Sequel 2

2396 Words
Caroline's PoV We returned home to rest, and George promised to teach me sword skills the following day. I went to the library and was surprised to see George reading a book. "Come in if you want to read a book," George said as soon as he felt me. "Did you sense my presence right away?" I asked George, and he didn't respond. I went to the bookshelf and took out a book about sword skills to have an idea of what George would teach me because I might be surprised again and not know what to do, and he might scold me again. "What will you be reading?" George inquired. "About sword skills so that I don't look like a fool when you teach me," I said to George, and I opened the book. When I finish taking a paper, I will list those basic movements. While I was reading, I couldn't help but look at George, wondering why he was there. I should have been in the room reading a book so that I wouldn't be distracted. "Pay attention to what you're reading," George advised. "I'm focused on reading," I explained, and he abruptly took up the book I was reading. "However, why do I read what you are thinking right now? And it's all about me," When George asked, my cheeks flushed. "I suddenly thought that I should just read a book in my room because I got distracted because you were here," I said to George, who stood up abruptly. "I'm done reading. You're the only one here," George said as he quickly exited the library, leaving me alone. "George is cold to me, but I'll do anything to make him like me," I told myself, listing the basic sword skills movements. As I read the essential sword guards for defense, I noticed several different types of sword guards. I read about the European-style sword defense. There are also stances that I need to learn, but I believe that I will be able to master all of these stances so that George will not scold me as well. I don't know why I got tired, I just read about sword skills, and I'm sure George will tease me again because I'm a vampire and get tired so quickly. I stood up, and when I looked outside, it was clear that we weren't sleeping, so what we had to do was okay. After taking a shower, I exited the library and went to my room. When I finished bathing, I put on my black clothes and the armor that my father had purchased for me; I'm not sure why he bought me in this manner, but he told me that I would fight one day. The black armor that fit my body was a metal gray finished armor, and the cuirass was custom-made metal that served my shoulder pads. Still, it was easy to move. The graves are well made with blackish metal, and my boots are covered with a blackish metallic material that equips quickly and removes easily. It was easy for me to move because it was made specifically for me; I believe my father bought it because he knows my exact size. If that happens, I'm sure George will be there because he said I could join his adventures when I learn sword skills, though I'm not sure if it's just adventures or if low-hunting vampires are included. When I finished putting on my body armor, I came out of my room, and I couldn't believe George was standing outside my door. "Your armor outfit is nice. Come with me," George said as we were about to leave his mansion, and I followed him. "Dad gave it to me because he said I'd need it if there were a battle," I explained, and George came to a halt. "It will take a long time. I go on adventures to assist those in need," George told me, and when we went out, the sword I was going to use, as well as his sword, were both ready. "When you're hurt, you have to get up right away and don't give up, don't think about anything, and remain focused," George told me, nodding. George put an armor helmet on my head, which surprised me. I looked at him, and he looked at my entire body. "How come you're staring at my body?" I inquired of George. "I'm looking at where you don't have armor on your body; it'd be a shame if I ruined the black armor that fits you," George said to me, and my cheek heated up. "Let's get started," George said, and I began to form my battle stance. I learned some new stances in my book. I'm not sure what to choose, but right now, I want to try it all to see what style works best for me. I'll start with the High Guard, as I held my sword high with two of my hands, extending my shoulders as well. But really, all I can do here is s***h the sword, either defend or attack. George charged at me, and I defended my left with High Guard, blocking his high attack to my head as our swords clashed. "Rush at me and fight me immediately!" I followed George, but he quickly blocked his sword. I quickly transition into another Wrath guard stance by placing the blade against my left shoulder and gripping the sword's handle with both arms. According to the book, the wrath guard also makes it easier for me to make a horizontal and ascending sword attack. The two of us struck the sword, and then I backed away due to the strength of his force. I smiled and rushed at him again, but I was surprised when he backflipped and stepped on my back. I spat and noticed that my hand had a wound, but it healed quickly; I looked at him, and he was now smiling. "The lightness of your body causes you to spit quickly and beat quickly; you must stop from falling, or the opponent will be able to take your head off," George said to me, and I immediately stood up. Hawk stance is another form that I've learned, in which I raise my sword with both of my hands and use it on both sides, either the edge of the flat. This is useful for defending against Garry's descending sword attack. George launched a downward sword attack as he approached, and I braced myself to block his attack once more. It can also launch multiple attacks from various angles, but George was excellent at blocking all the attacks I threw at him. "All right, I get it!" I told George and rushed again, but this time I read his movements and knew he'd backflip again to step on me in the back. As my hands are on the right side and not in front of me while gripping the sword, I'm using the Plow Guard to guard against any sword attacks. The opponent must keep an eye out for the threat or the possibility of attacking them, which gives me the advantage of leading my thrust while in this defensive stance. As I notice sword halt his Sword attack toward me, he backs up a bit. He also sees this stance. "Good," George said, and I smiled as I looked at him. "I am going to attack you. Be prepared to try to do what my sword has," George said, and I noticed that his sword was charged with electricity. "I'm not sure if I can do it, but I'll try," I told George, focusing on my aura, which is my power. I prepare by taking a long point stance, pointing at George and gripping the sword with the point facing him. I can perform all high sword attacks and high cuts in this position. This stance also forces George's blade to make contact with mine, allowing me to perform an attack as well. But I was surprised because water came out of my sword, and the edge of my blade was very sharp, so I rushed to George, and he blocked his sword, but suddenly my sword coiled with the mixture of water power in George's sword. George was taken aback by the stances that I have learned, as evidenced by his expression, and I know that one day I will master all of these stances and become a well-known swordsman. "This is what I have discovered while reciting the books!" I exclaimed as I tightened the grip on my sword and assumed the fool guard stance. The stance invites your opponent to attack you because you are exposed, but I am quick enough to counter as George attacks opposing it as I took a step back after hearing George laugh. I didn't realize my sword wasn't with me; it had slipped from my grasp. I didn't notice that George moved quickly and saw the dragon's head come out of his other hand. "I had no idea you had so much power!" I told George, and he handed me my sword. "I only use that power once to trick my opponent into thinking I have poison attack," George explained. "Don't you have the power of poison?" When I asked George, he smiled. "I have all the power, but only as much as I use, the strong powers I use," George said as I sat back down. "If you have all the power, does that mean you can use a power that isn't all that strong?" I inquired of George. "Yeah, like this illusion power," George said, and I was taken aback because what I saw suddenly changed, and I couldn't see George. "George, where are you? Why am I unable to see you?!" I was worried, so I ran, but I didn't feel like moving in the right direction. "You must learn illusion power to dispel this illusion," George said, and his voice echoed. "I'll try to get rid of this illusion, but if I can't get rid of it, you will remove it," I said to George, who didn't respond. I looked around and touched the plant next to me; it instantly turned to ashes, so I used my sword to sway it, and the illusion vanished, but I was surprised because George was about to be struck. I let go of my sword; I couldn't control my movements. We both fell and hugged him; I looked at him, and he was annoyed. I stepped out in front of him and adjusted my shoulder armor. "Good! What you've done, you know right away how to remove that illusion power I gave you," George said as I took my sword as we both stood up. "I'll put my shield power to the test to see how far it can go. Can I do that?" When I asked George, he nodded. When George rushed in, I took out my shield, but I was surprised because the force hitting the protection caused my shield to break, so I removed it immediately. "Why are you so strong?" I inquired of George. "I worked hard to practice to get stronger, so I'm telling you to adjust your practice to be as strong as I am," George told me, and I bit my lower lip so hard. "I will be strong for you," I told George, who was taken aback. "You are a quick learner, I grant you that, but you still have a long way to go, believe me on this one," George said as he aimed the sword at me. I know it's okay if George doesn't like me, but I'll do anything for him, including sacrificing my life for him because I love him so much. "This is how much you love me," George said, and I was taken aback and blocked what was on my mind. "You've read my mind once more!" I told George, and he laughed because he read what was on my mind that I loved him so much. "Are you finished thinking about what you want to think?" George abruptly inquired, how can he read what I'm thinking? How did that happen? I even block my thoughts. "How can you read my mind? I'm pretty sure I've already blocked it!" I told George, and he laughed and approached me, looking me in the eyes. "I'm strong, Caroline. Even if you block what you're thinking, I can still read because you're just a little weak," George said, my cheeks getting hot because his face was now so close to mine. "All right, you're the strong one. Let's fight again," I said to George, and he prepared himself. I rushed to him again, but he didn't appear to be ready. I knew George was testing my sword skills, so I kicked him with my foot, but he quickly grabbed my right foot. I collapsed as George grinned. Fortunately, the helmet provided me with head armor. "Is that all you're capable of? Are these the ones you read about in the book?" George inquired, and I was taken aback because he tightened his grip on my foot. I cut George's hand with my sword, and he let go of my foot early. I saw that his wound healed quickly, and I was about to start again when a carriage came by, and George looked at it. "You have a visitor today," I told George, and he walked over to that carriage, where I saw a woman I didn't know come out. Who is that? What brings her to George's house? I hid and was surprised to see George letting her into his mansion. Maybe I'll leave first because I know they will talk. Perhaps it has something to do with his job! I had to think positively, so I took my sword and placed it on the sheath, quickly walked away from George's mansion, and went to Dendo village, where I had come from the day before. When I arrived, the normal vampires in this village looked at me, and as I walked, I noticed that the men were staring at me. I knew I was wearing nice clothes with armor; perhaps they had just seen it right now. I'm also aware that this armor is pricey. **
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