
Prince George: Vampires

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In 1860, George Leopold joined the battle of humans against vampires. He is the most powerful and the only son of Leopold Family. He swears that the struggle between them and humans will be successful, and he promises his wife Caroline that he will be back after the battle. She is also a vampire who is currently pregnant. After the battle, Caroline received a letter from a human named Harry. He is a fighter against vampires. He writes in letter that the battle is done and George is dead; Caroline cannot accept that his Husband is dead. She killed herself by beheading using her powers. When George knows the news about his wife, his anger cannot be controlled, and he let all his power kill all of his allies.

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Chapter 1.1
HISTORY WAR OF HUMAN AND VAMPIRES 1860 Third person's PoV One night, vampires gather to prepare for battle with mortal people; the challenger is Harry Alfonso, who despises vampires and will murder the strongest vampire. George Leopold is a royal vampire with high status, having previously served as a prince. George Leopold's wife, named Caroline Leopold, is also a royal vampire with great power because her husband George's blood flows through her. "I promise you that I will return alive, that we will be happy, and that we will start a family," George told Caroline that he would return. He didn’t allow his wife to fight because he was afraid Caroline would be used as his weakness. "Be careful, my husband," Caroline said to George before kissing her on the forehead in respect for his wife. When George was outside, he told his fellow vampires who were ready to fight not to succumb to Harry's charms. Even though he is a human, George believes he is strong because he is a warrior who wants to expel all vampires, even if some are innocent. "Do you understand that our lives are on the line here? Join me in the struggle; if I find out you've retreated, I'll murder you," George stated thoughtfully. "Understood, Prince George, we will be right behind you!" Many vampires yelled in response, and George smiled. "Come on, let's hurry!" George yelled, and they all rushed out of George's palace. George's palace was large, and it also had many vampires, so it wasn't easy to defeat. "Kill George the vampire!" The people rushed with their horses towards the vampires, who continued to flee. The war has already begun, and blood can be seen in every vampire and human conflict. George shows no pity for those he slaughtered. He has no idea if they have a family or not. What matters to him is the assassination of Harry and his team. Harry smirked as he observed Caroline was not present, and he considered writing a letter to Caroline. He'll note that George is no longer alive and that the vampires have been defeated in battle. "I'll make sure you suffer when the person you love dies," Harry said quietly. When he was finished, he directed his personnel to deliver the letter to Caroline. "Let's fight, Harry!" George yelled, and Harry smirked. Caroline is restless since she has been walking back and forth for a while, yet she is not tired of it. She is concerned about her spouse because he may lose the battle and abandon her. She intends to commit suicide if her husband dies. Two hours later, there was a loud knock on the door, and Caroline hastily opened it, but it was Harry who opened it, and she wondered who had come to their palace. Caroline had no idea. It's George's opponent because everything George's opponents have been hidden at times, so Caroline isn't worried. "What do you need?" Caroline asked Harry. In the end, he was the only person who could deliver the letter because the person who was supposed to deliver it died in the battle and didn't do what he was supposed to do. "George has a letter for you," Harry stated as Caroline opened the letter. Caroline was taken aback by what she read and couldn't believe it; she let go of the paper and cried. Harry smiled as he walked away, knowing that his strategy had worked. While George was on his way home because the war was finished, George beat the people who battled against him and was relieved to return to his palace because he would be reunited with the person he loved. Caroline, who couldn't think straight since she thought George had gone and wanted to follow, stroked her belly for the last time, which was already quite huge. "Forgive me. If I do this to the two of us, I can't live without your father," Caroline muttered, strength in her hand. Caroline used her ability to cut her head, and Caroline's body fell simultaneously with her. Caroline's body, along with the baby she was carrying, was instantly reduced to ashes. "Caroline!" When George returned to the palace, he yelled, but he couldn't find Caroline; all he saw was a pool of blood. Caroline's head was gradually turning to ash as well, and George saw it. "Caroline! What exactly did you do?" George yelled and his wife closed her eyes; Caroline had vanished, and she had entirely lost control of himself. George murdered all the vampires fighting beside him, yet he still cried since Caroline was gone. When he spotted Caroline's letter, he took it, and what was written inside made him even sadder. My dearest, Please forgive me if I can no longer return to the castle; be joyful even when I am gone. I adore you and don't forget that I'll keep an eye on you even when I'm gone, so don't be concerned. My love, I bid you farewell. As George cried, George crumpled the paper, and a tremendous rainstorm began to fall. George couldn't believe that his wife Caroline had died, and he didn't know how much longer he could live. But George had an epiphany that a vampire, like them, would reincarnate when it died. But, even knowing that reincarnation will occur, George believes she will forget everything they have together. George waited for Caroline for many years, but he got increasingly depressed and hopeless while he waited. He also assumed that Harry was the one who told all of the lies in the letter. Many years later, George sought a place for Caroline to reincarnate, but he couldn't find the person he loved. He simply remained in his palace in the realm of vampires, alone in his palace. George continues to murder individuals as part of his plan to exact revenge on Caroline. Still, even so, he feels as if it is useless what he is doing. Even if he did, he wouldn't be able to bring everything back, let alone the previous Caroline he loved and cared for. Caroline has been reincarnated after 170 years, and her name is now Beatrice Mary Victoria. Still, only Caroline's soul is present, not Caroline's appearance. Because Caroline wants to have her own body right away, and God has granted her the opportunity to be with the person she loves once more. But Caroline didn't think she could forget because she entered Beatrice's body without a soul entering. When Caroline's soul entered Beatrice's body, Beatrice's body didn't reject Caroline's soul because they were the same soul. After all, the body is compatible. George is no longer followed by vampire servants and lives alone in his mansion. He used to communicate with someone and with him, but now he is unable to communicate with anyone. He is also accustomed to doing day-to-day activities with his strength, such as cleaning his mansion. But sometimes George can't because of the sadness he feels. For example, while he was alone in his mansion, George sensed the presence of Caroline, who was already there when she was reincarnated; he wanted to go see her but thought she didn't know him anymore. "It would be best to forget me for the rest of my life," George murmured, holding his head. George is unsure whether he will continue his life; he doesn't want Caroline to be alone, and he also doesn't want Caroline to forget about him. He tried to commit suicide. Still, he failed because he suddenly remembered the pleasant moments he and Caroline shared. "So, what should I do? I love you so much that I can't leave you alone here, and I can't accept the fact that you won’t remember me," George knelt as he spoke. "I know God has a plan for the two of us, and I know we'll be destined once more!" George gripped his hand until it bled. **

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