Side Story 7

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Garry's PoV Waze smiled as they waited for George to arrive after texting George and was confident he would come. Summer looked at me as I took her hand in mine. "Don't worry, I'm sure George and Beatrice will be worried when they find out you got hurt, but I'm only allowing George to come here because Beatrice is pregnant," I told Summer, who just nodded. "Has our cousins' behavior doesn't change up to this point?" When I heard George's voice, he grinned at the three of them. "How are you, George? It's been a long time," I asked as he walked in front of us. "I'm fine. We've been busy, but we're fine, and Beatrice's pregnancy is progressing well." George said this as he walked in front of me. "What exactly are you doing here? Are you doing something I'm not aware of?" George stated unequivocally to the three that they were terrified of him. "We didn't mean to, George!" As the three of them knelt, Dian abruptly said, I laughed. "Where is your bravery? Why don't you show it to him? You must change your ways and stop judging normal vampires," I told them, and George used his gravitational force to them. "I can't keep quiet if I don't teach you a lesson; Beatrice told me that a lesson should be taught to those like you because you hurt her before," George said, and I made Summer stand up. "I'm aware that I made a mistake before George. Please accept my apologies. I had no idea Caroline would have reincarnation and that you two would be still together," Waze spoke up, and George approached him. "I can't hear you; I want you to raise your voice as you say your word sorry," George said, and they were unable to stand due to the gravity power. "Please forgive us, George! That will not happen again!" Dian stated, and I was taken aback because Beatrice leaned against the car. Beatrice waved at me, and when Summer noticed Beatrice, she was about to approach when I stopped her. "The three of them will know that Beatrice is here as well," I told Summer. I told George not to bring Beatrice because it was dangerous, but he still did. They were also with Darwin; perhaps George was afraid of leaving his family in his house, so he just took him with him; I think I disturbed them, so I had to apologize to George after he finished teaching these three. "I'll let you decide what kind of punishment I'll give you. I'll take your strength until you're hungry, or I'll remove Leopold's surname," George said. Dian started to cry. They are now terrified. "I choose to take our half-strength than to lose Leopold's surname!" Waze said as Frendo and Dian nodded to Waze's decision. "All right," George said as he used the absorbed power on the three, who yelled as they lost half their strength. "If you want to get half of your power, change first, and I want you to show me that you are good royal vampires," George said as he removed gravity power on them. "I hope this fixes everything; we should get going; it was good to see you two again," George said to me. "It was great to see you all again, especially Beatrice, as I can tell her pregnancy is going well." Summer told George. "Darwin hasn't changed a bit," I said to George, who was laughing as Darwin scratched his head. "If Beatrice gives birth, please message us; we will also be visiting you," I told George, who nodded. George rushed back to his car, Beatrice and Darwin waving goodbye, and the three stood up and apologized to Summer and me. The three also departed peacefully, knowing that they had done wrong. "I thought you were going to say sorry for George?" Summer asked me. How did she know that? "Did you read my mind?" I inquired of Summer. "Yes, I read your mind, but why did you allow me to read it?" Summer inquired. "I just didn't block my mind so you can read what I'm thinking," I explained to Summer as we entered my home. "Perhaps I'll go back to my village first because I know I'm already being abusive by being here in your mansion," Summer suggested, and I looked at her. "Are you hurt by what they said?" I asked Summer, and she didn't say anything, so I put my hand on her shoulder. "It's fine with me if you just live here in my mansion; it's not abused that you are my guest who is always here because of me," I told Summer, who was taken aback. "Have you considered me a guest up to this point? Have you not yet developed your feelings?" Summer inquired as she looked at me. "What do you do when I say I already have feelings?" When I asked Summer, her cheeks flushed even more, and she averted her gaze. "I'm not sure what I'm going to do! It'll be awkward if I discover you have feelings for me." So when Summer said that, I laughed and messed up her hair. "Do not return to your village. You also stated that you are the only one present; do you want to return to your boring life?" I asked Summer, then went to my refrigerator. "It's not a boring life; I know I can find love," Summer said as I took the blood from the pack. "Your love life has arrived," I told Summer as I drank the animal blood after looking her in the eyes. "You are," Summer replied as I tossed the empty pack in the trash. "I'm still wondering if I'll continue to like you," I told Summer, who looked sad. "That's why I said I'd leave first and return to the village first; if I stay here, I won't get anything out of it and will only help you with your adventures and huntings," Summer explained as she took her sword. "Thank you because I have a second power, but I probably won't use it because it's from you," Summer said, so I rushed up to her and hugged her. "Didn't I tell you that my life is boring when you're gone?" When I asked her, she took my hand in her. "I understand that, but you're telling me you have strict parents. What will they do to me when they find out you're my boyfriend," Summer said, and she let go of her sword. Summer burst out crying, and I turned to face her, hugged her again, and stroked her head. "Do you want us to take your clothes right now? We completely forgot to take your adventure clothes from Sys," I said to Summer as I let go of the hug. "Of course, it's my blue clothes I requested from Sys, which I just remembered because you mentioned it," Summer said as we walked away. I walked out of my house, and she followed; I got into my car, I've already begun driving, and I'm on my way to Sys's shop; I'm sure Sys will wonder why I'm only going to pick up Summer adventure clothes the blue one. When we arrived at Sys's shop, I parked first and saw that he had a customer, so I got out of the car, and Summer followed. We walked into Sys's shop, and he immediately recognized us. "Once again, hello! By the way, I've completed Summer's request to make the adventure clothes which is the blue one with the same design that you bought for me." Sys stated as he greeted us upon our arrival at the shop. We approached Sys's counter, and he handed Summer's clothing over to her. "If you wish, you may triple-check your attire so that I may ascertain whether there is a problem, all right?" Sys informed summer. "All right, I'll check the outfit first. Once again, thanks for your assistance, Sys." Summer declared. "You're welcome, and don't be shy; there are additional garments in my shop that I can create for you!" Sys responded as Summer entered the changing room to try on her new outfit. "Randolf gave me a mission, so I didn't get the clothes, but it's good that I remember now when I don't remember that Summer might be mad at me," I told Sys, who smiled. "How did your adventure go?" Sys inquired. "Our mission was a bit difficult, but we finished it. Do you know that Summer got jealous because of the woman we will take to a safe place," I said to Sys, and he was surprised? "Does that mean Summer is interested in you?" Sys inquired. "Yes, Summer liked me since she met me, but earlier, she asked me when I would have feelings for her," I told Sys, and he grabbed my arm and went outside. "Let's talk outside," Sys suggested. "You still have clients. Will you abandon them?" I inquired. "It's okay; they have a long time to shop," Sys said to me, and I looked at Summer, who was also looking at us. "She can hear us even when we're outside," I told Sys, and I was surprised when he used his illusion, and I couldn't see his shop anymore. "You can talk to me now. Summer will think we've vanished without a trace but don't worry, and she won't get worried," Sys informed me. "Say whatever you want; I can help you," Sys said as I looked at the background of his illusion. "How can I love Summer and be with her if my parents are strict?" I asked Sys, and he burst out laughing. "Think you don't have a family? Why would you think about your family if they don't like normal vampires?" Sys inquired. "Yeah, you're right. They don't like normal vampires," I told Sys. "Just don't give up and fight what you feel; if you know someone who has fought, imitate that," Sys said to me. And I suddenly remembered George because his parents had told him several times to forget about Caroline. After all, they thought Caroline had died. **
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