Chapter 22

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George's PoV Beatrice had finished her breakfast when my phone rang; I picked it up and looked to see who had texted me. I remained seated in the chair after seeing Johnny's name. From: Johnny I got a letter from your family master. What could be in that letter? They already know I have a girlfriend; what else do they require? I responded quickly before Beatrice could approach me. To: Johnny Would you mind showing it to me? Beatrice approached me after I finished responding to Johnny. "I'll take a bath," Beatrice said. "Okay, I'll take a bath later. I'm talking to Johnny right now," I told Beatrice, and she nodded. I waited for Beatrice to reach the top of the second floor, and when she did, I looked at Johnny's response to me. I looked at the picture Johnny sent me and read the letter; mom and dad were inviting me to a Leopold Family party, and I had to go because I was their child. They also want me to include Beatrice, but is it okay to bring her? I had to tell Beatrice first before I decided to include her; an hour later, I saw Beatrice come down, surprised because I was still sitting in the chair. "I thought you went upstairs; is it important that you spoke with Johnny?" Beatrice inquired. "Johnny told me I was invited to a Leopold Family party," I explained, and Beatrice looked surprised. "Of course you should go there; I know you're the most important in Leopold Family," Beatrice said to me, taking her hand on mine. "Mom wants you to go to that party," I told Beatrice, and she was taken aback. "Did your mother have any idea that I was mortal?" Beatrice inquired. "Yes, they know because they smell you right away, but don't worry, I'm always with you, and I won't leave you," I told Beatrice, reading what she was thinking. 'I'm afraid I'll just embarrass you, George, because I'm mortal and don't fit in; I should remember everything,' Beatrice says. "I can read your thoughts, don't push yourself to remember everything," I told Beatrice, touching her cheek as we both stared at each other. "When was that party?" Beatrice inquired. "Tonight and this party is going to last a long time because we're vampires and don't sleep," I explained to Beatrice. "What should I put on? It has to be dark because vampires prefer dark clothing, right?" Beatrice asked me if others liked dark clothes, but some did not. "You can wear whatever you want. Nothing is forbidden at that party," I told Beatrice, and she smiled. "We're glad we bought the dresses! I also have new make-up, thanks to what you purchased for me!" I hugged Beatrice after she told me. "I will protect you tonight, and don't worry if you get tired, we can go home right away," I told Beatrice, and she hugged me back. Beatrice's PoV Time has passed, and I'm now lying in my room, waiting for the time to get ready. George is in the library, reading books as usual; I'm not sure why George never gets tired of the books he reads. I got out of bed and looked at the time, which was 6 p.m. I opened my closet and took out my red dress. First, I did my make-up, and then I put on the dress and looked in the mirror. I'm beautiful now. What if vampire men look at me? I'm sure George will be annoyed because he only wants me with him. I fixed my hair, and I took my 3-inch sandals. I was taken aback when I heard the door open, and George, dressed in a black suit, approached me. "You're ready," George said, and I walked up to him. We went down, and when we got outside, I saw Johnny. He opened the door; fortunately, George's ally was with us. I was still nervous, and I was taken aback when George unveiled the perfume. "It's good that I know someone who makes a perfume that will remove the smell of a mortal like you, so they don't smell you," George said, and I smiled as he finished spraying it on me. "Thank you, George, but I'm still nervous; maybe the women and men there will look at me because I'm beautiful plus they might notice me I am mortal, and maybe they will talk about the two of us," I told George, and he just smiled. "Don't be too concerned; you're one of us. You used to be Caroline, and now believe it's you," I nodded as George told me. We arrived at an opulent mansion, where a swarm of vampires had gathered. George emerged, and I took a deep breath. I'm Beatrice Mary Victoria, and I'm Caroline Leopold's reincarnation. George stood by me, and I put my arm around him once we got inside; when we got inside, everyone stared at us. "It's our son!" I heard a woman's voice, which I assumed was George's mother. "And you came, Ms. Victoria," She said, and I would have been polite if George hadn't stopped me. "You forced her to come here," George stated solemnly. "Did I?" George's mother laughed, and I noticed a man who resembled George. "Thank you for coming here tonight, my son," George's father said quietly, and George remained silent. But I was taken aback because something flashed through my mind, but it was only a word. 'George, let us flee!' I was holding my head because I saw something else in my mind. My vision of this party was changing as if the people wearing it were changing and becoming old-fashioned dresses. "Are you all right, Beatrice?" I lost sight of the vision I had when George asked me. "I'm fine," I replied, and when George asked me again about memories, I was able to give him a detailed response. "You two sit down first," George's mother said, and we did as she spoke. George made me sit down first, and then he sat down next to me, holding my hand. He didn't want to leave me because he was concerned, but he sprayed perfume, so I didn't smell like a human. "Don't worry too much about who you are. Don't stress yourself out," George advised, and I looked at him. "We don't know right now. Maybe there was a vampire here who was a focus with the incoming guests," George explained, and I nodded. "You don't want to talk to your friends here, do you have one? I'm sorry if I'm bothering you," I informed George. "I don't need them; I just need you; I came here because mom and dad were going to announce something about the two of us," George told me, and I was nervous; don't say we'd be called to the center. "I'm especially nervous," I told George, and a man approached us with red eyes, but I shouldn't think too hard about it because he could read my mind. "It's good to see you again, George," he said, standing up. "It's good to see you too, cousin," George said, and it was clear from their expressions that there was something between them. "Would you mind introducing me to your new lover?" George's cousin inquired. "Beatrice, this is Waze Leopold," George said, Waze waiting for me to shake his hand. "My name is Beatrice Mary Victoria," I introduced myself and shook Waze's hand. "Your surname is unfamiliar to me, but are you a royal vampire? Because your eye color is unusual," Waze informed me. "Why do you care if she's a royal vampire?" George stepped forward and took my hand in his. "I just want you to know that you know you have a strict mother when it comes to non-royal vampires," Waze said, and I averted my gaze. "They don't care if Beatrice isn't royal; we love each other, and no one can separate us," George said, and I heard another word, but it was a woman's voice. 'What if I'm not strong enough? Nothing can separate us,' I was surprised because it was similar to what George said. Caroline didn't say that, did she? I remember those words because of this party, but not the looks. "I don't care, anyways enjoy the party tonight," Waze said as George and I sat down once more. "Perhaps your head is hot. Are you all right?" When I asked George, he rested on my shoulder. "I don't like this party; I'm just forced to go because I'm a royal vampire's child," George explained, which surprised me. After all, George had his lip on my neck. "George, what are you doing?" I asked him again, and George licked my neck. I couldn't move because George sucked on my neck but didn't bite me, and my heart was racing. Why is he acting this way? Maybe he does it because he wants to go home. "I like your scent," George said as he stopped what he was doing, and I saw his mother and father walk through the middle. "Looks like we'll be called," I said to George, who raised his head. "I'd like you all to congratulate our son George on finding a new beautiful woman to marry soon," George's mother said, and we both stood up, put my arm around him, and walked to the middle. "Congratulations to both of you," George's father said, smiling at us. "I'm glad you found someone after what happened to my daughter," a woman said. "Thank you, Aunt Helena," George said, looking at the woman he called Helena. "How come I got the impression you were my daughter?" Helena said to me, touching my cheek as she smiled at me. "Perhaps she resembles her!" According to George's mother. "Stop it, mom," George exclaimed. Helena wrapped her arms around me and whispered something to me. "A mother knows well," Helena said, and she let go of the hug and smiled. "Nice to meet you," I said, and I probably didn't need to introduce myself any longer because she seemed to think I was Caroline and her daughter's reincarnation. "Would you like to dance?" George inquired me, and I heard a word, but something flashed in front of my eyes this time. 'Let's go dance there, George!' I came to a halt. "So, what happened? Did you recall anything?" George inquired, and I couldn't believe it because that woman had called him, and I knew it was Caroline. "I'm fine," I said, and when we heard the romantic sound, we began dancing. **
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