Chapter 52

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George's PoV I'm now at Mom and Dad's house; Johnny parked the car, then I immediately removed my seatbelt and exited the vehicle. "I will wait for you here, master," Johnny said. I called him to fetch me because he hadn't yet bought me a new car. I went inside our house, and Mom was surprised because I came in so quickly. "Oh, you are here; are you done looking for Louis?" Mom inquired. "Now that we've killed Louis and have no opponents, I'd like to ask you why Darwin was teleported to the location where we were fighting." When I asked Mom, she was visibly shaken. "Darwin was just worried about you, so I just did what he wanted; you know, if a child's wish isn't granted, he won't talk to us for a week," mom said, and I put on a poker face. "Who said that to you? What social media knowledge do you have?" I told Mom, and she burst out laughing. "Please forgive me, son, but he wasn't hurt, was he?" Mom inquired, and I sat on the sofa. "Darwin was about to die in the battle! He wouldn't be alive if it weren't for my blood!" I growled at my mom because I was worried about Darwin, but she didn't respond right away. "George, respect your mother," Dad advised me. "I respect her, but what she did is wrong. It irritates me; Darwin could have died in the battle," I said as I stood up, frustrated. "How is Beatrice's mother anyway?" Mom questioned me. "She's fine, but there are a few tests to see if her cancer spread to other organs," I told my mother. "If Beatrice requires assistance, both you and your father are willing to assist her." According to my mother. "We have seen people come and go from this world; this is a small assistance that we can provide; I am aware that mortals have a finite number of lives." My father said to me. "Thank you; I appreciate the assistance; I will do whatever I can to assist her mother; it saddens me to see her mother weaken as a result of this cancer," I told my mother and father. "We're lucky because we don't get sick like that, and we've lived for a long time," I told my mother as I got outside, and Johnny is waiting for me. "Time is precious in this world. That's what I've learned from being with Beatrice and his brother and mother, so I'm helping them for as long as I can," I told them as they smiled at me. "Don't do it again. What happened to Darwin," I told Mom. "I won't do it again; I'm sorry, my son," my mom said to me. "You have a kind heart George, for assisting her; I admire you for doing so," my father stated. "This is all I can do for her mother; if you were in my shoes, you would also assist her; I want her mother to live a long life so that Beatrice and his brother can be happy," I explained to dad. "Yes, we have a lot of money, but it is more important to help those in need," my father said. "I've also learned that life is fleeting and that we cannot rewind time to be with loved ones who are no longer with us," I said to my mom and dad. "If you need anything from us, just give us a call," Dad said. "I will," I replied to dad. "I'm leaving; I'm going to be busy in the next few days," I said to mom and dad. "I know that you and Beatrice will get married soon," my dad said, and I smiled. "Take care, George," Mom said as she hugged me. I went inside Johnny's car and fastened my seatbelt. Johnny started the car and left mom and dad's mansion. While we were on the road, I remembered I had something to tell Johnny. "Johnny, I have something for you to do," I said as he drove the car down the road. "What is it, Master?" Johnny inquired. "I'd like you to look after a child named Darwin Fuen's adoption paperwork. Just give me his birth certificate once you've completed the necessary paperwork," I informed Johnny. "All right, Master, I'll just call you when I'm finished taking care of it," Johnny answered, and we are nowhere at my mansion. I returned home when I got out of my car. I told Johnny to buy me a new car. "Buy me a new car again," I said to him, and he just nodded as he drove away from my mansion. I went inside my mansion. Hopefully, Johnny would get on working on Darwin's adoptions papers as well. I noticed Beatrice and Darwin laughing at the same time. "Dad!" Darwin looked at me and called me. "Did you talk to your mom and dad?" Beatrice inquired. "Yes, I spoke with them, and I also scold Mom for letting Darwin join us in our fight," I informed Beatrice. "Am I to blame?" Darwin asked abruptly. "This isn't your fault. I know you're only concerned about your mother and us." When I told Darwin, he was sad. "I hope I didn't do something wrong," Darwin said. "It's not your fault, Darwin, and we're not mad at you because you helped us win the battle against Louis," Beatrice said as she hugged him. "I'm sorry if I become stubborn right away!" Darwin informed us, and Beatrice comforted Darwin because he would cry. "I scold Grandma because, after all, she was the one who teleported you to us, wasn't she?" When Beatrice finished hugging Darwin, I asked him, and he nodded. "I just discovered my grandmother's power when she helped me out," Darwin explained, and Beatrice and I both smiled. "Your grandmother's power is that she can teleport a vampire and also teleport to other places; her second power is that she can protect a vampire when someone takes energy or controls the vampire," I explained to Darwin, who was astounded. "Grandma's power is enormous! I'm curious about Grandpa's!" Darwin told us, and Beatrice and I laughed because it was fun talking to Darwin. "Grandpa's power is similar to mine, but he's stronger; he also has the power of water and electricity, and when those two things combine, a low-vampire will die, But he is not using it anymore because he doesn't want to fight anymore but if he needs to fight he will fight," I explained to Darwin, who nodded. "Your power is excellent! I also have good powers like my ice; also, I can tell if someone is weak or not," Darwin informed us. "Yes, your power is also good; now tell me what you did while I was gone," I told Darwin, who smiled. **
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