Sequel 3

2091 Words
George's PoV "Thank you, and you have a lot of people to recommend who will be my customers," I told Jasmine Reech, who was one of my customers in the market I purchased. "I just want to help you because your parents told you that you should always take care of your market," Jasmine explained as I arranged the papers containing the information of my future customers. "I'm not sure when they'll come to your market, but expect one of them to come later and the other to come tomorrow," Jasmine said, and I just nodded. I stood up, and Jasmine stood up as well; she came out, and I was surprised because Caroline had suddenly vanished; where else could she go? Her sword is not here. Did she bring her sword? When Jasmine left, I immediately mounted my black horse. I rode my black horse and knew precisely where Caroline was going; she always went to the dendo village when she wanted to roam again. But why was she so quick to leave? Is she running away from me once again? When I arrived, I saw Caroline, perplexed by the people who lived in Dendo Village. "Are you a swordsman? Your armor, as well as what you're wearing, is lovely!" Normal vampires said, and when I got off my horse, I approached them. "What exactly is going on here?" They were surprised when I asked because they knew I was Prince George of the Leopold family. "George! It's great that you arrived so quickly!" Caroline said something to me, and I pulled her over. "Why did you flee again? Don't you want to improve your strength?" I asked, and she took my hand off her arm as I grabbed it. "I saw earlier that a woman came, so I left; I thought you needed private space or time, maybe because you want something else that I don't know," Caroline explained, and I sat back down. "She's my customer. What are you thinking?" Caroline looked surprised when I asked her. "I apologize! I had no idea that was your customer!" Caroline informed me right away. "Let's go back to my mansion," I said, returning my black horse; she rode my horse, and I rode as well. "You bring a horse to look for me? Are you concerned about my well-being?" Caroline inquired, and I remained silent. "Why don't you respond to me? Perhaps you're concerned," Caroline said, and I let my horse run, and we arrived back at my mansion. "It's nice to hear if you say yes, you're worried about me," Caroline said as we approached my house. "I can tell your noisy," I said to Caroline, and I got off my high horse, as did she. Caroline is constantly bugging me, and it occasionally irritates me to see her talk so much that I remain silent for the duration of her talking. "You're hard on me," Caroline said as she returned to our training location. "Sharpen your sword skills. There's a dummy made of wood there so you can practice," I said to Caroline, then went inside my mansion, but I could read what Caroline was thinking. 'I'm still excited for him to teach me again,' I read Caroline's thoughts and peeked in to see if she did what I said. I know she has potential with a sword because the last time we sparred, I was impressed that she had just finished reading the book and put it to good use. Still, I also know she has a lot to learn before becoming proficient with a sword. When I noticed Caroline practicing her sword skills, I smiled and went upstairs to my library. But when I heard Caroline yell, I dashed down the stairs, and when I looked at her, she burst out laughing. "What are you doing?" I inquired. "Why? You don't even care about me. You said I should practice, and I use my power." Caroline said this as she stood up once more. "You're very concerned about me," Caroline said as I turned away. "I'm not worried because maybe when you die, I don't know how to tell your parents," I told Caroline, feeling her take my hand in her. "Let go of my hand, Caroline," I said. "I don't want to," Caroline said, so I moved her close to me, and she was shocked. "Do you want this to happen to the two of us?" I asked Caroline, and she just stared at me, unable to speak; her cheek was also red. I let go of Caroline's hand and adjusted my clothes; I noticed she removed her armor and entered my mansion without saying anything. "Are you all right? It would be best if you were taken aback by what I did," Caroline came to a halt as I said this. "It's okay. I need to rest," Caroline said, and I let her go. I looked at our training location when I noticed the bloody wood figure. Caroline hurt herself, but when I arrived, she laughed and didn't seem to be hurt; I couldn't understand her, but if she made me hate her even more, I don't know what I would do. I'm not even sure what she's talking about when she says "love." I went upstairs and knocked on her room's door; she immediately opened it and inquired why I was in her room. "What do you want now? As I previously stated, I will rest," Caroline said, and I slipped my hand into my pocket. "I noticed blood on the wood figure; how did you sustain an injury?" I inquired of Caroline. "I had no idea my sword would throw at me if I struck the wood figure hard," Caroline replied, and thus I laughed. "Next time, be cautious during your pre-practice; even if we are vampires, we can still die if our heads are severed," I advised Caroline, who nodded. "Yes, next time, I'll be careful!" Caroline stated, smiling at me. I exited in front of Caroline's room. Upon entering my own, the telephone in my room abruptly rang; I immediately answered, and Edwardo called. [Sir, there is a customer recommended by Jasmine Reech,] Edwardo informed me. "All right, I'm going to go there now," I replied to Edwardo and hung up. I went to Caroline's room and knocked; I opened the door when she did not answer. She was not in her room when I entered, but I was surprised when she emerged from the bathroom without a towel covering her body. Immediately turned around, wondering if this is indeed what she does after taking a bath. "I wasn't aware you'd entered!" Caroline stated, and I found myself irritated. "You are a vampire, and you must have felt when I'm about to enter your room even though I had not yet called you," I said to Caroline as I heard something fall on her belongings. "Sorry!" Caroline said, and I assumed she was in the bathroom once more. "Do you wish to say anything?" Caroline inquired of me. "Yes, I'll just say I'm going to my market, and maybe I need to inform you," I said to Caroline, who was still naked; she was unaware that even if she was in the bathroom, I could still see her. I walked out of her room, taking my black coat with me, but I was about to leave when I heard someone coming down, and I saw Caroline dressed and smiling at me. How did she manage to dry herself so quickly? Did she cast a spell, and how did she get that dress on so quickly? Was it also only a few seconds? "How did you manage to do that? I just went into your room and noticed you're all wet. Are you all set now?" As I interrogated Caroline as she approached me "Why are you also coated?" I inquired as to why Caroline approached me. "I haven't been to your market since I moved here; can I go?" Caroline asked there was anything wrong with me taking her as long as I warned her not to be mischievous. "Just don't be naughty," I told Caroline, and I could tell she was relieved. When will this end? Caroline was the first to come out of the mansion, and I was the second. I went to my horse, and then I noticed that she had gotten on my horse first. "It's a good thing my horse doesn't throw you; if he doesn't know you climbed on him, he'll throw you," I told Caroline as I unhooked the leash that was attached to his cage. When we got out of the gate, I walked my horse; I felt Caroline's hand cling to my waist. We arrived at the market and saw my customer's carriage approaching; I immediately went down, as did Caroline. "Go inside if you want to see my market. When you've had your fill of wandering around, wait for me here on my horse." Caroline nodded as I said this. I approached my customer, whose name was Felicia and who was also a royal vampire, and she smiled at me. "You're the boss here; I thought it was your father," she said, knowing my father but knowing that only mom was loved by dad. "I bought this market, so I'm the boss here and the owner. Can we talk about the wholesale because Jasmine said, you will buy from me and also sell to others because there is no such market in another village," I told Felicia as we entered the market? "Yes, you're right, you're the only one with a market like this; I can't believe there's going to be a blood bank here," Felicia said as she looked inside my market. How come Caroline isn't hear inside my market? "With all due respect, I noticed your market lacks a name; have you decided on a name for your market yet?" Felicia inquired. "Not yet, but I'm about to name it because I also do a lot in my personal life," I replied to Felicia, and I was surprised to see Caroline holding a blood pack. "Is it true that if your market already has a name, you'll be better known by other royal vampires?" Felicia asked, and I couldn't take my gaze away from Caroline, who was now out in the market, did my employees give her that? "Yes, I'm sure my market will be popular," I assured her, and her butler handed over the contract indicating that she would be my regular customer. A contract is a critical component of creating a business agreement because it serves as proof of transaction. When I finished reading the contract, I told him, "Thank you for partnering with my market. We will do our best to supply you. If you want to stop ordering from me at any time, we can terminate the contract if our standards do not meet yours. But for now, thank you for partnering with my market." I signed it and gave it to him after I finished reading it. "Thank you very much, Mr. Leopold, and you already have this market; I had a hard time finding it because I was afraid someone would not think the market that selling human blood," Felicia said, and I nodded. "See you again, Ms. Felicia," I said, and Felicia went out. When I went out also, I saw Caroline was still holding the pack of human blood. I approached her and quickly took a pack of human blood; Caroline was taken aback and looked at me. "How come you took a pack of human blood and didn't pay for it?" I asked Caroline, and I expected her to ask me, but Caroline became frustrated. "I didn't know that you are selling human blood instead of animal blood; do you kill people to obtain human blood?" Caroline inquired. "You don't care about my market. This is my business," I told Caroline as she took the pack from me. "Pay close attention to what happens when a royal vampire drinks human blood," Caroline said as I grabbed the pack once more. "I know what's going to happen, so you don't have to show it to me," I told Caroline. Her expression changed from being sad. "Your market is lovely, but it lacks a name. I'm not sure why there isn't a name, but who am I to discover everything you own?" Caroline rode my horse as she said that. **
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