Chapter 53

1150 Words
George’s PoV "Mom and I ate noodles with beef flavor!" Darwin said it cheerfully, and when I looked at Beatrice, she was now smiling. "Really? It's a shame I don't have one, so I can join you for dinner," I said to Darwin. "You can eat tonight!" Darwin exclaimed. "All right, let's eat noodles later!" I informed Darwin. "By the way, I ordered Johnny to take care of what we need so that we can officially adopt Darwin," I told Beatrice, and she immediately nodded. "It will be a lengthy process, but I will ensure that all of Darwin's adoption documents are processed," I explained to Beatrice. "All right, when will we take care of our wedding?" Beatrice enquired. "Are you not married yet, mom and dad?" Darwin enquired. "Not yet, and you're attending our upcoming wedding as our adopted son!" I said to Darwin, and he smiled. I could feel he was very excited. "I'm excited, Dad!" Darwin said to me, clearly thrilled as Beatrice was smiling as well. "When it's finished, perhaps Johnny can give us Darwin's birth certificate and the certificate indicating that we adopted him," I replied to Beatrice's earlier question. "Adopting Darwin will be a lengthy process for us, but I'm confident it will be worthwhile," I added to Beatrice. "Darwin, return to your room and read some book; Didn't I previously give you something? Have you read everything?" I inquired of Darwin. "I haven't finished the book yet; I'm still in the one about mortals," Darwin explained. "All right, if you continue reading now, we'll just call you later if we're going to eat noodles," I said to Darwin, and he nodded as he ascended quickly to the top. "Where do you want to go after we marry? Where would you like us to spend our honeymoon?" I inquired of Beatrice. "As long as we're happy, we can go anywhere; will you leave Darwin with your parents again?" Beatrice inquired. "Yes, I will leave him in my parents. You are aware that nothing should disturb our honeymoon once more," I informed Beatrice, and she modestly laughed. "All right, I completely understand," Beatrice said as I kissed her. As I kissed Beatrice, I touched her waist as well, and when I let go of my kiss with her, her cheek instantly turned red. "Darwin may ask what we are doing right now," Beatrice informed me. "He's not going to ask that because he is busy reading the book I gave him, and when a vampire is focused on reading, he can't hear the noise outside," I said to Beatrice, who smiled. When I was finished, Beatrice kissed me, and I picked her up, and we rushed to our room; I didn't even lock the door after laying her on the bed. I stripped my top and was about to kiss her once more when the doorbell rang. "Are you expecting a visitor today?" Beatrice inquired. "No, I'm not expecting, but let's see who might be that be? Maybe it is your brother Joel," I told Beatrice as I wore my clothes again. I stepped outside and unlocked the door. Why is Helena, Caroline's mother, here? What is she in need of? "Mom?" Helena immediately hugged Beatrice when she called her mother. "It is indeed you, Caroline! I have the impression that your soul is trapped in this mortal's body, and I had hoped that you would revert to vampire status one day!" Helena stated, and Beatrice released her grip on her and hugged her mother. "I can't believe you came here," Beatrice stated, and I stood back and allowed them to converse. "I've come here to say hello to my daughter. I assumed you didn't remember, but you do. How did you revert to being a vampire?" Helena inquired of Beatrice. "It's because of George; without his blood, I wouldn't be here now," Beatrice explained to her mother, Helena smiling. "Are you going to marry George again?" Helena inquired to Beatrice. "Yes, and you, as well as Beatrice's human mother, are invited," I told Helena, and she took my hand in hers and took Beatrice's in hers. "The strength of your love no matter how many times you get married, I will support you," Helena told us, and she hugged Beatrice and me. "You're still sweet until now, mom!" Beatrice said, and I'm happy that Beatrice was delighted again today. "All right, I'm leaving. Do you have a number so you can text me when you need something," Helena said, and Beatrice put her number on Helena's phone. "Be careful when you go back home, mom," Beatrice said, and she left. We went back inside Beatrice's house, and I saw that she was crying now, so I touched her cheek. "Why are you crying? Aren't you happy to see your past mother?" I asked Beatrice, and she immediately hugged me. I stroked her back to stop Beatrice from crying. "I was worried about mom because the day I was gone. I know she misses me so much, so she came here because she wanted to see me, and she felt her child came back again," Beatrice said, and I just stroked her hair. "Do you still want to continue our s*x?" I asked Beatrice, and she let go of my hug. "Yes!" Beatrice immediately told me, and I saw Darwin release his book when Beatrice kissed me. "Mom, who did you talk to? Why are you kissing?" Darwin immediately asked, and Beatrice and I immediately separated. "Just my friend, son! How did you hear that someone came here today?" Beatrice asked Darwin. "I can hear everything even though I'm focused on reading the book," Darwin said, and Beatrice stared at me. "Is that so? As for your dad and I kissing, I want to kiss him!" Beatrice said, and I couldn't speak now. "Kiss but you and dad are very close. Is that your kiss?" Darwin asked, and I was even more embarrassed. "Yes, that's how it is when you get married! Your dad will be my husband when we get married," Beatrice said, and Darwin approached us. "Will I also kiss the one I saw?" Darwin suddenly asked, so I spoke. "You're still young Darwin for that kiss, but you and your mother can just kiss us on the cheek," I advised Darwin, and he kissed Beatrice and me on the cheek. "I have come to kiss you!" Darwin stated, and Beatrice and I laughed, as Darwin was adorable. "You, too, will eventually fall in love with someone. Additionally, you will meet the man who is meant for you." Darwin smiled at me as I said this to him. "I hope she's as kind and caring as mom does!" Darwin said. "I hope so, but I hope it isn't as naughty as Beatrice," I joked, and Beatrice smacked me, and we both laughed. **
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