Side Story 8

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Garry's PoV "Give yourself a happy life, don't let your family ruin it," Sys said, and he had already removed his illusion power. I looked at Summer, who waved at me. We went back into the shop, and I approached Summer right away, and she showed me the clothes that were blue now but the same design she used to wear. "You're still beautiful no matter what color you wear in that adventure clothes," I told Summer, who looked surprised. "Does the conversation you had on Sys is important? That's why teleport to another location?" Summer asked, and when I looked at Sys, he winked at me. "Yes, what we discussed is important, but don't worry, our topic isn't bad," I assured Summer. "I don't care because I respect your private conversation with others," Summer explained before heading to the dressing room to change. We told Sys we were leaving when Summer finished changing. "Thank you very much, Sys! I'll be back if I need anything!" I told Sys, and we went out. I opened the door of my car right in front of Summer, who was taken aback. I knew she'd wonder why I'd make her sit in front of my car so I could sit next to her. "What are you doing, Garry? Why do you want me to take the front seat?" Summer asked, so I let her in and helped her put on her seat belt. I also got in my car and fastened my seat belt; she didn't say anything to me, and I started my car's engine. "I want you next to me because I'm not used to you always being in the back," I told Summer, and I noticed her cheek was red. "There's a reason I don't sit here because I like you and my heart is beating so fast when you're close to me," she said to me, and I was surprised, so it turned out that she was so close to my body when she rode my horse and I'm the one in front. "That's why you hugged me so tightly before; you're still jealous because you don't want another woman to hug me," I said to Summer, who remained silent. "To ease your mind, I'll tell you the truth," I told Summer before starting my car. "I felt the same way you did to me; I like you too," I told Summer, who was taken aback. I was surprised to see Summer's tears dripping. "What's the matter with you crying?" When I asked her, she wiped away her tears. "I'm glad my efforts are no longer in vain; now that we like each other, I'll continue to assist you in your adventures and huntings!" Summer said to me, and she abruptly unbuckled her seatbelt and hugged me. I also hugged Summer and smelled her scent; it's lovely to know that the person you love also loves you. That is why George and Beatrice will not separate because they feel the same about each other, and they are now married. "Let's go back to my mansion, and let us rest for a while," I said to Summer, who let go of my hug and buckled her seatbelt. I began driving, and as soon as we arrived at my house, I parked my car, and Summer emerged. I also went outside, and Summer took a letter from the mailbox in front of my door. "It's your surname," Summer said. When I look at the letter, I see that there will be another gathering with the Leopold family, and I'm sure George and Beatrice will be there, as well as Darwin. "Let's go so your family doesn't think you're doing something wrong, be true to them," Summer said, smiling. "All right, you said that you need to have a nice dress because all the women there are beautiful and gallant," I told Summer, and when I looked at the date, I was surprised. "Tonight is the gatherings. We need to purchase your dress," I informed Summer. "Perhaps I can borrow a dress from Beatrice. She has a lot of dresses, I'm sure," Summer suggested. "I don't want you to borrow it, we'll buy something that suits you, and I'll make sure they don't think you're just a regular vampire," I told Summer, who smiled. "All right, but you should also dress nicely," Summer advised. "My suits are pretty lovely. Please don't be concerned about me. I have an extensive collection of suits," I told Summer, and we returned to the car. But I came to a halt, as did Summer, and I smiled and took Summer's hand in mine. We teleported to Sys's shop, which surprised Sys because he was standing outside. "Did you leave anything out?" Sys inquired. "Can you make and finish a dress right away? I will pay to make her a dress." When I asked Sys, he put on a poker face. "Yes, I can do that, but I'll use my power to finish right away," Sys said, and Summer looked surprised when I looked at her. "I had no idea you could teleport; did you have that kind of power?" Summer spoke to me. "Yeah, I only use that when there's an emergency," I told Summer as we entered Sys's shop, and she placed the sign on the door 'already closed.' "What style of dress do you prefer, Summer?" Sys inquired of Summer as he prepared to measurement as well. "Garry told me earlier that I needed to be gallant, just for me, and then everyone would be shocked when they saw me," Summer said as Sys took a violet fabric. "Sit down, and I'll take care of Summer's dress. I already got her measurements as well," Sys said, and she began sewing Summer's dress. As we sat down here watching Sys make Summer's dress, I took Summer's hand in mine, and she looked at me. "Are you sweet now?" Summer inquired, and I laughed. Sys was serious about making a dress for her because I could see the aura of his power when he made it, and I know it wasn't just made with passion and time. "I'm almost finished with her dress; just a few more adjustments." Sys then stated that he was finished after a few minutes as he took a deep breath. "Everything is finished! Garry, you are aware of the cost." Sys stated as he carried Summer's custom-made dress. When he was done, she gave it to Summer. "I just thought of you, I knew your size already because you try to measure the clothes I picked out for you before, but I need to triple check your measurements to make sure everything is well made just for you. Go ahead now. You can try it now," Sys said, and Summer smiled as she went to the fitting room while we waited. "Do you also know the size of her foot?" I inquired of Sys. "Yes, I know, I'm now making her shoes as well, these are custom-made sandals, and I've measured her foot. She's about a size 6," Sys said as he handed it to me. Summers's black sandals were custom-made by Sys, and the hills were approximately three inches tall; Sys truly knows his craft. "Does wearing black sandals with a purple dress perfect to each other?" I inquired of Sys. "I'm good at fashion Garry, so I'll know if it's okay or not," Sys said as Summer emerged from the fitting room, which surprised me because I could see her cleavage. "You're so beautiful, Summer!" Sys stated. "Wear these sandals," I told Summer, who turned to face me. I was the one who helped her wear her sandals. After that we looked at each other suddenly, Summer's cheek turned red, and she averted her eyes. "I still need to fix myself," Summer said, and she sat down on the sofa. "I can fix you, Summer," Sys said as he took out his make-up kit, which was the size of a traveling bag, and Summer was taken aback. "You're a man, but you can put on women's make-up?" Summer inquired, and Sys smiled. "Yes, I am aware! And I am also a make-up artist. I've also fixed a lot of things!" Sys said something, and he took something. Sys sat down, and Summer closed her eyes, so I smiled. Sys began to fix Summer. I need to change my clothes now, so I teleport back to my mansion. I took my black suit and put on a v-neck white t-shirt before putting on my black necktie with white shades design as I wore my black long sleeves as well as the vest inside; I got a finely fitted suit in my cabinet as well, I wore my expensive watch and put on an expensive perfume for men; I wore my black socks. Black loafers as I tied it and wore my black fitted black pants and leather belts. After changing my clothes, I also fixed my hair and teleported back to Sys shop. When I returned, I was surprised because Summer's make-up was finished, she stood up and now wore a necklace. "The necklace is complimentary because you have gatherings to attend," Sys explained. "I will also give you this party pouch that I made; it is ideal for the events and parties that you will attend, but if you require more, I can make them." Sys handing over the pouch that he created for Summer as well. "I already fixed her hair, so there will be no problem; I made a few cuts, and don't worry, I am also a hairdresser," Sys commented to Summer, who smiled and complimented her hairstyle. "How did you find out we have gatherings?" I asked Sys. "Summer said, of course, I asked her," Sys said, and Summer just smiled at me. "Also, when I create a dress or suit for a specific customer, it must fit perfectly; it's like their second skin," Sys responded to me. **
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