Sequel 4

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George's PoV "Sometimes I don't understand you," I admitted to Caroline as I mounted my horse. "You'll never understand me no matter what happens; you'll only be concerned about me when I'm too hurt in the fight," Caroline said. I ran my horse, but I felt her cling to my waist less tightly than before. I couldn't respond to what Caroline said, so when we arrived at the mansion, she went down first, and I put my horse in the horse shelter, followed by a leash to keep the black horse from running away. I saw Caroline enter my mansion and take an animal blood pack before going upstairs; was she hungry? I even brought the human blood pack, which I will probably give to Johnny because he is the only one in this house who drinks human blood. "Johnny," I called him, and he quickly left his room and went downstairs, bowing to pay his respects to me. "What is it, master?" When Johnny asked, I gave him a pack of human blood. "You're the only one who drinks human blood here; it's yours, and then you go back to the job I've assigned you," I told Johnny, who nodded. Johnny is in charge of scheduling my appointments and notifying me of the missions I will be assigned as well as the rest of my day's agenda if there are any schedule conflicts. "You have a mission, master; you're the only one who can complete this mission, and he's in the dendo village. I'm not sure if the perpetrator has escaped," Johnny informed me and handed me some paperwork. "It's also impossible to tell if it's a normal vampire or a royal vampire; there are royal vampires who are very bad, but they're not Leopold," Johnny explained. "If it's not Leopold, they should receive a lesson from me because he's not from our area; I'm sure dad will be angry again when he finds out," I told Johnny as I handed back the document. "Call Garry if you need an assistant; Caroline can do the same," Johnny said. "Garry, it's okay, but Caroline, I'm not sure yet; she has much to learn in terms of combat," I told Johnny, and he nodded. I went upstairs to see Caroline, but as I was about to knock, I heard her talking to someone; I knew she was upset because I was selling human blood and there were no other options. The market is a better job than hunting low vampires, and you get tired of it every day because it's pure hunting. I waited until Caroline finished speaking; I didn't know who she was talking to, but I could hear the voice of the person she was speaking to and that woman. 'If I were in your shoes right now, I would leave George's house because he doesn't seem to care about you even if you die,' I heard the woman say. I think it was her friend, but she said that I was the only one as I bowed my head. "I can't abandon him because I love him! I'll try it again, and I'm not going to give up until he's my boyfriend!" Caroline said, and she hung up the phone. I went into her room right away, and Caroline looked at me. "What do you need?" She asked me right away. "You mentioned that you'd like to join me on my adventure. I have a task for tomorrow. Do you want to accompany me? Although I know you know very little about sword skills," Caroline pondered what I had said. "Okay, I'll accompany you. I'm not going to do anything in your home anyway," Caroline said, and I walked out of her room. I went to my room and prepared the things I needed; when I was finished, I left my room and went to the library. Caroline's PoV I took my travel bag to prepare for my first adventure with George; I will not give up on him no matter what happens. Earlier, I spoke with Angel Zeo, a childhood friend I always spend time with when I'm at home. Her mother is a friend of my mother's, so we became close, but I told her before that when she finds her partner, I hope she is happy and doesn't worry about me no matter what happens. When I'm finished organizing my belongings, my travel bag will be pretty significant. I'm sure George will scold me again, but I never heard him say he would evict me; he only told me once that he would report me to my parents. I laugh because George can't do anything when he scolds me once. Angel also told me to be more naughty to make George develop feelings for me so that George and I could create feelings of love. I thought it was impossible because when I say I like George, it appears as if he doesn't like me at all, but he's concerned about me; I don't know what my future will be like; I can't do anything! When I finished drinking the animal blood, George probably thought I'd drink the human blood I took from him. I promised myself that I would not drink human blood because my dad looked. After all, he was even hungrier when I saw him drink human blood. "Caroline," I was taken aback because George had called me unexpectedly. I opened the door right away, and he scratched his head; he's pretty handsome. "Are you going to say something else?" I asked George, and he gave me a book on fighting techniques. "Take your time. Even if you're not very good tomorrow, it's okay with me. Garry is with us," George said as he walked out in front of my room, Garry being his cousin. Maybe I can be friends with Garry; perhaps he knows George more than I do to get to know George better; I closed my room door and sat on my sofa in my room. I opened the fight skills book, began reading, and needed to practice right away to understand better and remember fight skills. I don't want George to be disappointed when I finish the first move listed here. I stood up and formed, but I had to be careful because I'm sure George would come running if I hit something. I tried punching, and it said your hand has to be strong when punching someone. But the book also states that you need an opponent to practice your flight skills, so why did George leave me this book and then just let me practice it? I took the book and left the room. I quickly went downstairs to look for George, but he was not in the living room, and I promptly went to the library, but he was also not there; where is he? I came to his room and first listened to see if he was there. "What do you need?" I was taken aback when George spoke. That's why I let myself in his room, and he was shocked by what I did. "Can you play the role of a foe? You gave me this fighting skills book, but I had no foe to train with," I told George, and he stood up from his seat on the sofa. He lifted his sleeves slightly when we got outside, and I placed the book on the table outside. I looked at George, who was serious. "Start now!" George said, and I smirk. I quickly assumed my battle stance because I knew from my previous sparring with George that I wasn't satisfied and could keep up with him. This time, as I grip my sword, things will be different. "I'll show you what I've learned from the sparring we did; this time will be different," I said, as George was surprised as he prepared to take his battle stance. What happened in our sparring last time will not happen again, and I will make sure to use all of the stances I have appropriately learned this time. I took a high guard stance as I charged at George, thrusting down my sword with my hands and shoulders as he blocked it, but then I made another sword thrust attack, just missing his body. When I stopped his attack and pushed George away, I heard a metallic clashing of swords. Again the Zorn guard, I put my sword to my right shoulder and waited for George to attack simultaneously. George rushed up to me as I was preparing my ground. As I previously stated, a horizontal sword attack will benefit this, as will another ascending sword attack. Even if the guard blocks this, I will have the upper hand in pushing him back. Now I must re-adjust to the Ochs stance by raising my sword-point both of my hands and bringing it close to my head. As I took a different side stance in preparation for George's attack, I noticed that he was now defensive. "Good! This must be stopped!" George said, making a descending attack towards me. As I blocked his attack, I rushed towards him, making multiple attacks from different sides. I know he could stop all of it, but this time I can see he was surprised as I spun my sword and changed my stance again. As I transition to plow guard because I need to be on the defensive now because George is going to attack, George has to deal with the fact that if I make a defensive attack on him, I can easily create a trust attack this stance well. George launched a straight attack at me, but I blocked it with my sword. He was surprised, and he found another attack, but I managed to stop it from the side of my blade. George returned to recoup himself as well. "You're improving." George admired, but I didn't show any emotion to him because I was getting ready for a sword stance that I had learned previously. I took a long point stance while holding the sword in front of me, pointing at George as I saw him do the same. Charging at me, I keep my cool as he performs a high cut and thrust that I can block from time to time. I discovered a gap in George's defense, and now I have the opportunity to counter his attack. As soon as I found an opening, I pointed the sword at his face, but George was quick to react, swinging his sword and knocking me off balance, but this was the time to switch into another stance. The fool's guard held my sword down, mocking George and threatening to attack me if I caught him off guard in a predictable way. I was right. George charged at me, allowing me to counter his sword attack by blocking it and placing my sword to his head. "Good to see you're learning," George said, but he jumped high to keep his distance from me. "I'm going to attack you now, so defend yourself," George said. "That's not all I've learned, but keep an eye on me," I said to George as I took my battle stance. The other sword stance is the changing guard, in which I hold my sword to the ground, leaving my head and entire body open as I secure my base, which allows me to s***h with my sword. Standing up, I place my left foot forward and hold my sword to my right, the blade pointing to the ground and the short edge against me this is what it is called the side guard. George attacked as I spun my sword in a slashing motion and pointed at him, but he was able to push me away. As George prepared to attack me, I prepared by doing an undercut to him, which he managed to block, and rotating my sword 180 degrees to attack George. I should distance myself from George and test another guard that I learned from the book that I read, which is the barrier guard. I haven't used this guard before because it's my first time, but according to the book I've read, the best way to use it is to uncross. George's attack was blocked by crossing my arms with my sword as he distanced himself and tried to attack low. Still, I stopped it by pushing him away as he made a horizontal attack. I quickly changed my stance and went to the hanging guard, holding my sword tip down, blocking George's horizontal attack. "You've learned a lot just by reading a book!" As our swords clashed, George said "You'll discover that I am full of surprises!" I retorted, pushing him back. Again, I return to the strong stance, lowering my sword grip and placing it on the edge of my shoulders as I prepare to make a thrust attack. "As far as I can tell, you have a lot of sword stances," George said. "I've got last to show you!" I responded to him by changing my stances to the unicorn stance. A finishing position for strong ascending sword attacks can transition into another attack and another stance that can be useful. **
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