Chapter 23

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Beatrice's PoV While George and I were dancing, he was staring at me and tightening his grip on my waist. I smiled, and he turned me around. "I had no idea you were so good at this dance," George said. "I used to watch a lot of shows where couples dance, even though I didn't have a boyfriend at the time, because I wanted to learn," I told George, and when we finished dancing, he hugged me. "The perfume I put on you has worn off, and we need to get out of here," George said, making me nervous. "I need to say goodbye to your mom and dad first," I said, and he let go of my hug. We approached his mother and father, but I was surprised when someone bumped into me, so I let go of George's hand. I was shocked, and the man who bumped me looked at me. "I can smell a human here! Do you smell that scent also?" The man said this, and I noticed a wide path ahead of me, so I walked quickly. I'd heard rumors about what they smelled, so I couldn't walk fast when I got out. I stumbled unexpectedly and felt pain in my knee, making me even more terrified. "Are you the one I smell?" I noticed the man's red eyes as he turned to face me. "So what if you smell me?" I said defiantly, taking off my sandals and throwing them at his face. I dashed over to Johnny and noticed that his eyes were a pale red. "George!" I yelled, and the vampires emerged from the mansion, and my heart was racing so fast. "Beatrice!" When I heard George's voice, he rushed up to me and hugged me. "Stop! When you hurt someone I care about, I'll be the one to kill you all, "George said as he helped me get into the car. I couldn't hear anything because George had already shut the door, and I was surprised because someone had fallen on top, so I looked outside and saw everyone was red-eyed. "How do we get out of here, George?" I inquired, and he returned my gaze, which surprised me because he had done something. The car floated, so I wondered how I would get off of it. But the vehicle shook again, and I noticed that what George had used as a shield had vanished, and I felt the car fall. "George!" I yelled, and the door swung open, causing me to fall. I was surprised because someone had taken me, but it wasn't George; he had long blonde hair when I looked at him. "Are you all right?" The blonde guy inquired. "Yes, I'm fine, but who are you? Are you on George's side?" I asked him, and I just realized we were floating. "Rival, but I didn't want to hurt the person he loved, and I discovered you were the new one he loved," he explained. "How am I going to get down? There are a lot of vampires, and I know you're one of them," I informed him. "I'm a vampire, but I can control myself," he said as we climbed to the mansion's roof. "You're safe here; I'll just call George," he explained. When he got down, I saw George jump towards me, and he immediately hugged me and looked at my knee. "We have to get out of here. They already know you're not a vampire. I shouldn't take you here," George said as he picked me up. Why is George jumping so high when the vampires below earlier in the mansion couldn't? When we arrived at the mansion, George immediately treated my knee, but his eyes were also red. "Are you all right?" I inquired as I stroked George's cheek. "I'm fine, go to your room, and I'll go back to mom and dad's mansion," George said, getting up on his knees. "Red eyes, can't you control yourself?" I asked George, and he didn't say anything. "Be careful when you go back there," I warned George as he walked out of the house. I went to my room and removed my dress; I was scared before, but I'm glad they didn't take my blood. I took a shower and then dried my hair and changed into my pajamas. I lay down on the bed and went on my social media first; time has passed, but George hasn't returned, and I'm worried. I still haven't eaten because I've previously lost my appetite. I stood up and considered going down to wait for him there. George's PoV "Do you have anything else to say?" I asked mom and dad, and they said that the gathering party had been canceled because of what happened earlier when they discovered that Beatrice was mortal. "Break up with her; you know she's a mortal, so why would you lie to us?" Mom wondered aloud. "What does it matter if she's mortal? She's Caroline, and she's already reincarnated. I'm not going to waste time making my life miserable again," I told them and turned away from them. "Are you still hoping for your dead wife to return? What exactly is the matter with you, George?" Dad inquired, and I laughed. "Maybe it's better for you to let me go and spend your time with each other rather than with me. You can't take me away from the person I love or stop me from doing what I want, no matter what you do," I stated. I eventually left because I was tired of them. I saw Johnny still on his knees, apologizing for scaring Beatrice earlier. "Go home, Johnny. We are done here," I said, and I used my speed to get home to my mansion quickly. When I arrived at my house, I went straight in, and I was surprised to see Beatrice lying on the sofa; I approached her, and she was already asleep. Is she waiting for me? I quickly picked her up and went to her room; however, she suddenly touched my coat when I placed her on the bed. I sat down and kissed Beatrice's cheek; I couldn't believe how much I loved her. Even though I knew Caroline was there in her body, I knew she would remember me one day. I couldn't leave because she was still holding my coat; perhaps I'd stay here until she woke up. After a few hours, she let go of my coat, moved, and smiled. I kissed Beatrice's forehead and then left her room, going to my room to get change. I exited my room wearing my black jacket and went downstairs. I took animal blood from my refrigerator and drank it right away because I was starving. I can't understand when I smell Beatrice's blood; I want to take blood from her again, but I can't because I love her. The following day, I just sat here on the sofa, watching Beatrice come down and look at me. "I fell asleep waiting for you. What took you so long?" Beatrice said as I approached her, scratching my head. "I'm glad you're okay; I don't know what I'll do if something bad happens to you," I said, kissing her cheek. "Thank you, and I also want to thank that rival of yours who saved me," Beatrice said to me, and I remembered it was Garry who had saved her. "You don't have to thank that man; he might even fall in love with you," I told her, and Beatrice gave me a frown. "Is that why he's your rival because he might take me away from you?" Beatrice wondered aloud. "That's correct, but he's also a Leopold cousin of mine," I explained to Beatrice. "That's why he is strong like you," Beatrice said to me, and I kissed her cheek. "Prepare your breakfast now," I said, and she nodded. I sat in the chair while I waited for Beatrice, and when she finished making breakfast, she sat down and ate simultaneously. I just stared at her while she was eating, and she looked at me, surprised that I was looking at her. "Why do you stare at me every time I eat? Do you want breakfast?" When Beatrice asked, I laughed. "Do you believe I'm staring at you because you enjoy what you're eating?" I inquired Beatrice while she was eating. "Yeah, that's what's on my mind," Beatrice said as she finished her meal. "Are you going to do something today?" Beatrice questioned. "I'm not going to do anything today, but if I get a call or text from work, I'll go there right away," I told Beatrice, and she stood up. "I like to go somewhere today," Beatrice said. "Where do you want to go?" I inquired Beatrice asking her where. "Can I go to my family because I miss them so much?" Beatrice begged me. "No more asking; I'll agree to whatever you want. Do you need money to give it to them?" I questioned Beatrice. "Yes, give me some money; I was afraid that they will think that I'm not working and flirting with you instead," she said, and I think about something to solve this. "Why don't you simply introduce me as your fiance? It's almost as if I'm the one who will assist your family," I told Beatrice, and she pondered it. "Okay, there's nothing wrong with introducing you as my fiance, but we need to tell them how we like about each other," Beatrice explained. I had no idea that was a requirement for mortals like her. "I'm going to take a bath so I can prepare myself also," Beatrice said, and I nodded because I needed to change my clothes. I went upstairs to my room and put on my gray coat and black long sleeves. I put it on and thought to myself, and I believe these clothes will be fine. I look rich now. I fixed my hair and waited for Beatrice to come down when I left my room. After a minute, she was downstairs, wearing what we had purchased earlier with a sunflower design style dress. "You look good in that," Beatrice said to me, and I smiled. "You're also beautiful in what you're wearing," I said as we walked out of my mansion. I got in the car with Beatrice, fastened my seat belt, and started my car's engine. I couldn't help but look at Beatrice while driving; we had already arrived at our destination, and Beatrice's house was simple. I went outside to open the door of my car, and I was surprised to see a customer of mine in her home. "You didn't say you'd be here," Joel pointed out to Beatrice. "I forgot to text you brother," I was surprised when Beatrice called Joel his brother. Maybe I'll ask Beatrice and Joel later because his brother is our customer because he's the one who sells human blood; I'm not sure why he's doing that, but I need to keep quiet for now because I have a feeling he already knows I'm a vampire. He's watching as we go inside. **
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