Sequel 5

2012 Words
George's PoV "I told you it would be different this time!" Caroline said. Caroline is constantly learning, and I can see her sword skills improving little by little. Hopefully, she will be able to use this in actual battle when the time comes. "You're incredible! You learned so fast, "As we finished practicing, I told Caroline that it was already morning and but we didn't need to sleep because we only needed blood to be strong. Vampires do not sleep, so this will not be an issue. "You need to drink animal blood; I know you're exhausted," I told Caroline. She nodded and followed me inside my mansion. Caroline handed me a pack of animal blood and smiled at me; I smiled and drank the animal blood before settling into a chair for rest. I am aware that this practice is strenuous because I have gone through it previously; it is challenging to acquire sword and fighting skills. Dad taught me what to do; I needed to be strong and not give up immediately. I also encouraged Caroline not to give up because I knew she would one day be intense. "Thank you, George, and you're teaching me," Caroline said once she sat in the chair next to mine that she now occupies. "Are you ready for today? The practice we did is so long," Caroline immediately nodded at me when I said that. "Yes, I am prepared!" Caroline informed me, and when I heard the doorbell, I used my telekinesis to open it, and Garry emerged. "Garry is coming with us?" Caroline inquired, and I nodded. "Why does it look like you just got off to the training?" Garry asked me. "I just taught Caroline how to fight and then how to use a sword because I know that if we take her with us, she may be unable to do anything if we encounter an opponent," I explained to Garry. "We can defend her," Garry stated, and I fixed my gaze on Garry. "I want to test Caroline's abilities; I want her to don't expect something from us like protecting her; let her defend herself, understand?" I said to Garry, and he immediately nodded. "I'm just going to take a shower!" Caroline stated as she ascended quickly to the top of the stairs. "I'm also going to take a bath. Wait for us." Garry sat down on the sofa after I said this. I climbed and entered my room; I took a shower and decided to start taking a bath, and I began taking off my armor and brown leather clothes. Fixing myself and taking a good bath, we'll have another adventure, and speaking of Caroline, she's gotten better at using a sword, which is a good sign. However, she is still bugging me a lot. Someone knocked on the door, and Caroline was the only one who could knock. "I'm out of soap and shampoo; could I get some in your bathroom?" Caroline stated that she was supposed to check her personal belongings. "Get it yourself; I'm taking a shower," Caroline said as she went inside to get the soap and shampoo and shut the door. After taking a shower, I put on my adventure clothes, and as soon as I was finished arranging myself, I grabbed my travel bag, exited my room, and immediately went down. Garry was taken aback by my attire and armor. "Do you still wear that kind of adventure clothes, or am I the only one here without armor?" Garry stated, and I responded with a laugh. "It's up to you whether you get hurt there; I'm not going to defend you," I told Garry, who put on a poker face. "I'm going to be exhausted if I use my teleportation once again," Garry explained. "I have animal blood here in my mansion; go right now while Caroline is still taking a shower," I advised Garry, and he quickly teleported back to his house. After a few minutes, Caroline eventually finished dressing up when I looked at her. She was dressed in the armor and clothing that her father gave her; she used that recently at our practice, and she was carrying a traveling bag. We were fortunate to have a carriage, and Johnny could get it ready immediately. "Master, be careful on your adventure," I was surprised to see Johnny appear behind me. "You're surprising but thank you, and please look after my mansion," I said to Johnny, who nodded and bowed to pay his respects to me as I'm his master and he's my butler. "Where is Garry?" Caroline inquired. "Well, Garry was envious that we were wearing armor and that he didn't; he returned to his mansion to change," I explained to Caroline, who nodded. I sat on the sofa first, followed by Caroline; Garry arrived immediately, and I sensed his frailty. "My teleportation power is truly unique; it's powerful, and I immediately weaken after using it three times," Garry explained as he walked over to my refrigerator. "Drink some animal blood so it won't be a problem," I advised Garry, and it's a good thing I have animal blood in my bag in case we run out. "Come on, and I'm done drinking animal blood; I've regained my strength!" Garry stated, and we exited the mansion; Caroline was baffled when she noticed the carriage. "How long have you had the carriage?" Caroline inquired. "I guess you forgot I have a butler," I said to Caroline, inviting her to enter first, followed by Garry and me. "Caroline, how long have you been here?" Garry questioned Caroline. "It's been five months," Caroline said, and Garry looked at me. "What exactly are you looking at?" When I told Garry, he averted his gaze. "Are you also cold to Garry, and are you cold to your parents?" Caroline asked abruptly, and when I looked at her, she suddenly put a barrier over her face. "Perhaps you punch me suddenly, I know you get annoyed quickly," Caroline suggested, and I took a deep breath. "Am I the only one who realizes that no one rides a horse, but it's moving?" Caroline inquired. "George controls the horse with his psychokinesis power," Garry explained to Caroline, who looked outside. "I wish I had psychokinesis power too," Caroline said, and I just looked out the window. Caroline's PoV I need to be sober because George might get angry if I become naughty again. I noticed that we were still in the carriage to go to Dendo Village. Maybe we'll be able to return right away once we finish this adventure. Still, I hadn't asked George how long his experiences took him because he wasn't in the mansion before, and that was one month. "Will this adventure take us a month?" I looked at George and asked him a question. "Depends," George replied to me, perhaps because these adventures are challenging. "Can you tell me what these adventures of ours are going to be about?" I asked George as our carriage came to a halt. "We're here. Get ready because we're going to find a vampire culprit who can't be identified as a normal or royal vampire," George said. I nodded before Garry abruptly picked up my travel bag. "You might have trouble carrying your bag," Garry warned, and I snatched my belongings from him. "I'm fine; I can carry my bag," I told Garry, and I followed George several times, looking at him with respect. On the other hand, Garry waves, indicating that the people here in this village are also familiar with him; I'm the only one they don't know very well, although I'm also a royal vampire. George asked a citizen here, and she replied that she had no idea who George was talking about. "We need to separate so we can find the culprit easily," Garry stated, and George turned to look behind him because Garry and I were following behind. "All right, but Caroline will be with me because I'm sure she'll forget we're on a mission if I leave her alone," George said, and I heard Garry laugh. "Yes, Caroline could forget. I'll go back here and start looking," Garry said, and I was irritated because George warned me that I might forget we had a mission. "I won't forget you're so mean to me," I told George, who laughed slightly. "Who knows, you might run away from me," George said to me as I followed him, and I averted my gaze. I look like I'm his disciple. I just followed what he was going to say to me, and I would help him if something like battle came up; I bumped my head on George's back because he stopped walking. "I don't consider you a disciple, and I didn't let you go because I needed you. What will happen to me if I don't see someone rushing to me? "George stated, but he was strong. Why would he tell me this? "Why are you telling me this when you're so strong?" When I asked George, he turned to face me. "I don't know, but you're my partner in everything from now on; I got to know more about you that you don't know," George said, and my cheek grew hot. What does George mean when he says he knows so much about me that I don't? Is he reading my mind every day?! I touched my cheeks because I was so embarrassed. What if he read what I recently thought that I love him so much and will do anything to make him fall in love with me. "I know that," George said, and I was correct; he read it now, even though I was fitted with block power. "Wouldn't you be upset with me even if you knew what I was thinking?" When I asked George, he nodded his head. "Let's talk after our mission is finished; we need to focus because I'm the only one expected in this mission unless it's easy," George said, so I didn't do anything. We resumed our walk when I noticed Garry spilling in front of us. "George! I've found him!" Garry yelled immediately, so George and I took off running. When we saw the man with the green hood, George used his gravity power right away. But what surprised me the most was that he was not affected by gravity power. "Is he a royal vampire? I'm sure he killed a normal vampire here because it's also a mission of the royal blood," George said, and he took off running, so I followed. The man has long hair and white skin; George pulls him down and immediately applies electricity to weaken him. I activated my energy absorber to be ready. "You can't beat me!" he yelled, and Garry rushed over with his sword in hand. Something exploded on them, and George and Garry jumped out. Because I lost focus, I dropped to my knees; our opponent jumped, and he was now charging at me. He choked me right away; did he realize I was draining his energy?! "So you are the reason why I'm a little weak because you're draining my energy!" He yelled at me. He hardened the grip on my neck; I tried to flee but couldn't, and I couldn't use my shield power either. "Caroline!" I heard Garry yell, and George quickly kicked that man, coughing because he nearly strangled me. "Form a shield around me. That's your mission," George said, and I nodded immediately. "When will I put my sword skills to use?" I inquired of George while we were in battle. "Pay attention to defending us!" George advised me to do so. I formed a shield around George's and Garry's bodies, and George grinned as he rushed to the suspect we were going to apprehend. "How dare you hurt one of Leopold's family!" I was taken aback by George's words; wait, I'm not Leopold; perhaps he lied to let the culprit know who he is battling right now. **
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