Sequel 1

2035 Words
George's PoV What made me agree to teach Caroline? I'm not sure what's going on with me or why I feel this way. But if I disagree with teaching her, she may complain to my parents. "Are you prepared?" Caroline, who had just tied her hair. "Yes, I'm prepared!" Caroline responded, and I approached her, handing her a sword, shocked. "Why did you give me a sword?" Caroline inquired. "The power of royal vampires is unique. I'm not sure what you've got, but you have to figure it out," I told Caroline, who nodded immediately. "Take me out of your mind first and focus," I told Caroline, and she nodded as if she was paying attention when I was teaching her. As I concentrate on my sword and my ready stance, pointing at Caroline, I take deep breaths to keep my focus. I was surprised when Caroline rushed at me, but I quickly escaped; she ran at me again, but I grabbed Caroline's hand unexpectedly. "What are you doing?" I inquired Caroline. "You told me to focus, so I'm trying to figure out what power I can discover," Caroline said, and I became frustrated. "You'll start with me right away if I tell you to focus? What happened to your brain? You don't know how to think, do you?" Caroline was taken aback when I told her, pushing her away from me. Why is Caroline not paying attention to what I am saying to her? This was supposed to show her royal power because she took my royal blood. In that case, she should concentrate on that and not on something else, such as swaying her sword to me, because that is not the focus of our training session. "If you want to be strong, take it seriously. You're doing it now because if you don't, I'll stop teaching you; I'll just let you go and be weak forever," I told Caroline as I noticed her grip on her sword. "I'm serious!" Caroline said, her eyes glowed. Could it be that the second power she possesses is the ability to absorb the energy of royal vampires? I can feel something is draining out of me, but I manage to counter it. "Look into my eyes. It's as if I already know what power has been added to you," I said to Caroline, who looked at me. "We need a royal vampire to be affected by your energy absorber because I'm strong, and you can't take energy from me unless I let you," I told Caroline as I walked into my mansion. "Why don't you give me your energy?" Caroline inquired. I ignored Caroline and dialed Garry's number from my mansion's phone, and Garry answered right away. [What do you need?] Garry responds right away. "Come here now to my mansion, I need you, and I'll introduce you to someone," I told Garry before hanging up the phone. "Did you call anyone?" Caroline inquired, and Garry appeared, having used his teleportation. "This is my cousin. His name is Garry Leopold," I told Caroline, and Garry immediately approached her. "I had no idea you had a girlfriend, George," Garry said, which surprised me. "She's not my girlfriend, don't be surprised because I gave her my blood," I told Garry, who was taken aback by what I had said. "Was it because she was at a party last night? And the hybrid vampires attacked?" Garry inquired, and I nodded. "What am I going to do now that I'm here?" Garry inquired, and I looked at Caroline. "Use your new power, Caroline," I said, and she immediately smiled because I knew she would follow me no matter what I said or commanded her to do. "Wait a minute, maybe that hurts!" Garry said, but Caroline used her energy absorber, and Garry knelt. "You're mean to me, George. You haven't even told me who that woman is," Garry said as he knelt. "I felt like I was getting stronger," Caroline said. "Yes, you'll be powerful when you can absorb energy from royal vampires like Garry," I told Caroline. "That is enough," I instructed Caroline as Garry reached for air and rose to his feet. "Could you please tell me your name?" Garry immediately inquired of Caroline while gasping for air. "My name is Caroline Vancil, and I'm George's future wife!" Caroline explained that's why I was surprised. "How many times do I have to tell you that I refuse to accept your love for me?" I said. "But I thought you felt something special for me?" Caroline inquired. "I said that to make you feel better because that night, you look like you are about to give up," I explained to Caroline, who was taken aback. She abruptly dropped her sword and entered the mansion. "I'm not sure what's going on between you, but you shouldn't hurt a woman like that," Garry said, and I didn't say anything. I don't understand myself either; I have mixed feelings for her, but I get annoyed when Caroline is overly chatty. "What do you think of her, George?" Garry abruptly inquired of me. "I'm not sure why, but she heard me that I care about her," I explained to Garry, who burst out laughing. "Then you have feelings when you like someone you don't understand at first, but I'm sure you'll understand in a few days," Garry explained. "Right now, I need to focus on what my parents will tell me to do," I told Garry, picking up Caroline's sword. "Don't you want to take her on your adventures?" Garry asked me. "It will be difficult. She will be in my way when I fight," I answered Garry, and I went inside my mansion. I saw Caroline go down and she changed her clothes it looks like she will go out. "Where are you going?" I inquired Caroline. "Why are you asking if you don't care about me?" Caroline responded to me, so I became bored and approached her right away. "If you don't tell me, I will be the one to get scolded by my family and your family," I told Caroline, who averted her gaze. "I'm going to see some friends!" Caroline spoke up, and I laughed. "Are you acquainted with anyone? I thought I was the only friend you have?" I asked Caroline, and she immediately used her shield to trap me, but I jumped backward. Thank goodness her spell casting is not quick enough. "How dare you—" Caroline bolted from my mansion. "Let her go; Caroline looks like someone you'd want to hang out with; she's also nice," Garry said as I stood up. "So you like her already? You two should be together, I guess," I said to Garry, who looked surprised. "You're the one she likes, George, so why are you passing her to me?" Garry asked, and I ignored him. Caroline's PoV I don't understand George, and I lied about going to my friends; I'm sure he read my mind. He is a solid royal vampire, so I know he can read my mind right away, I guess. I came to a halt because I saw a shop selling human blood and a child being scolded by a saleswoman, so I purchased a woman who sells human blood from the shop. I went in search of the boy who was supposed to steal human blood out of hunger, and I found him in a crowded street with his fangs exposed, and he looked at me. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you; I saw you before, and I know you're hungry, so I just bought this human blood for you," I told the boy as he approached me. "Thank you," the boy said, and I smiled back. When I gave the boy human blood, he drank it right away, which surprised me because two children were peeking around the corner; had they been hiding before? They were concerned that I would cause harm to this boy. "Are you hungry, too?" I inquired of the two girls, who nodded. "All right, I'll come back here and buy two packs," I said to the two girls, and I went back to the shop that sells human blood. When I had finished purchasing two packs, I returned to the two girls and gave them what I had purchased; when they had finished drinking, they hugged me. "I know you'll be able to help someone one day when you grow up," I told the three children as I smiled at them. "How do I address you?" Inquired the short-haired girl. "I'm a royal vampire, and my name is Caroline Vancil," I told the three children, and their expressions changed as if they saw something behind them that scared them. George was there when I turned around, and the three kids bolted. "Do you enjoy making friends with children?" I walked away from George after he asked me a question. "What exactly are you doing here? Did you follow me?" When I asked George, he put his hand in his pocket. "Perhaps something will happen to you, and my parents will scold me for letting you go wonder around," George said as I walked out into the narrow lane, and he followed. "What else are you going to do? Aren't you sick of being here?" George inquired. "Don't follow me because you don't like to roam; go home and let me come back later," I told George as I walked around Dendo's shops. "I'll follow because I'll keep an eye on you; it'll be annoying, but I have to do it," George said, and I couldn't respond. As I was walking, I noticed three children signaling that I should flee George; however, when I looked at George, I was surprised to see that he was looking at me. "What are you looking at me? Hurry up," George said, and I smiled back. "What are you smiling about?" I squeezed George's cheek as he asked, but I was surprised when he quickly grabbed my hand. "Don't even squeeze my cheek when I get angry; I'll introduce myself here; don't you know they know the Leopolds?" George said to me, and I averted my gaze from him while he held my hand. "What if they knew you?" I asked George, and he smiled at me. "Pay attention, normal vampires! Dranvil and Aurora's son, George Leopold, has arrived! When I place an order, you will follow me." When George said it, everyone knelt, and I looked around at the other normal vampires. "Prince George! Good evening! We weren't expecting you to visit Dendo Village!" muttered a man on his knees, wondering what George would do. "Do you see the one I'm with? I want to go home, but she refuses to go home; please assist me in bringing her home with me," George said to the residents of the village. "Miss, follow Prince George, go home. Perhaps we will be punished because of you," a woman said, so I felt angry and forcibly removed George's hand from my wrist. I ran fast and didn't stop, but George suddenly caught up with me, and I felt his hand on my stomach. "Allow me to wander around. Let go of me! Why am I not permitted to roam? What's the problem with me wandering?" I asked George and tried to pull his hand away from my stomach. "You have a lot more work to do; you still need to understand your new power thoroughly," George told me. I don't understand him. His mood is constantly changing. "Let me go first," I told George, and he did. "Will you pay attention to what I say? It's also for you because once you've mastered your new ability, you'll be able to join me on my adventure." I was taken aback by what George said to me. "What is your adventure? What about your job?" I inquired of George. "Johnny will take care of it," George said. "All right, I'll do my best to practice my new power," I told George, who smiled. "I'll teach you sword skills as well," George promised, and I smiled. **
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