Side Story 9

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Garry's PoV "Thank you for patching up, Summer; here is your payment as well." As I hand over the money to Sys. "You're always welcome, and you can come back here at any time, even in an emergency," Sys said. "We'd better get going. Thanks again," I said to Sys. "You two have a good time!" As we walked out of Sys's shop, he said. I'm impressed with what he did to Summer's dress; he knows his craft, and I've been buying here, and he made suits for myself for years. "Did you like the dress Sys made for you?" I mentioned it to Summer, and she nodded. "Yeah, I liked my hair and make-up as well as the pouch that he gave and the custom-made sandals as well," Summer replied while looking at herself. "Do we want to teleport to gatherings?" Summer inquired, and the two of us were now outside at Sys's shop. "Yes, but to my house to get my car so that when we get there, we have a car," I told Summer, drawing her waist closer to mine. I used teleportation to get to my house, and when we arrived, we went to my car, and I was hungry. "Wait for me in my car; I'm hungry; I used my teleportation power three times," I told Summer, who nodded. I entered my mansion and drank animal blood before smiling. I wish no problem would come to the gatherings because I would defend Summer if my family said anything. I exited my house, double-checked that my mansion's door was locked, got in my car, and buckled my seat belt. Summer is now in front of the seat, so I'm delighted, and she's also pleased. When I start the engine, I start driving. The gatherings will occur at George's mother and father's mansion because they are the only ones with the enormous mansion. We eventually arrived at Uncle Dranvil and Aunt Aurora's mansion. I went out first, then to the other side. I opened the door for Summer, I could be there to support her when she came out, and I noticed she was blushing. "Don't worry, I'm just here; if I have to fight, I'll do it just for you," I told Summer, who smiled. Summer approached me, and as we walked into the mansion, I noticed my family staring at me. I saw Summer was hunched over, so we came to a halt, and I turned to face her. "Don't bow down; when they see you bow, they'll know you're embarrassed and just weak," I told Summer as she lifted her head. "I'm not weak," Summer insisted. "Yes, I know you're not weak, so be confident and ignore them," I told Summer as I approached my family to introduce her to them. "Garry! I miss you! How is life in your mansion?" Mom inquired while she hugged me. "It's okay, mom; I'd like to introduce you, Summer," I said, and they looked at Summer, but I was surprised because they seemed stunned. "She's the girl; I saw at Beatrice's wedding; I didn't realize she was your partner at the gatherings," mom said. "She's my girlfriend," I told them, surprising them. "Is your girlfriend a normal vampire?" Dad inquired, and I was afraid they would be angry with me. "Is there a problem? That she's my girlfriend?" When I asked them, Mom laughed. "I know you, Garry, when you bring a partner to gatherings, you always told us that it was just a fake partner," mom said. "I'm telling the truth," I told them, and then Summer spoke to them. "My name is Summer Herina. I know I'm a normal vampire, but Garry has already given me royal blood, and I'm also a half-royal vampire." Summer said this, and I was surprised because she said she had taken some blood to me. "As for your bravery in telling us that you took blood from my son, don't you think we can kill those like you who take royal vampire blood?" Mom spoke up, and I looked at her. "Mom, when will you change? When are you going to be like George's parents?" When I asked Mom, she was surprised. "I don't care if you don't like her; I can leave this family if you don't want to accept her," I told my mother. "Okay, I'll let you do whatever you want, but we won't go to your wedding; you have a job, so I'll let you," mom and dad said as I walked away. "Is it okay that your mother and father will not attend our wedding?" Summer inquired, and I squeezed her cheek. "I don't mind as long as we get married," I told Summer, holding her hand. We came across George and Beatrice with Darwin. "Summer!" Beatrice greeted us. "How is your relationship going? Is Garry your new boyfriend?" Beatrice inquired of Summer. "Yes, he's my boyfriend now. We are getting along very well. How about your pregnancy? Is it going well?" Summer said, and George tapped me on the shoulder. "I heard you were talking to your family, and I've been looking at you since we arrived," George said, and I took a long, deep breath. "I don't give a damn about them any longer, but soon they need to accept it; how are you and Beatrice?" I inquired of George. "We're fine, she just has cravings, and she still eats mortal food like Darwin," George explained. "Summer, your dress is stunning! Let's take a selfie!" Darwin looked at me as I heard Beatrice say. "You're very handsome, Uncle Garry," Darwin said, and I just smiled. "You're handsome as well, let's see who's more handsome when you're big," I said to Darwin, and George laughed. "Darwin is probably still handsome," George said as they parted ways to speak with the other Leopold family. "Is there anything that can be done here?" Summer inquired. "There's a beautiful view here," I told Summer as we exited the mansion and went upstairs, where Summer looked up. "The stars are stunning," Summer exclaimed. "Let's dance," I said to Summer, who gave me a look. "All right," Summer replied, and we took our positions. I made the first move, and she followed. While we were dancing, I heard her singing, but there were no lyrics. She was just a lullaby; I smiled because her voice was beautiful. I had no idea she could sing a lullaby. "Your voice is beautiful," I told Summer as we danced together, and she stopped singing. "This is the lullaby song that my mother used to sing to me when I was a child," Summer said, and she became sad. "But you sang it to me now," I said to Summer, and we stopped dancing as I hugged her. "Summer, I thank you for coming into my life; I also kept my promise to George that I will only have a girlfriend when the two of them will be happy and have no problem," I said to Summer as I stroked her head. "But let's not forget them because they're our friends, and we're still ready to fight when they face a new foe," I said to Summer as she let go of my hug. "Thank you, and I'm glad you liked me," Summer said, and I laughed. "I'm the one who fell in love, so what are you thankful for there? Thank me because I will protect you from now on!" I said to Summer as I squeezed her cheek. "I will protect you as well," Summer said, and I kissed her again. As I kissed Summer, I touched her waist; she couldn't kiss back, so I let go, and I noticed that her cheek was red. "Surprisingly, you unexpectedly kissed me," Summer said to me, averting her gaze as I touched her cheek and turned her face to me. "Don't be embarrassed after kissing you," I told Summer, and she closed her eyes, expecting me to kiss her again, but all I did was kiss her on the forehead. Summer opened her eyes, and I smiled at her. I took her hand in mine, and we went downstairs to drink human blood. "Do you think it's okay for you to drink human blood tonight?" I inquired of Summer. "Yes, that's fine with me. I've previously consumed human blood before, "Summer said, and I handed her the glass. I drank, and Summer drank hers; I prefer animal blood, but when you're at gatherings, you're obligated to drink human blood at these gatherings; when you're out and go home, you can have animal blood. "If you want to leave early, just let me know," I told Summer as she set the glass down on the table. "I can't drink human blood any longer," Summer said, and I took the glass she was drinking from and drank the rest of her human blood. "Do you also prefer your animal blood?" I asked Summer. "Yes, because when you drink human blood, you will be hungry. You will be wild," Summer said. "Well, you know that we Leopold's when we drink human blood we can control ourselves," I said to Summer, and I saw that someone was going home. "It's boring at these gatherings. Let's go home," I said to Summer and held her hand. "Don't you want to walk across the sea first? Is there one close by?" Summer inquired if I was aware that there was a sea nearby. "I know one, let's go," I told Summer, who smiled. When we arrived at the sea I looked at Summer, who was smiling because the view of the sea was beautiful, I held her hand, and she looked at me. "Do you know why I know this location of the sea?" I asked Summer, and she shook her head. "I'm going here when I'm sad and feel alone; you know that my parents are very strict to me; they won't allow me to wander around the place that day." I was taken aback when Summer held my face. "Forget about that past, and focus on me only," as she said this, I smiled and hugged her. **
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