Side Story 6

1548 Words
Garry's PoV We're returning to Leonar Village to inform Randolf that our mission to transport Rachelle to a safe location was successful; when we arrived in Leonar Village, I dismounted my horse and gently accompanied Summer as well; we went straight to Randolf's house to report our mission. However, summer and I entered Randolf's house, a mortal present, so the three back away immediately except Summer and me. "Is this will be our next mission?" Skies asked Randolf. "Yes, because you have to take her to her village, and she is a mortal there, you will not reveal that you are vampires," Randolf said as the kid turned to face us. "What appears to be the issue?" I inquired of the child who approached us. "I need to return to my village to give the medicine to my father," the child explained as Summer approached. "Why did you purchase your father's medication? Do you not have a sibling or another family member who can assist you?" Summer inquired of the child. "Nothing because my father and I are the only ones in my house," the child explained, prompting me to approach. "All right, we'll take care of you, don't worry, we're nice, and we will not hurt you as well," I told to kid, who smiled back. "Thank you a lot!" The child stated. "You two will take her, and these three will be left here because they aren't used to having a mortal companion," Randolf said, and I immediately nodded. "Let's begin to accompany this child, and by the way, what's your name?" I asked the girl, and she responded right away. "My name is Xyra," the girl introduced herself, and I smiled. "Randolf, we should leave right now," I said to Randolf. "All right, good luck with your mission, and please report back once it is completed," Randolf told me. "Got it," I told Randolf. "Let's go now," Summer told Xyra as we helped the child. We left Randolf's house, and I strapped Summer to my horse first, then Xyra, and then myself; Xyra was in front of Summer so she wouldn't fall, and Summer supported her as well. Summer inquired of Xyra while we were on the road. "What village are you living in, Xyra?" Summer inquired of Xyra. "It isn't a village. I just lied to the man that it was a village and made him think I could pay, but the truth I don't have enough money to pay." I was taken aback when Xyra said this. "Garry will handle your payment!" Summer said, and I was surprised, but I could do nothing because this child was pitiful to us. "Show me the way to your house," I said to Xyra, and she pointed in the right direction. We eventually arrived at a small house, where Summer came down and picked up Xyra, who ran to her house. We also went to a small house, where I saw Xyra's father. "Xyra! I told you don't go out alone!" Xyra's father said. "I've already purchased medication for you!" Xyra said, handing over the medicine to her father, and her father gave us a look. "Did they assist you?" Xyra's father inquired to her daughter. "They did assist me in getting home!" Xyra exclaimed joyfully, and Xyra's father approached us. "Thank you so much for helping my daughter, but this is the first time I've ever seen a horse in my life. Aren't automobiles trendy again?" Xyra's father inquired. "We used the horse to save money instead of using a car because it is expensive," Summer lied. "Yes, the car is expensive, and gas is expensive," Xyra's father admitted, and Xyra gave us a necklace made of beads. "This is all I can pay you," Xyra said, taking the necklace she had given me. "It's stunning! I can't believe you are making a necklace!" Summer stated, and Xyra smiled. "Yes, whenever you have time, you are welcome to come to my house, and I will give you something again!" Summer looked at me as Xyra spoke. "Let's come back here when we have time," Summer said, and I smiled. "All right, we'll come back when we have time, take good care of your father, and I'll give you something as well," I told Xyra, taking my money from my wallet. "I hope this helps you," I told Xyra, who was surprised because I had given her money. After saying our goodbyes to Xyra and her father, Summer and I left, and we returned to Leonard Village. Summer was quiet, and when we arrived at Leonard Village, I got off the horse and took Summer off. "You want me to get you off the horse," I told Summer, who was taken aback. "Of course not!" Summer responded to my question. "But you're smiling, and your cheek is red," I said to Summer as I entered Randolf's house, and she touched her cheek. Randolf, Skies, Bryan, and Haiyan greeted us when we returned. "Did the mission go well?" Randolf asked me right away. "Yes, we were able to take Xyra pretty close to her village so that we could get back quickly," I told Randolf, taking my own money. "This is the payment," I explained to Randolf, who refused to accept it. "I read what that kid was thinking, and I know she doesn't have enough money. It's okay for me to help people like her who have had such a difficult life," Randolf said, and I can't believe it's okay for him. "I'll text you when there is a mission or something else," Randolf said, and I nodded. "Come on, Summer," I said, but Summer still said her goodbyes to Randolf. "Until next time!" Summer said, and she waved as soon as we were entirely out. "Randolf is brilliant, and he also told me that I'm not weak," Summer said, and I put her on my horse after I that I mounted also. "What do you want to do when we get back to my house?" As I rode my horse, I inquired of Summer. "There's nothing good to do with you in your house," Summer replied, so I laughed. When we arrived at my house, I was surprised to see Waze, his two siblings, and my cousin, a judgemental person. I got off my horse and got Summer off the horse. "Can you tell me where did you go, Garry?" Dian inquired a woman who is also a Leopold. "What brings you here? You don't know how to inform me that you're coming to my mansion," I said as I took Summer's hand in mine. "We ended up going here because we miss you! Who is this woman you're with?" Dian inquired. "She's my friend. Do you have a problem with that?" When I told her, she burst out laughing. "Is that your friend? Why are you doing the holding hands? Does it mean that you two are friends with benefits?" Dian inquired, and Waze abruptly pushed Summer. "Don't hold Garry's hand. Don't you know we're well-connected in the royal families?" Waze claimed that's why, when I was irritated, I pushed him and grabbed Summer's hand once more. "Waze, do you hear yourself? When you hurt my friend, I'll be the one to kill you," I said. Waze laughed as he suddenly choked me. "Leave him alone!" Summer abruptly yelled, deafening the three, but I'm used to her yelling. "You have a powerful voice! Are you brave enough to fight us?" Dian was irritated, and she kicked Summer out, so I was concerned. "Dian, please! I'll tell your family what you're up to!" Frendo laughed as I said this to Dian. "They won't believe you because your family is also strict; when your family discovers that you have a normal vampire with you and you two are in a relationship, you'll be dead for sure," Frendo explained. "I don't care if they don't want to. No one can stop me," I told them as I rushed up to Summer. "Are you all right?" I asked Summer, and she didn't say anything, but I could see tears dripping down her cheeks. Summer was holding her sword, and I could tell she was about to attack them, but I had to restrain her and make her calm down. "Summer, let me handle this," I told her as I took a deep breath. "Don't worry. I'll let them go," I told Summer, but she didn't say anything. I stood up and used my shield to keep them away from us. "Leave; if you don't, you know George is my friend. I know you're afraid of him because he's now the most powerful member of the Leopold family." They were taken aback when I said this to them. "I can't believe you are a friend of George; didn't you try to seduce his girlfriend? How did you guys become friends?" Waze inquired, and I remained silent. "If you're friends, prove it, call him now, and when he comes here, we'll believe," Waze said, and I smiled. "When he comes here, I will tell him what you did to Summer, aren't you arrogant? George will take care of you three," I said while smiling and picking up my phone. **
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