about my generation," I explained to George. "Yes, I'm interested because I'm afraid I'll look like a fool if I don't know what to do," George said, and I laughed. "It's okay to be ignorant when you don't know something I can teach you. Don't pretend that you know everything," I explained to George. "Okay, teach me when I don't know something," George said, and I smiled. "I can't believe my family is still making a mess in my life even though I'm this old," George said. "They're just worried. It's good you have a mom and dad because I only have my mom and my brother," I explained to George. "Treasure your family even though they do this to you because we don't know what the future will be," I told George to appreciate them. He was stunned when I looked at him. "I'm not sure if I still love them because they used to choose the person I'd love, and that's you," George told me, surprising me. "Are you referring to Caroline?" I inquired, and George nodded. "Do you mean we have arranged marriage?" When I asked George, he shook his head. "What do you mean, your family chose Caroline to be your wife?" I asked George if his family had arranged a marriage for them because I was curious. "Mom let you live in my mansion to develop some relationship between us, but after we become a couple and married, I'm cold to you," he said to me, and I just listened to him. "Many times I've hurt her, but even when I do, Caroline still loves me; she always defends me because she has shield power and half my power as a royal vampire," George explained. That is why there was a shield barrier when I stopped Garry and George from Fighting. "I just realized that the one who truly loves me is the one I almost lost in a battle before our marriage." George surprised me by saying that. "I saved Caroline because of my healing power, and that's when I realized she's so important to me. I can't afford to lose him in my life," George told me, but he's still here now without his wife, and that's me, but nothing to remember. "I saved Caroline because of my healing power, and that's when I realized she's so important to me, and I can't afford to lose her in my life," George explained. However, she's still here without his wife, and that's me, but nothing to remember. "It looks like we have a good story when we are a couple back before," I said to George. "Yeah, it's nice, and I'd like to change my habit on those days," George said. "Even if you're cold, you know in your heart that you love that person," I told George, and he remained silent. "When I remember everything and remember these moments of ours, I'll be even happier because I saw you're a changed person," I told George, and he smiled back. "This is why I love you because this is how you talk to me, and you're so sweet to me. I always appreciate the kind words," George said to me as he squeezed my cheek with both his hands. **
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