Chapter 1

1869 Words
George's PoV   I'm here today for Caroline's burial; it's her birthday, and I'm going to give her favorite sunflower. She liked the sunflower because it was so colorful, and this is where the bees get it from when they eat it.   "Happy birthday, Caroline," I said as I sat down, looking up at the sky, and I still carry the pain I've felt since my wife died.   I considered suicide as she did on occasion, but I was afraid she would be angry with me if I did. Carline loves me so much and is so clingy to me; why did I reject her a few times before, why does it take a long time to fall in love with her?   Time passed, and I was still at her burial, with no appetite and doing nothing. I stood up, stunned, because a woman, a mortal, had entered right through my gate! What exactly is she doing here? Doesn't she realize how dangerous you are here among the vampires?   I went inside my mansion and arranged my clothes; it's a good thing there's an entrance here near the garden because Caroline's grave is there. I went to the door when I heard her ring the doorbell, and when I opened it, she smiled at me.   "Is this Mr. Leopold's home?" The woman inquired.   "Yes, and that's me," I replied, and the woman was taken aback.   "I didn't expect it because I thought I was going to serve an old person," The woman explained, and I was taken aback.   "To be served? What are you saying?" I asked the maid.   "I'm here to be assigned as a maid," she said to me. Who would do that? Don't tell Johnny my butler did it? Because he knows I'm the only one here.   "I'm not looking for a maid; go home because it's dangerous here," I said to the woman, about to shut the door when she stopped me.   "I'm begging you! I need a job!" The woman said to me, kneeling in front of me.   "Are you deaf? I told you I didn't need an assistant anymore," I said to the woman as I shut the door.   I'll call Johnny because he did it; Johnny Welson is my butler, whom I let out from my mansion because I wanted to be alone. I couldn't believe he'd hire a maid to be with me. I can do my housework.   I went upstairs to my room because I heard it was raining and there was a telephone in there. When I dialed Johnny's number, he answered right away.   "Hello Johnny," I called to him.   [Good day, master! How are you doing? It's been a long time! ] Johny is so happy, he's so happy, I wish I could kill him right now.   "Why did you hire a maid? You already know I don't require that!" I sighed, and I heard Johnny laugh.   [You need a maid master! You don't want me anymore, so I took you a new one, and she is a maid!] Johnny said, and I swallowed my rage.   "When I see you, I'm going to kill you!" I told Johnny before hanging up the phone.   I walked out of my room and straight to the library, sat down, and continued reading historical about mortals or so-called humans. I don't do anything anymore, so I'm here reading some books, but I don't neglect my market and my partner there, Edwardo, to take care of it.   I looked out the window, and the rain was pouring heavily, and I could hear that woman breathing; she was still here, and I couldn't focus on reading. I stood up and used my super speed, and I'm here now at the entrance. I opened the door, and I saw her crossed armed.     "Why are you still here? Aren't you going home?" I inquired, and the maid stood up when she noticed me.   "I need money for my mother; please accept me!" The woman said as she knelt once more.   "Come in," I said solemnly, smelling the woman's blood.   "Thank you! I appreciate it," the woman said to me with a big smile on her face.   "Introduce yourself," I said, and she fixed her hair and clothes.   "My name is Beatrice Mary Victoria; you can call me Beatrice or Mary," Beatrice explained, explaining that the length of her name was preferable to calling her Beatrice.   "Beatrice is fine," I said, and Beatrice couldn't look at me.   "I'll explain the rules in this mansion," I said, and Beatrice nodded.   "You can clean the entire house, but you are not allowed to enter my room, even if it is dirty, because I can clean my room," I explained, and Beatrice nodded.   "I understand! What should I call you?" Beatrice inquired.   "Master is fine, but you can call me George if you prefer," I explained to Beatrice.   "Calling you master is fine because I'm only a maid here," Beatrice explained.   "Every weekend, I'll pay you on Sunday, do you understand?" I said, and Beatrice nodded.   "Find the guest room on the second floor. I'm busy right now," I told Beatrice, walking back to the library without using my ability to get there quickly.   Beatrice didn't seem to realize I was a vampire, and if she did, she must have been terrified of me. I previously restrained myself because her blood scent was too strong; I wanted to bite her, but it was forbidden because I was used to eating animal blood.   I sat in the chair as I heard her footsteps outside; she appeared to have found the guest room I had mentioned to her. When she entered the mansion and talked to me, I felt a little relieved; perhaps I needed to change and forget everything that had happened before and return to where I was.   I closed my book because I had finished it, stood up, and returned the books I had read to the bookshelf. When I finished putting them back and exited the library, I noticed Beatrice cleaning the floor.   "Good evening, master," Beatrice said as I passed by.   I went downstairs and opened my fridge because that's where I put the animal blood I was drinking. I put it in the glass, and I tried to feel if she was coming here. But it appears that she hasn't finished cleaning the second floor yet, so I drank the animal blood and washed the glass.   When I finished washing the glasses, I went to the stairs and saw Beatrice cleaning the stairwell handle; she smiled at me.   "I'm almost done; I'll cook when I finish cleaning this," Beatrice said.   "You eat. I don't have an appetite," I told Beatrice before going upstairs and passing her again.   I entered my room, and I looked at the portrait of Caroline. I touched it and felt sad when I died. I will give all my money to that maid, and I don't care about my earnings if I'm not happy with this life.   Time passed, and I could hear Beatrice cooking and eating what humans eat, but I wouldn't get full if I did eat that. I exited my room and went downstairs; shortly after cooking, she looked at me.   "I thought you weren't going to eat?" Beatrice asked as I sat down.   "I remember you just started working with me, so I'll taste the dish you cooked," I told Beatrice, and she quickly grabbed a plate, spoon, and fork.   When Beatrice finished preparing, she placed the dish she cooked in the center; I'm not sure what she called it, but I'll still eat it. I tasted what she cooked, and it was delicious. I looked at her, and she was staring at my hands.   "Why are you looking at my hand?" I asked, and Beatrice became sad.   "I don't know why, but I was suddenly sad," Beatrice explained to me.   "Sit down and eat," I instructed, and Beatrice nodded.   Beatrice sat down and began eating, and while we were eating, I heard thunder outside. The rain hasn't stopped outside yet, and I'm starting to feel like the weather is keeping up with my sadness.   "Do I cook well?" Beatrice inquired.   "Yes, it's delicious," I said, and Beatrice smiled back.   I stood up after finishing my meal.   "Good night, have a good sleep," I said as I walked away.   I returned to my room, but I could still hear Beatrice's voice.   "The documents say he's 40 years old, but he doesn't look like it."   I laughed at what she said. After all, I knew Johnny wouldn't put my actual age because I was a vampire, and I was only helping this maid because she mentioned her sick mother.   When the telephone abruptly rang, I quickly answered it.   "Who is this?" I asked who was on the telephone line.   [This is Edwardo, and we have a problem here at the market; could you please come now?] He inquired to me.   "I'm available," I said as I heard Beatrice's footsteps enter her guest room.   [All right, boss,] I hung up the phone and exited the room; I could smell Beatrice's scent, and she was in the guest room.   I left the house, got in my car, and started the engine to drive to my market. C.G Market is the name of my business, and Caroline and I are the owners. When I arrived at the market and saw Edwardo waiting for me, I immediately exited my car.   "What's the issue?" I inquired Edwardo.   "Less than a hundred boxes will be delivered tonight. I don't know what happened. We already made a physical count, and the workers won't say what happened," Edwardo said as I went inside.   They were surprised because I was present, and it was clear to them that they were terrified of me. I approached five groups that were assigned to deliver tonight.   "I came here because someone doesn't want to admit it what happened, and if you still don't admit who committed this sin, I'll make sure I bring you all heads home to your family's house," I said, and they were terrified.   "Who has done it!" I yelled, and they pushed a man, who was terrified.   "Are you the one who did it?" I asked, using my power to weaken him.   "Ah! It's me! I didn't mean to fall!" the man exclaimed, and it turned out that his reason for losing a hundred packs of blood was reasonable.   "You are suspended for three days because your reason was reasonable." I have removed the weak power that paged him.   "What are we going to do, boss?" Edwardo inquired.   "We need a hundred blood packs, and we need someone to go to the place of humans," I explained.   "Maybe the group who made a mess should be the one to do that," Edwardo explained.   "Okay, then take care of the others here; I need to go home," I said to Edwardo.   "When are you going to be active again like before?" Edwardo asked, and I came to a halt as I got into my car.   "I am not sure when," I answered Edwardo as I rode my car.   **  
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